
11th National Day Tourism Tip Feast, Local Food Recommendation - Ningxia "Steamed Lamb"

Steamed lamb is a famous snack that is popular in the Tongxin and Kaihara areas and is made in many restaurants. (Image courtesy of Oriental IC)

11th National Day Tourism Tip Feast, Local Food Recommendation - Ningxia "Steamed Lamb"

Ningxia lamb meat is tender and delicious, without a strong taste. Lamb meat is best selected from the chest fork, upper spine, chopped into rectangular strips, washed with cool water, placed in a bowl, put ginger, green onion, garlic; then put a few raw peppercorns, basket steamed for about 30 minutes; and then buckled to the soup plate on the table, with vinegar, garlic juice, salt and other spices to accompany the food. (Image courtesy of Oriental IC)

11th National Day Tourism Tip Feast, Local Food Recommendation - Ningxia "Steamed Lamb"

Ingredients: lamb (with bone), flour. spring onion. Fresh ginger, coriander, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper oil, vegetable oil. (Image courtesy of Oriental IC)

11th National Day Tourism Tip Feast, Local Food Recommendation - Ningxia "Steamed Lamb"

Preparation: Lamb meat with bone chopped into small pieces, with fine salt MSG, pepper oil and an appropriate amount of flour mixed into the flavor and then placed in a small bowl, on top of the green onion, fresh ginger, and then basket steamed to cook. When eaten, sprinkle with coriander and accompany dry food buns. (Image courtesy of Oriental IC)

11th National Day Tourism Tip Feast, Local Food Recommendation - Ningxia "Steamed Lamb"

Features: The meat is soft and tender, and the green onion is fragrant. (Image courtesy of Oriental IC)

11th National Day Tourism Tip Feast, Local Food Recommendation - Ningxia "Steamed Lamb"

According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", mutton has the effect of "replenishing vitality, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and benefiting the waist and kidneys". Lamb with warm and nourishing effects is favored by Lanzhou people, and among the various cooking methods of lamb, the most attractive and exquisite flavor is Lanzhou Althea lamb. (Image courtesy of Oriental IC)

11th National Day Tourism Tip Feast, Local Food Recommendation - Ningxia "Steamed Lamb"

Ningxia lamb meat is tender and delicious, without a strong taste. Lamb meat is best selected from the chest fork, upper spine, chopped into rectangular strips, washed with cool water, placed in a bowl, put ginger, green onion, garlic; Add a few more raw peppercorns and steam for about 30 minutes. (Image courtesy of Oriental IC)

11th National Day Tourism Tip Feast, Local Food Recommendation - Ningxia "Steamed Lamb"

Lamb is a sensational meat, neither as blunt and shallow as pork, nor as thick and monotonous as beef, lamb is tenderer than them, and the taste is aggressive. (Image courtesy of Oriental IC)

11th National Day Tourism Tip Feast, Local Food Recommendation - Ningxia "Steamed Lamb"

This is a pleasant derailment for the lonely tongue of taste - if someone invites you to "eat pork to go", you might as well go home; If someone says, "Eat lamb," it seems to be somewhat provocative. (Image courtesy of Oriental IC)

11th National Day Tourism Tip Feast, Local Food Recommendation - Ningxia "Steamed Lamb"

Sheep is a pure herbivorous animal, so lamb is more tender than beef meat, easy to digest, high protein, low fat, more phospholipids, less fat content than pork and beef, less cholesterol content, is one of the delicious winter cold and warm supplements, can receive supplements and cold protection dual effects.

Pay attention to the "Huang Xiaohua Inventory", an inventory every day to expand your knowledge. (Image courtesy of Oriental IC)

11th National Day Tourism Tip Feast, Local Food Recommendation - Ningxia "Steamed Lamb"

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