
Zhou Wu Wang Ji Ji Ping Introduction Who is the mother of Zhou Wu Wang Ji Fa

author:Interesting history

Zhou Wu Wang Ji Ji Ping profile

King Wu of Zhou was the founder of China's feudal history, and he founded a dynasty called Zhou. This dynasty, in order to distinguish it from the later Eastern Zhou, was also known as the Western Zhou.

Zhou Wu Wang Ji Ji Ping Introduction Who is the mother of Zhou Wu Wang Ji Fa

King Wu of Zhou was now a second-generation official, and his father's officialdom was not small, the monarch of a small country. After inheriting his father's country, King Wu of Zhou did not blindly deny the policies and guidelines of his predecessors like other successors, because his lord Zhou Wen was a wise monarch. So he continued to use his father King Wen of Zhou's chancellor, that is, the strategist Jiang Ziya, who had worked hard to recommend him, and his wisher took the bait and also attracted the attention of King Wu of Zhou.

King Wu of Zhou used people as sages, but he also did not shy away from using people as relatives, and after he became a monarch, he reused his brothers Dan and Yi because he valued their ability to govern the country.

The most glorious time of King Wu of Zhou's political career was to send troops to conquer the then ruler of the Shang Dynasty, King Huan, because King Huan practiced tyranny, and the common people could not stand what he did, so King Wu of Zhou's crusade was supported by the people, from the initial idea to put it into practice, King Taoguang of Zhou Wu was obscure and not impatient, it took a total of nine years, but it is gratifying that he finally won a total victory in the war in which he participated in a large number of people.

King Wu of Zhou also did a remarkable thing after this war, that is, to promote the system of sub-feudalism to the whole country. The courtiers who contributed to the war all received land in the implementation of his system, which was also an effective reward for their hard work along the way, which was the work of a generation of Ming Emperors.

Who was the mother of King Ji Fa of Zhou Wu

King Wu of Zhou's mother, name: Tai Ji (太姒), was born in Dongwang Township, Heyang County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, and was a tribal person; It is also said that he was born in qiguo (now a generation of Qixian County, Henan Province, and later moved to present-day Xintai, Shandong Province, and then moved to Singing music and in the Zhi'anqiu generation), the state of Qi, which is now (the ruins of the ancient city of Qiguo in the northwest of Xiangcheng, Cangshan County, Shandong Province).

Zhou Wu Wang Ji Ji Ping Introduction Who is the mother of Zhou Wu Wang Ji Fa

As for where King Wu of Zhou's mother came from, it remains to be examined.

Legend has it that King Jichang of Zhou Wen first met the mother of King Wu of Zhou, that is, Tai Ji, in the present-day Guoyang area, and the historical records describe that Tai Ji was not only beautiful and beautiful, but also very loving, and her life was very frugal, simple and simple. The "Guan Ju" in the "Book of Poetry" tells the love story of Zhou Wen Wang Jichang who fell in love at first sight when the two met.

Ancient people also had a high evaluation of Tai Ji, describing it in the Daya Wen Wang's Shi Si Qi: "Si Qi Da Ren, the mother of the Wu King, Si Mei Zhou Jiang, the wife of the Jing Room." The great concubine emblem is pronounced, then the hundredth man".

After marrying King Wen of Zhou, da ji was very loved by the elders, according to the current words, that is, she could go to the hall and the kitchen, and respect the old and love the young, which is a traditional woman. Da Ji was also a great mother, and he and King Wen of Zhou gave birth to ten males, and they were educated by Da Ji from an early age, so that they never did anything illegal. Therefore, from the perspective of various performances, many ancient people's evaluation of the big ji in writing is real, all from the heart of the admiration, they in order to let the great image of the big ji have been known to future generations, so written in the historical materials, let the posterity know.

Who was King Wu of Zhou of Western Zhou

Who king Wu of Zhou was, on this issue, people familiar with history know that he was the founder of the Zhou Dynasty, Ji Fa who destroyed the last tyrant of the Shang Dynasty, the second son of Ji Changzheng's wife, and from the perspective of his children, he was the father of King Cheng.

Zhou Wu Wang Ji Ji Ping Introduction Who is the mother of Zhou Wu Wang Ji Fa

King Wu of Zhou has a strong charisma, and recognizing this is very important to clarify who King Wu of Zhou is, and his charm is first manifested in his outstanding military ability. After leading 40,000 troops to defeat the Shang Dynasty's nearly 200,000 troops, he proved this with the most convincing iron proof. The demise of the Shang Dynasty is the best evidence of king Wu's military prowess.

In order to understand who King Wu of Zhou is, in order to understand his charisma, it is also necessary to know the political decisions he made after becoming the monarch of a new generation of unified countries. He first buried those who had been mutilated by the King of Lu, such as Bigan, who possessed the Seven Tricks of Mind. He also released the freedom of those imprisoned by the King of Sui to exchange their freedoms, such as Miko. After that, he divided the meritorious ministers and the descendants of the previous monarchs, of course, King Wu of Zhou did not forget to follow his brothers, giving them a certain range of land and the people living on it.

Of course, this was not all that King Wu of Zhou had done, and he did not care about his previous suspicions, and invited Jizi, who had previously been imprisoned by the King of Zhou, but had extremely high ability to govern the country, out of the mountain, and rewarded him with the hope that he could put forward a good policy for governing the country in his favor.

Overall, it is important who King Wu of Zhou is, if it were not for the fact that he led the army against the inhumane rule of king Huan in the last years of the Shang Dynasty, then the current historical trend is likely to change, he is an emperor with an important historical role, we need to remember this.

Zhou Wu Wang Ji Ji Ping Introduction Who is the mother of Zhou Wu Wang Ji Fa

According to rumors, it is said that King Jichang of Zhou Wen had a hundred sons, but it is not known whether they are true or false. However, there are eighteen of them in history. Perhaps the rest are the righteous sons of King Wen of Zhou, there is no historical data to check, and it is impossible to know whether they are all smaller than King Wu of Zhou, so I will not say more here. And among the sixteen younger brothers, there were also a few very famous. Except for the eldest brother Bo Yi kao died early. Ji Fa down is Guan Shuxian and Zhou Gongdan.

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