
Chinese Hunan cuisine: sunflower shrimp cake

author:Chinese cuisine on the tip of the tongue
Chinese Hunan cuisine: sunflower shrimp cake

Sunflower shrimp cake

[Raw Materials]

Ingredients: 250 g shrimp.

Ingredients: 50 g of cooked pork fat, 50 g of peeled water chestnut, 100 g of salted bread, 50 g of melon seeds, 100 g of coriander, 4 eggs.

Seasoning: 1000 g cooked lard (100 g actual consumption), cooking wine 25 g, refined salt 4 g, monosodium glutamate 1.5 g, pepper 1 g, green onion 15 g, ginger 15 g, sugar 2 g, dry starch 20 g, wet starch 30 g, sesame oil 15 g.

Chinese Hunan cuisine: sunflower shrimp cake


1. Cut the fatty meat and water chestnut into rice grains. Shallots and ginger mashed and juiced with cooking wine. When the eggs are opened, the egg whites and yolks are placed in a bowl. Beat the egg whites into a snowflake paste. Mix the yolks with salt, wet starch and water, blanch the egg skin and cut into sunflower petals with a model blade. Pick and wash the parsley.

2. Pound the shrimp into mushrooms, add the shallot ginger wine juice, fat meat, water chestnut, fine salt, monosodium glutamate, wet starch and stir into the filling. Cut the bread into 4 cm diameter discs and count 20 slices, spread them on a board, evenly spread a layer of shrimp filling, paste the sunflower petal-shaped egg skin around the shrimp filling, cover it with a layer of snowflake paste, and then insert melon seeds on the snowflake paste to form a sunflower shrimp cake raw blank.

3. Put the wok on the high heat, put in the lard to 50% heat, put the sunflower shrimp cake raw blank on the leaky board together, fry it with warm heat until the bread is golden brown, pour oil on the surface and fry it to cook, fish it out and put it on the plate, drizzle with sesame oil, and spell the parsley.

Chinese Hunan cuisine: sunflower shrimp cake


Shrimp contains 17 grams of protein and 2 grams of fat per 100 grams, and is rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron, which have the effect of tonifying kidneys and aphrodisiacs. Sunflower shrimp cake is an innovative dish developed by chefs at the reception of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee. This dish pays attention to the collocation between the main ingredients, but also pays attention to the fine shape of the process, so the color is bright, the shape is exquisite, the sunflower blossoms are vivid, the caramel is crisp and crispy, and the taste is delicious.

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