
Stir-fried lamb from Kang Yatou

author:Kang Yatou's gourmet workshop
Stir-fried lamb from Kang Yatou
Stir-fried lamb from Kang Yatou

Ingredients: 500 g lamb, onion slices, red pepper slices, vermicelli

Seasoning: salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, red oil, coriander segments, green onion segments each a little


1, wash the lamb meat, cut into pieces; vermicelli foam hair, wash

2, Heat the oil pot, sauté the lamb, add onion, vermicelli, red pepper and green onion while sautéing until the lamb is broken

3, Add water to boil, add salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, red oil, sprinkle with coriander

Kang Yatou offers: Put some cumin to remove the smell of lamb

Nutritional reviews: Liver protection and kidney protection

Suitable for people: It can be eaten by ordinary people, especially for men

Food contraindications: external sensations of evil, vegetarian body heat should not be eaten

Stir-fried lamb from Kang Yatou

@ Kang Yatou --- fireworks in the world, the most soothing to the hearts of mortals.

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