
This will definitely have a glove mask! !️ soft brushed water legal coconut small meal packet

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
This will definitely have a glove mask! !️ soft brushed water legal coconut small meal packet

I've been really hooked on coconuts lately, and it's so fragrant that every time I bake it, the neighbors say they smell it

By Ye Wanting 💪 you are the best


High powder 260 g

Sugar 30 g

1 egg

Milk 120 g

Fresh yeast/dry yeast 9 g/3 g

Butter 20 g

Salt 2 g

Coconut filling

Minced coconut 60 g

Butter 25 g

Powdered sugar 30 g

Egg liquid 30 g

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

This will definitely have a glove mask! !️ soft brushed water legal coconut small meal packet

1, 1⃣️, except for butter and salt and yeast all the ingredients into the chef cylinder into a dough, and then cover the plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight 2⃣️, refrigerate overnight the dough to tear into small pieces, put into the chef machine to add fresh yeast, select the default noodle mode. After 10 minutes, look at the state of the coarse film, add butter and salt to stir, 6 minutes to see the state. I can pull out a strong film ~ glove film 3⃣️ , take out and put it in a basin to cover with plastic wrap. Put in the oven at 28 degrees to ferment 2 times larger. Room temperature fermentation is also possible in summer

This will definitely have a glove mask! !️ soft brushed water legal coconut small meal packet

2. 4⃣Divide the fermented dough into 9 parts. Roll round cover plastic wrap and wake up for 20 minutes. 5⃣️, press the flat and wrap the coconut filling in turn, roll the circle into the 6⃣9-inch non-stick mold ️, oven fermentation mode 35 degrees. Put a bowl of hot water, the water is cool to remember to change Ha, fermentation 1.5 times larger. Brush the surface with a layer of egg mixture, sprinkle with minced 7⃣coconut ️, and preheat the oven 180 degrees in advance. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Coloring should be covered with tin foil

This will definitely have a glove mask! !️ soft brushed water legal coconut small meal packet

3, super soft small meal package our family will be done in one day

This will definitely have a glove mask! !️ soft brushed water legal coconut small meal packet

4, visible brushing soft Oh

This will definitely have a glove mask! !️ soft brushed water legal coconut small meal packet

5, Hay's M5 light sound chef machine comes with a fixed mode, no longer worry about not knowing what gear to use, and there is a memory function After the pause, it will continue the previous operation, do not worry about forgetting the time too much like

This will definitely have a glove mask! !️ soft brushed water legal coconut small meal packet

6. Come and try it

<h2>Nutritional benefits of high powder</h2>

Nourish the heart, benefit the kidneys, remove heat, quench thirst, treat irritability, irritability, thirst, diarrhea, carbuncle, trauma bleeding and burns.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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