
Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

author:Yin Jianli's parents' school
Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

Fun, easy, easy to learn,

It's as simple as making your child fall in love with breakfast

Butterfly Butterfly Orchid

Once upon a time,

In a mountain of great beauty,

There is a quiet valley,

There is a pool of clear water in the empty valley.

One day, a lone butterfly was attracted by the beauty of the mountains,

Unconsciously, I came to this empty valley.

When I was overwhelmed by the unparalleled tenderness and the charm of eternity,

And the intoxication of the lonely and intoxicated water and the emptiness of the world,

"Finally found what I dreamed of"

The butterfly speaks in the heart

"This made me find your place for a thousand years, the Empty Valley."

On a starry night,

When a beautiful meteor streaks across the sky,

The butterfly made its only wish in life:

When the golden wind rises, the white dew begins to arrive,

In the moment when the disc turns to dust,

I hope that the love of a thousand years can become the seed of life and spread all over the empty valley.

The meteor transformed into a graceful arc and returned to the void.

In the coming year, when the mountains are full of flowers,

In the empty valley, a valley of purple orchids, Phalaenopsis orchids, really sprouted.

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

Dragon Fruit Edition Butterfly Orchid

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

Materials Big Revealed

Main plate: Red heart dragon fruit + salad dressing + black tahini

Staple food: pork + chives + eggs + wonton skin + ginger + bitter chrysanthemum

Small bowl: mash + egg + water

Dried fruit: walnut + almond + cashew

Master plate construction

■ First of all, use a small brush dipped in black tahini to draw the leaves of the phalaenopsis orchid to drink the stem part, and the leaf vein part is outlined with a toothpick;

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

■ Peel and slice the red heart dragon fruit, and use the tip of the fruit knife to carve out the shape of the petals and place them at the top of the painted branches;

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

■ Squeeze the salad dressing in the middle of the flowers and use a brush to pull the salad dressing out twice;

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

■ Then use black tahini to extend the branches, take a piece of dragon fruit, cut out two small pieces of jujube cores and place them at the end of the painted branches;

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

■ The main disc shape is completed;

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you
Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

Raw fried fresh meat small ravioli

【 Material Preparation 】

Pork stuffing 350g / ravioli skin 50 pcs

6 slices of ginger / 1 chives

1 egg

【 Preparation of accessories 】

3 tbsp light soy sauce / ground white pepper to taste

Peppercorn powder a little / salt to taste

Sesame oil to taste / 1 tbsp cooking wine

■ First of all, to mix the filling, minced pork or directly buy ground meat (the meat is preferably fat and lean) put on an egg, minced green onion and ginger, cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, pepper powder, white pepper, sesame oil, a small amount of water (water should be added a little bit, stir with chopsticks in one direction);

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you
Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

■ Stir until the glue starts;

■ Take a ravioli crust and add the meat filling. Fold the upper corner to cover the meat filling, and pinch the edge slightly with your right hand;

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you
Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

■ The two corners are close together to the middle, slightly dipping a little water in the corner of the pressure, and pinching tightly with the thumb and forefinger;

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you
Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

■ The wontons are wrapped;

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

■ Heat the oil, add the wrapped wontons, dry fry until the bottom of the wontons is golden and crispy, pour in a little cooking wine;

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

■ Turn the ravioli over, add some water, do not pass the ravioli, about one-third of the ravioli position;

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

■ Wait for the soup to be all dry on high heat, sprinkle with a little sesame garnish, and the two sides of the ravioli can be reversed several times to get out of the pot;

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you
Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you
Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

Mashed egg flower soup

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

2 eggs / goji berries 8 g

Mash to taste

【 Seasoning Preparation 】

Water to taste

■ The amount of mash is about the same as in the following figure (about 5 tablespoons);

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

■ Beat the eggs and set aside;

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

■ Bring cold water to a boil, pour in egg liquid (slowly in a circle), add goji berries and mash, and cook until it boils again;

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you
Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

■ Mash egg flower soup is ready;

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

Did you learn about today's breakfast?

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

▼ Breakfast "Zhi Eat Poetry" time

Let love flow on the table and poetically awaken a beautiful morning

《Wing Butterfly Butterfly Orchid》

Modern Anon

Yu Xiang is suspected to be out of Qiong Yao, pink and purple Yan red with green bananas.

It should be Rong Feiqin Khan dance, dancing colorful butterflies to come to the dynasty.

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

Octopus Mom has something to say

Unconsciously, breakfast has been made for 261 issues,

Mother Octopus has received a lot of support and affirmation from friends.

Watching the works sent by everyone's mailbox getting better and better,

The heart is also beautiful!

I hope you can get what you want here,

In the days that followed,

Mother Octopus is willing to continue to share her experience and creativity with you.

Make making breakfast not only innovative but also fun,

It's easier to get started!

Fried small wontons + sweet mash egg flower soup| even if you are busy, you will make breakfast for you

In addition, everyone is welcome to leave a message to tell the octopus mother:

What is the biggest problem you encountered in this 261 issue?

What do you most want to learn from these 261 issues?

This 261 issue, do you have better and better ideas?


Everyone is welcome to send it to the exclusive mailbox of Mother Octopus

[email protected]

Mother octopus is waiting for you here, not to be seen!

If you have more thoughts and suggestions for this show

Welcome to leave a message or tell us in the background!

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