
There is a delicacy called Huangqu Bridge Stir-fried Lamb

All the way north in Yinchuan, Ningxia, there is a small town famous for its cuisine, and many diners come for a dish: fried lamb from Huangqu Bridge

There is a delicacy called Huangqu Bridge Stir-fried Lamb

Huangquqiao Town has four specialties: Huangquqiao stir-fried lamb, sugar hemp, old tofu, and lentil cold powder

There is a delicacy called Huangqu Bridge Stir-fried Lamb

Huangqu Bridge stir-fried lamb meat color, aroma, taste, shape is good, fat but not greasy, brown and red color, tender meat flavor, in addition, kidney yang deficiency, waist and knee soreness, abdominal cold pain, lack of fatigue can be used lamb meat as a therapeutic product

There is a delicacy called Huangqu Bridge Stir-fried Lamb

Huangquqiao stir-fried lamb meat is not only rich in nutrients, but also has great benefits for tuberculosis, tracheitis, asthma, anemia, postpartum qi and blood deficiency, cold pain in the abdomen, cold stomach, malnutrition, soft waist and knees, impotence and premature ejaculation and all cold diseases

There is a delicacy called Huangqu Bridge Stir-fried Lamb

Braised tofu with cabbage, it is delicious in the light, and it is soft with tendons, which is endlessly evocative

There is a delicacy called Huangqu Bridge Stir-fried Lamb

Cold mixed goji berry seedlings, both gourmet and dietary therapy, can be used for liver yin deficiency or liver fever caused by dizziness, night blindness, or red astringent pain, membranes; deficiency fever, thirst quenching dry mouth; virtual fire toothache and other effects

There is a delicacy called Huangqu Bridge Stir-fried Lamb

There is a delicacy called Huangqu Bridge stir-fried lamb, and there is a way to "eat lamb in winter and race ginseng, spring, summer and autumn food is also strong"!! Welcome to follow my headline number (the world), pay attention to more food, beautiful scenery information.

There is a delicacy called Huangqu Bridge Stir-fried Lamb

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