
The hotel's signature dish - jujube lotus steamed sunflower chicken, grilled fish Fu, strange flavor chicken fresh shrimp cake jujube minced lotus fragrant steamed sunflower chicken grilled fish Fuqi flavor chicken fresh shrimp cake


<h1>Steamed sunflower chicken with jujube minced lotus</h1>

The hotel's signature dish - jujube lotus steamed sunflower chicken, grilled fish Fu, strange flavor chicken fresh shrimp cake jujube minced lotus fragrant steamed sunflower chicken grilled fish Fuqi flavor chicken fresh shrimp cake

This dish is based on the skin of the yellow meat tender sunflower chicken as the main ingredient, plus fungus, yellow cauliflower, red dates dried, spread on the lotus leaves together steamed, changed the slightly pale appearance of the chicken, into the dish yellow, black, green and red embellishment brightening, selling mixed but not chaotic, very tempting; the fragrance of lotus leaves, the fresh aroma of chicken and the aroma of red dates blend and collide, the taste is very rich in layers.

Increase knowledge

Sunflower chicken sunflower chicken is not a breed of chicken, but because of the unique feed fed to feed it - this chicken feeds on fresh sunflower seeds, sunflower leaves, etc. feed, and long-term drinking sunflower stalk squeezed juice, so the skin is yellow and crisp, the meat is tender, and with a faint sunflower aroma, common practices include stewing, white cutting, steaming, etc., because the sunflower chicken taste fresh, so there is no need to add too many seasonings when making, so as not to cover the natural taste of chicken.

Batch prefabrication:

Soak the dried broccoli in water for half an hour, drain it, and spread it into the steamer basket and set aside.

Cooking process:

1, after washing the sunflower chicken into small pieces, take 300 grams of chicken nuggets, add ginger slices (ginger into diamond-shaped small pieces) 20 grams, put 8 grams of oyster sauce, 5 grams of soy sauce, 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of chicken powder, 1 gram of sugar, 5 grams of dark soy sauce, 10 grams of dried starch, add 40 grams of soaked fungus, 20 grams of yellow cauliflower, 15 grams of peanut oil, mix well and marinate for 8 minutes, spread into a steamer basket with lotus leaves, sprinkle 10 grams of dried dates, steam in the steaming box for 6 minutes.

2: Steam the marinated chicken nuggets in a steaming box for 6 minutes

3: 40 grams of chives, pour 80% hot peanut oil 50 grams of incense, take out the steamed chicken, pour the green onion oil evenly on top.

Technical key:

1. Compared with fresh dates, the choice of red dates is not rotten after dry steaming, and the aroma is more intense.

2. When making, simply steam until the chicken is just cooked and then take it out immediately to ensure its soft and juicy taste.

Tasting Experience:

The oil under the skin of the sunflower chicken is golden and bright, which is the color of the sunflower petals, which is naturally more attractive than other chickens after steaming; the meat is tender and smooth, refreshing, carefully tasted, there is indeed a faint sunflower fragrance, and the aroma is stronger after the chicken bone is chewed, and slightly sweet.

<h1>Grilled fish Fu</h1>

The hotel's signature dish - jujube lotus steamed sunflower chicken, grilled fish Fu, strange flavor chicken fresh shrimp cake jujube minced lotus fragrant steamed sunflower chicken grilled fish Fuqi flavor chicken fresh shrimp cake

Grilled fish is a classic local specialty, using tooth slices of fish to clean the meat, after selection, washing, grinding, beating, brewing, grilling and other steps, highlighting the exquisite skills of the chef. This dish is shaped like a treasure, salty and smooth, white as snow, melting in the mouth, feeling wonderful, can be described as the highest realm of fish eating. Nowadays, in order to reduce costs, some shops will also choose silver carp meat into the dish.


1, the silver carp remove two pieces of meat, and then use scissors to nail the meat to the board, use the knife to slowly scrape off the fish meat (if you choose the tooth slice fish, put it on the board, draw a knife from the middle of the body, remove the four pieces of clean meat, and then remove the skin of the fish to get the net meat into the dish).

2: Put a total of 50 grams of green onion and ginger slices into the bowl, add 300 grams of water to grasp and pinch out the flavor, and filter out the residue of the green onion and ginger water.

3. Incorporate the scraped fish into the bowl, pick out the root fish bones, and choose the red meat.

4: Put the fish into a gauze bag, rinse into the water and rub it off the blood, then squeeze out the water. Pour 300 grams of net fish into the blender, add 6 grams of salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 1 egg white, 5 grams of cooking wine, 10 grams of aquatic flour, start the machine, and drizzle the green onion and ginger water while twisting until all 300 grams of green onion and ginger water are integrated into the fish and twisted into a fine paste, poured into the basin.

5, put the grilled fish into the gauze bag and rinse with water, the washed fish is white and flawless, pour the fish into the blender, add spices and green onion ginger water, and grind into a fine paste.

6: Whisk the stranded fish paste in the same direction, pour 15 grams of salad oil and mix well.

Production Process:

1. Squeeze the prepared fish stock out of the tiger's mouth, scoop it into a flat shape with the help of a spoon, put it into a cold water pot, turn on a low heat until it is floating and mature, and drain it. With the help of a spoon, squeeze into flat round fish balls and cook in cold water.

2. Heat the oil under the pot, put in 5 grams of garlic slices to fry the pot, put down the clear soup 150 grams, adjust the salt 3 grams, MSG 2 grams on low heat, put in the fish, the vegetable heart of the water, the fungus slowly grilled for 1-2 minutes until through, pour the onion ginger oil and then put it into the container, you can serve.

Features: salty and smooth, white as snow, soft and tender taste.

Master click

1. Be sure to pick the red meat and wash it well, otherwise the dish is not white enough.

2. When grinding fish paste, you must grasp the ratio of meat to water, about 1:1, otherwise the prepared fish feed is not tender enough, and the taste of the dish is older.

3. Finally, drizzle a little onion ginger oil or chicken fat, otherwise the dish is not bright enough.

4. Do grilled vegetables should pay attention to the heat, do not use the fire, otherwise it will be the raw materials old. This dish is no exception, if the last step is to use high heat, the fish will not only paste the pot, the meat will also become old, and the previous achievements will be abandoned!

<h1>Strange chicken shrimp cake</h1>

The hotel's signature dish - jujube lotus steamed sunflower chicken, grilled fish Fu, strange flavor chicken fresh shrimp cake jujube minced lotus fragrant steamed sunflower chicken grilled fish Fuqi flavor chicken fresh shrimp cake


Shrimp, chicken breast, minced ginger, eggs

1, peppercorns add water to simmer for 15 minutes, then cool naturally, boil the peppercorns water to low heat,

2: Mix fresh chicken and shrimp with a little ginger and pepper water

3: Put the shrimp and chicken into the machine and beat into a paste, change the beaten and add pepper water

4: Pour into the blender, beat all the raw materials into a paste, you can also chop with a knife, and then beat hard

5: Add the beaten filling to the eggs and season

6: Add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken powder, whole eggs, paprika, a little starch, salad oil and spread evenly in a tray

7. Put it in a tray and start steaming, the steaming time is about 12 minutes

8, on the steaming drawer to control the time to steam, take out the round mold and press it into a circle or your favorite shape, you can also cut into rectangles and place them into your favorite shape

9: Fry the prepared shrimp cakes in rapeseed oil on both sides until golden brown

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