
Local Cuisine: Lollipop Chicken Shreds: Spicy, Tender and Delicate Slag: Secret Flavor Cuisine Twenty-fifth Bullet

author:Eat a family
Local Cuisine: Lollipop Chicken Shreds: Spicy, Tender and Delicate Slag: Secret Flavor Cuisine Twenty-fifth Bullet

Ingredients to prepare:

Baby rooster 700 g, refined salt 7 g, monosodium glutamate 5 g, chili oil 25 g, oil 5 g, sesame oil 15 g, sugar 10 g, white vinegar 8 g, soy sauce 12 g, green onion 25 g.

Production Process:

1. Wash the baby rooster, remove internal organs, stray hairs, add 30 grams of cooking wine to boiling water, fish out, control the water and let it cool.

2. Wash the green onion, leaving the green onion white and cut into thin strips and place on a plate.

3. Mix the salt, monosodium glutamate, chili oil, pepper oil, sesame oil, sugar, white vinegar and oil evenly to make a sauce.

4. Take out the cool chicken, remove the large and small bones, beat the chicken with a stick to make the meat soft, then tear the chicken into chicken shreds, put it on the plate on top of the green onion, pour in the sauce, stir well.

Key Notes:

The heat of boiling chicken should be mastered, and if it is boiled for a long time, it will be old and affect the taste. (Bring to a boil on high heat and simmer over low heat)

This dish is a must-have dish for local stalls, and you can make a profit after mastery. Be sure to choose baby rooster, the taste is excellent. Alternative free-range chickens.

Chicken with constant trial can only have a 70% taste.

Taste and flavor:

Spicy and tender, delicate slag.

This article is for reference only, there are incomplete kinds, I hope you understand. Welcome to communicate and make a good dish. I hope you will support you.

Local Cuisine: Lollipop Chicken Shreds: Spicy, Tender and Delicate Slag: Secret Flavor Cuisine Twenty-fifth Bullet
Local Cuisine: Lollipop Chicken Shreds: Spicy, Tender and Delicate Slag: Secret Flavor Cuisine Twenty-fifth Bullet

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