
The collision of fish and sheep stewed out the so-called world's freshest fish and sheep fresh, winter supplementary soup fish and sheep fresh cooking tips today's topic

author:Chef Zhang, who loves to eat

Fish bites sheep, heavenly immortals, completely untouched two kinds of food, collided together, the taste is so unforgettable. Friends who have drunk fish and sheep must know that this must be a dish that cannot be forgotten after drinking, the soup is milky white, and the stomach is warm and cold. Fish is a high-protein, low-fat, low-calorie food, lamb on the general cold cough, chronic tracheitis, kidney deficiency impotence, body weakness and fear of cold, waist and knee soreness, qi and blood loss and all other deficiencies have therapeutic and tonic effects, the encounter of the two, the perfect integration of the advantages of both sides. This soup must be made for the family to taste.

The collision of fish and sheep stewed out the so-called world's freshest fish and sheep fresh, winter supplementary soup fish and sheep fresh cooking tips today's topic

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > fish and sheep fresh</h1>

Ingredients: Fish and lamb chops

Ingredients: shiitake mushrooms, sand ginseng, Huaishan, angelica, ginger slices, goji berries

Step 1: Wash a piece of lamb chop with skin, (southerners generally eat lamb with skin, northerners generally use to peel) cut into appropriate size of lamb pieces, put into cold water, add onion and ginger to soak for half an hour to remove blood water.

The collision of fish and sheep stewed out the so-called world's freshest fish and sheep fresh, winter supplementary soup fish and sheep fresh cooking tips today's topic

Step 2: Blanch the lamb in water, cut the lamb in cold water, add the appropriate amount of cooking wine, and bring to a boil over high heat. After blanching the lamb, remove the water and wash it.

The collision of fish and sheep stewed out the so-called world's freshest fish and sheep fresh, winter supplementary soup fish and sheep fresh cooking tips today's topic
The collision of fish and sheep stewed out the so-called world's freshest fish and sheep fresh, winter supplementary soup fish and sheep fresh cooking tips today's topic

Step 3: Pour the washed lamb into the net pot and stir-fry, (the fried lamb can remove its peculiar smell as much as possible, and can also achieve the effect of an incense)

The collision of fish and sheep stewed out the so-called world's freshest fish and sheep fresh, winter supplementary soup fish and sheep fresh cooking tips today's topic

Step 4: After the lamb is heated, add the appropriate amount of rice wine and stir-fry until the lamb has a slight brown feeling. Blanch and pour into clean water.

The collision of fish and sheep stewed out the so-called world's freshest fish and sheep fresh, winter supplementary soup fish and sheep fresh cooking tips today's topic

Step 5: Put the shiitake mushrooms, sand ginseng, Huaishan, dang ginseng, a little angelica, ginger slices, put them in a pot of water, add a little pepper, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, and simmer for half an hour on medium heat.

The collision of fish and sheep stewed out the so-called world's freshest fish and sheep fresh, winter supplementary soup fish and sheep fresh cooking tips today's topic

Step 6: Heat the oil in the pan, put the fish in the pan and fry until fragrant, and then turn the noodles over after the bottom is fried. Fry and set aside.

The collision of fish and sheep stewed out the so-called world's freshest fish and sheep fresh, winter supplementary soup fish and sheep fresh cooking tips today's topic

Step 7: When the mutton soup is boiled, the soup is very fragrant and strong, pour into a casserole, boil and then put the fish, then put the goji berries, heat for 5-8 minutes, and try to let the fish noodles come into contact with the soup during the process of cooking the fish.

The collision of fish and sheep stewed out the so-called world's freshest fish and sheep fresh, winter supplementary soup fish and sheep fresh cooking tips today's topic
The collision of fish and sheep stewed out the so-called world's freshest fish and sheep fresh, winter supplementary soup fish and sheep fresh cooking tips today's topic

Step 8: After eight minutes, add the right amount of salt, season with fish sauce and you can get out of the pan.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > cooking tips</h1>

1. If you want the fish to be fried but not rotten, you have to wait for that noodle to be fried before turning the other side.

2. Don't cook the fish too badly, otherwise it is easy to drink the soup to the thorns, or take the fish out after cooking and drink the soup.

3. Southerners can add a small piece of rock sugar when cooking soup, which tastes better.

Such a delicious dish of fish and sheep fresh is ready, to ask me how to evaluate this soup, there is only one word, fresh! Lamb is not fattened, fish is not fishy. Fish and sheep are cooked together, the fish can slightly balance the anxiety of the lamb, nourishing the fire, really worthy of the dishes left by the ancestors. Every day I listen to others say how fresh the fish and sheep are, only when you do it yourself do you know how fresh it is. It's getting colder and it's time for this soup to show up at your table.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > today's topic</h1>

Have you ever drunk the fish and mutton soup, which is known as the "freshest in the world"? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below.

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