
Tao Zhu, the fourth in command of the CCP, has a wife stronger than him, what happened to the children and descendants? The brave Whampoa Shu Ye Sheng is older than Tao Zhu' qualifications

author:Shi Hai Guanfu
Tao Zhu, the fourth in command of the CCP, has a wife stronger than him, what happened to the children and descendants? The brave Whampoa Shu Ye Sheng is older than Tao Zhu' qualifications

"The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth." —Leo Tolstoy

Some people are alive, but their souls are dead, and although some people's bodies have long been buried in the land, their souls live forever in people's hearts.

In the movie "Dream Quest", there is such a line: there will be three deaths in a person's life, the first time is the moment of breath loss, which is a biological death, the second time is when the funeral is held, the identity is erased in this world, and the third time, the real death is that no one in the world remembers you, and no one will know that you have come to this world.

As long as great people can be remembered by the world forever, they will not usher in true death. The famous revolutionary careerist Tao Zhu thus lived forever in people's hearts.

On November 30, 1969, because of the cruel persecution of the hostile faction, Tao Zhuhan died unjustly, when he was only 61 years old, but he had already struggled for more than 40 years in the cause of communism, leaving immortal achievements, and was a rare good comrade of the party and the people, and the story about him was even more popular.

Tao Zhu, the fourth in command of the CCP, has a wife stronger than him, what happened to the children and descendants? The brave Whampoa Shu Ye Sheng is older than Tao Zhu' qualifications

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In 1908, Tao Zhu was born in Qiyang, Hunan, is a descendant of a large local family, under the guidance of his uncle, Tao Zhu went to apply for the Whampoa Military Academy, became a fifth student, and also joined our party, becoming a passionate young man who struggled and dedicated himself to the cause of communism. The consciousness of home country should be deeply rooted in life from the adolescence, and patriotism should be a necessary sentiment for every young person in the device, so that a country can be full of hope.

In March 1927, the 19-year-old Tao Zhu was sent to Wuhan by the party organization, but in Wuhan, he was assigned a new job, so he was not able to return to school according to the prescribed time. Under the strict school rules, Tao Zhu became a graduate of the Whampoa Military Academy. After that, Tao Zhu joined the struggle for the cause of communism wholeheartedly, and the legendary stories about him were never broken one after another.

During the Nanchang Uprising, Tao Zhu and Xiao Ke annihilated an enemy regimental headquarters with a company; they were arrested by the British patrol in Hong Kong, and Tao Zhu cleverly escaped on the way to be escorted, and retreated with his whole body. When he was the secretary of the Military Commission of the Fujian Provincial Cpc Committee, Tao Zhu smashed the prison to rescue many party cadres who were imprisoned by the enemy, and later, during the four years of being imprisoned by the Nationalist government, Tao Zhu also taught himself politics, economics and philosophy...

Tao Zhu, the fourth in command of the CCP, has a wife stronger than him, what happened to the children and descendants? The brave Whampoa Shu Ye Sheng is older than Tao Zhu' qualifications

And excellent people can always go to the most appropriate position, to play their greatest role, to do their best to shine, and to work hard. As a great revolutionary from the old Red Army, Tao Zhu's prestige in the party can be imagined.

As a man who gave everything for the revolutionary cause, Tao Zhu also has a woman behind him who has always supported him and accompanied him to selflessly dedicate herself to the revolutionary cause, that is, his wife Zeng Zhi. The atmosphere of the family must be the source of all the courage for a person to go out and face outdoor disputes, and firm beliefs can be sublimated in the family, and ideals can be strengthened in the family.

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Zeng Zhi once said to the chairman: "For the sake of the revolution, I am ready to give everything I have." At the age of fifteen, Zeng Zhi threw himself into the revolutionary cause and became a female cadre who was regarded as a relative by the chairman. Zeng Zhi had three husbands in her life, and Tao Zhu was her third husband, as for her first two husbands, they all gave their lives for the revolutionary cause.

The acquaintance with Tao Zhu is also because the two want to play a husband and wife to hide their identity as underground party members, and in the tense and dangerous work, the two who rely on each other have feelings and become a husband and wife with comrades in arms as the premise. But as a wife, Zeng Zhi was derelict in his duties, and in the last moments of Tao Zhu's illness, Zeng Zhi also sincerely apologized for him for this. And for their children Tao Siliang, Zeng Zhi and Tao Zhu also put the revolutionary cause before the children.

Tao Zhu, the fourth in command of the CCP, has a wife stronger than him, what happened to the children and descendants? The brave Whampoa Shu Ye Sheng is older than Tao Zhu' qualifications

In order to accompany her husband to the arduous north to carry out the struggle for the revolutionary cause, Zeng Zhi handed over his daughter Tao Siliang, who had just turned four, to a disabled soldier, Lao Yang, to raise, and said that if she and Tao Zhu could not come back, the daughter would be handed over to him to raise and be his daughter.

As a revolutionary who is older than her husband' qualifications, Zeng Zhi put the revolutionary cause first in his life, and Tao Zhu also supported her without hesitation.

In that era of rapid change, danger and difficulties, Zeng Zhi and Tao Zhu had to make such a choice to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations to the country and the people in their hearts. The big country was established, the small family was reunited, and it was not until the victory of the War of Resistance that Lao Yang took Tao Siliang and his parents to reunite.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > inheritance</h1>

Tao Zhu, the fourth in command of the CCP, has a wife stronger than him, what happened to the children and descendants? The brave Whampoa Shu Ye Sheng is older than Tao Zhu' qualifications

This reunion was very difficult at the time, because he was penniless, Lao Yang had to take Tao Siliang on foot to the northeast to find his parents, and this walk was a year. After such a strong reunion, there will be no separation.

After the founding of New China, his parents' careers became more and more successful, and Tao Siliang also lived up to expectations and was admitted to the medical profession, and in 1961, he entered the Second Military Medical University of the People's Liberation Army, and after graduation, he went directly to the People's Liberation Army Hospital to become an excellent military doctor.

The days were getting brighter and brighter, but Tao Zhu's death in 1969 ruthlessly broke up a happy family.

Tao Zhu, the fourth in command of the CCP, has a wife stronger than him, what happened to the children and descendants? The brave Whampoa Shu Ye Sheng is older than Tao Zhu' qualifications

In the face of her father's death, although Tao Siliang was in great pain and took a long time to get out of her grief, she said: "You are only physically separated from us, but your spirit has always been tightly bound in my life." You used to say that we were fathers and daughters who depended on each other, and we still do. "

The selfless dedication of his father has been inherited in Tao Siliang's body, and Tao Siliang is also the author of "A Letter That Finally Sent Out - To My Father Tao Zhu", which contains Tao Siliang's nearly thirty years of articles on recalling her parents, and her affectionate tone is full of her love and respect for her parents.

Tao Zhu, the fourth in command of the CCP, has a wife stronger than him, what happened to the children and descendants? The brave Whampoa Shu Ye Sheng is older than Tao Zhu' qualifications

As the daughter of Tao Zhu and Zeng Zhi, Tao Siliang also devoted his life to the cause of serving the people. And all these spiritual sources are the most precious treasures given to her by her parents!

The value of a person's life is to use his own personal experience and spiritual strength to infect and motivate more people, and the wider and more active the scope of mobilization, the greater his value. Having depth is never a superficial appeal, but a physical way to infect and mobilize with real power, only in this way is it worth remembering and living forever!

Text/Shi HaiGuanfu

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