
Boiling onion oil noodles, Xo sauce stir-fried snail slices, sweet and sour juice duck, lamb chop stewed live crab and other home-cooked methods

author:Pony food diagram

Simple ingredients are simple to do, home-cooked food home-cooked taste, the following recommended 4 dishes, see which one is what you like, look at such a simple approach, can you master it? Is not your dish.

Boiling onion oil noodles, Xo sauce stir-fried snail slices, sweet and sour juice duck, lamb chop stewed live crab and other home-cooked methods

Lamb chops stewed with live crab

Ingredients: live crab, lamb ribs, enoki mushrooms, chopped coriander, broth, sesame oil, green onion, ginger, salt, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, pepper, vegetable oil.

1. Slaughter and wash the live crab and chop the small pieces, the crab legs are knocked open with the back of the knife; the lamb ribs are cut at the periosteum with the tip of the knife, then split by the root, and then cut 2 cm long segments, blanched with boiling water; Enoki mushrooms cut into 2 cm long segments and blanched in boiling water.

2. Heat vegetable oil in the pot, add green onion and ginger to stir-fry to make the aroma, add lamb ribs to stew nine ripe, add crab pieces, enoki mushroom section stew nine mature, add crab nuggets, enoki mushroom section stew, then add salt, pepper, monosodium glutamate and other seasoning, sprinkle with chopped coriander, drizzle sesame oil and serve.

Boiling onion oil noodles, Xo sauce stir-fried snail slices, sweet and sour juice duck, lamb chop stewed live crab and other home-cooked methods

Sweet and sour juice big duck

Ingredients: Red duck, 1/2 can of pineapple, eggplant juice, shrimp dumplings, light soup, sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, wet starch, pepper, sesame oil, dry starch, peanut oil.

1. Remove the bones of the red duck and then stick dry starch in the abdomen. Heat a pan, pour peanut oil, fry the duck until it is hard, remove it, cut it into 24 pieces, build back into duck shapes, and arrange it in a dish.

2. In the eggplant juice, sweet and sour, light two soup, add salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, pepper, use wet starch to outline, then add sesame oil, cooked oil and mix well, take up and drizzle on the duck noodles, with pineapple as the edge.

Boiling onion oil noodles, Xo sauce stir-fried snail slices, sweet and sour juice duck, lamb chop stewed live crab and other home-cooked methods

Xo sauce pop screw slices

Ingredients: dried snail slices, onion pieces, green pepper pieces, red pepper pieces, small rapeseed, xo sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate.

1. Wash the dried screw pieces and cut into slices.

2. Wash and blanch the small rapeseed, then remove and plate.

3. Heat the pot with oil, add snails, green pepper pieces, red pepper pieces, onion pieces, stir-fry on high heat until cooked, add xo sauce, salt, MSG and stir-fry well, and put the pot into a plate containing small rapeseed.

Boiling onion oil noodles, Xo sauce stir-fried snail slices, sweet and sour juice duck, lamb chop stewed live crab and other home-cooked methods

Boil the onion oil to mix the noodles

1: Boil the shallot oil: put peanut oil in the pot, cut the chives into sections (mainly green onion leaves), put the pan in cold oil, simmer until the green onion is golden brown, fish out and put it next to it, and then add the fried green onion after the onion oil becomes cold. The purpose of the cold oil pot is to avoid the chives from becoming mushy as soon as they are cooked, prolong the boiling time, and fully release the aroma of the shallots into the oil.

2, soy sauce boiling water: braised soy sauce, June fresh soy sauce, water, chicken powder a little, boil after heat preservation and reserve.

3: After the fresh noodles are cooked, control the water, put it into a bowl, pour a small spoonful of soy sauce water, then pour a small spoonful of onion oil (with fried green onion leaves), sprinkle a few steamed kaiyang (put it in a small bowl in advance, add a little water, pour in the shallot oil to steam) and serve, mix well.

Choose a few home-cooked dishes, let yourself and your family in the busy life, treat your appetite, enrich the nutrition of the body, I am a pony food map, pay attention to my daily different recipe content, there is always a suitable for you, belong to your home cooking.

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