
Strict selection of food: Zhixiang four seasons beans, dry steamed hand-caught lamb, egg tofu steamed meat foam, spicy lotus slices

author:God Eater Pavilion

Chinese cuisine embodies the food culture tradition of the Chinese nation, and it also has many unique features compared with the cuisine of other countries in the world.

Diverse flavors: The Chinese nation with a vast region, due to the differences in climate, products, customs and habits in various places, since ancient times, many different cuisines have been formed in the Chinese diet. As far as local divisions are concerned, there are four major cuisines: Bashu, Huaiyang, Qilu, Guangdong and Fujian.

The four seasons are different: the four seasons of the year, according to the seasons of the mixed diet, is the main feature of Chinese cooking. China has always followed seasonal seasoning and side dishes, with mellow flavor in winter and light and cool in summer. Winter more stew simmering, summer more cold mix frozen. All kinds of vegetables are replaced at four o'clock and eaten at the right time.

Pay attention to the beauty of the dishes. Pay attention to the color, aroma, taste, shape, and coordination of food, the expression of the beauty of the dish is multifaceted, the chefs use their clever skills and artistic accomplishment to shape a variety of cuisines, unique to achieve the unity of color, aroma, taste, shape, and give people a high degree of spiritual and material unity of special enjoyment.

Pay attention to taste: Chinese cooking has paid attention to taste since ancient times, not only has strict requirements for the color, aroma, taste, shape, shape, quality and nutrition of food snacks, but also has certain elegant requirements in the naming of dishes, the way of taste, the choice of time, the rhythm of eating, and the interspersing of entertainment.

Strict selection of food: Zhixiang four seasons beans, dry steamed hand-caught lamb, egg tofu steamed meat foam, spicy lotus slices

Shiba fragrant four seasons beans

Ingredients: 1 handful of beans, 1/2 carrot, salt, balsamic vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil, cooked white sesame seeds;

Method: 1, the four seasons of beans remove the bean tendons, cut into thin strips obliquely, put in a pot of boiling water and cook for about 3 minutes,

2, after cooking the beans, fish out the cold water, drain the excess water and put it in a large bowl.

3, carrot shredded also in boiling water pot to fish out the cold, and beans together, add salt, balsamic vinegar, sugar,

4: Mix the soy sauce and sesame oil evenly, put it on the plate, and finally sprinkle with cooked white sesame seeds and garnish it.

Strict selection of food: Zhixiang four seasons beans, dry steamed hand-caught lamb, egg tofu steamed meat foam, spicy lotus slices

Dry steamed hand grab lamb

raw material:

900 grams of lamb meat, 100 grams of water hair vermicelli, 50 grams of minced chili peppers, 25 grams of minced peppercorns, 30 grams of minced vegetables, 20 grams of ginger slices, 50 grams of green onion knots, 10 grams of ginger rice, 20 grams of garlic rice, 50 grams of mash juice, 15 grams of coriander, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper powder, allspice powder, pine meat powder, dry starch, white sugar, white soy sauce, salad oil.


1: Wash the lamb, chop the bones into 5 cm long strips, soak in clean water to remove the blood, and drain the water.

2: Mix well with ginger slices, green onion, salt, pepper, five-spice powder, pine meat powder, mash sauce, etc., and marinate for about 40 minutes.

3: Pick off the ginger and shallots, put the pot on the fire, add the salad oil to heat, add the minced pickled chili pepper, minced wild pepper, ginger rice, garlic rice and squeezed vegetables and stir-fry until fragrant.

4: Add sugar and monosodium glutamate, stir-fry well, then pour into the lamb, then add an appropriate amount of dry starch and mix well. Put the water hair vermicelli into a plate at the bottom, put on the top row of delicious lamb, then sealed with plastic wrap, steamed in the basket with high heat, taken out, remove the plastic wrap, drizzle with white soy sauce, sprinkle with chopped coriander, and drizzle with a little hot oil.

Strict selection of food: Zhixiang four seasons beans, dry steamed hand-caught lamb, egg tofu steamed meat foam, spicy lotus slices

Egg tofu steamed meat foam


1. Beat 2 eggs with 1 g salt, white pepper and 1 egg in cold boiled water

2. Open the lactone tofu and spoon into the egg with a small spoon

3. Slightly and evenly

4. Add water to the steamer and boil the egg and tofu and steam for 10 minutes (you can add plastic wrap to make the tofu more tender)

5. Chop the red pepper, pepper and shiitake mushrooms separately

6. Sauté chives and garlic in hot pan with cold oil

7. Sauté the meat filling and sauté the rice paste (that is, stir-fry until the meat is stuffed one by one, slightly yellow

8. Add dark soy sauce to color and cook cooking wine to remove fishiness

9. Add the minced shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry well

10. Add boiling water, salt and sugar to taste and cook for 2 minutes

11. Add the red pepper and pepper and sauté well

12. Add water starch to collect the soup

13. Pour the meat foam on the steamed egg and tofu and sauté until it is broken, add the slices of meat and stir-fry, add salt and chicken essence to taste

Strict selection of food: Zhixiang four seasons beans, dry steamed hand-caught lamb, egg tofu steamed meat foam, spicy lotus slices

Spicy lotus slices

Ingredients: 1 lotus root, balsamic vinegar to taste, soy sauce to taste, sesame oil to taste, sesame oil to taste, a little sugar, minced garlic according to personal taste;


1. Peel and wash the lotus root and cut in half. Put it into a pot of cold water, cover the pot and cook for about 15 minutes;

2. Remove the lotus root, cool it slightly, cut it into thin slices and put it on a plate;

3. Add 1 tsp balsamic vinegar, 2 tsp soy sauce, 2 tsp oil, 1 tsp sesame oil, sprinkle chopped garlic, and finally sprinkle 1 tsp sugar.

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