
The most cruel dish in "Dream of the Red Chamber" is the direct lamb meat by caesarean section

author:Push the flavor
The most cruel dish in "Dream of the Red Chamber" is the direct lamb meat by caesarean section

Chinese will eat, there is no doubt about that.

Chinese not only pursue the ultimate taste in eating, but also pay attention to the harmony of yin and yang, hot and cold. But there is one thing that Hao Tsai cannot accept, that is, in order to achieve the so-called therapeutic health effect, extreme cooking methods are adopted.

In the "Top Ten Cruelest Dishes in China" circulated on the Internet a few years ago, the inhumane way of cooking made the full sense of happiness that should have been brought by food disappear, replaced by nausea and nausea, as well as a vague and inexplicable sense of guilt.

In fact, in "Dream of the Red Chamber", there is also a dish with some bloody cooking methods - steamed lamb with milk.

In the forty-ninth episode of "Dream of the Red Chamber", Bao Yu and the sisters ate in Jia Mu's house, and the head dish was steamed lamb with cow's milk. Jia Mu said: "This is the medicine of our old people, and we have not seen the light of day." It's a pity that you little ones can't eat. ”

Our country has long regarded lamb as a good tonic, and lamb is a representative of food and medicine, which has the power to make up for weakness and benefit qi and blood. An elderly person like Jia Mu, even if he is usually healthy and disease-free, but the various organs of the body inevitably gradually age, there will be symptoms of "weakness". For the elderly, lamb meat can supplement the deficiency, play a role in promoting metabolism, enhancing physical fitness, and prolonging life.

However, for young people who are in the development stage, such as Baoyu and Daiyu, their organ function and growth and development are normal, and they do not need to supplement. If you apply warm supplements, there may be developmental disorders or other diseases. This is also the reason why "it's a pity that you little children can't eat".

The lamb used in Jia Fu is "something that has not seen the light of day", that is, a lamb that has been forcibly dissected before it is born. That is, the pregnant ewe's belly is cut open and the sheep fetus is removed.

The most cruel dish in "Dream of the Red Chamber" is the direct lamb meat by caesarean section


Gently cut open the coat of the sheep fetus before the day, release the amniotic fluid, and wash the sheep fetus with clean water


Use a knife to cut open the sheep's abdomen, remove the internal organs, remove the milk hairs on the sheep fetus, place it in the basin and brew it with cold live water for 2 hours, wash the blood water, and remove the mucus.


Put the wok on the fire, put in boiling water, soak the lamb fetus until the skin of the lamb fetus is stretched, then wash it with cold boiling water, drain the water and rub the sheep fetus inside and out with salt, white wine and pepper. Water hair silver ear destele, pluck and wash clean set aside.


Use a purple casserole pot, add chicken broth, fresh milk, salt, chicken essence, green onion, ginger, white fungus and lamb fetus, seal the casserole dish with cotton paper, steam it in the basket, and pick the onion and ginger when serving.

Although Hao Tsai is neither a vegetarian nor has any intention of raising the banner of humanitarianism to raise the banner of injustice for pregnant ewes. However, individuals believe that the ultimate goal of food is to bring happiness to people.

If you can't agree with the way it is cooked, then even if the food is beneficial to the body and mind, then your psychology when eating it has a large shadow, which goes against the essence of the food. Therefore, for this cooking process of more "bloody" milk lamb meat, even if Hao Zi needs it when he is old, it is not sensitive and cannot bear it.


Illustration / Fan Hong, Zhu Yanan

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