
It is known as "the world's freshest", rich in nutrition, after the Qingming to eat more, calcium supplementation and brain health

author:Top kitchen delivery

"The world's freshest" clams! 1 way to eat to strengthen iron absorption, large supplement vitamin C, after the Qingming to eat more! Clams have the reputation of "the world's freshest", and they are representative of iron-rich ingredients, and minerals such as calcium and zinc are also rich, which is a good thing that can be cooked with umami and boiled soup. Clams, komatsu vegetables, and tofu are trios rich in iron! Greens such as Komatsu are not only rich in iron, but also have vitamin C that can help iron absorption, killing two birds with one stone. In addition, soy foods such as tofu and natto are also rich in iron.

It is known as "the world's freshest", rich in nutrition, after the Qingming to eat more, calcium supplementation and brain health

Clams are amazingly nutritious not in meat! Japanese chefs push "Komatsu vegetable clam tofu soup" to nourish the brain and accelerate postoperative body recovery! Clams are rich in umami ingredients and minerals, Japanese chefs share that the best way to eat clams is to boil together with shells, is the right way, chef recommended a "komatsu vegetable clam tofu soup" to help nourish the brain, strengthen the brain and accelerate postoperative body recovery.

It is known as "the world's freshest", rich in nutrition, after the Qingming to eat more, calcium supplementation and brain health

Among the ingredients that japan's terroir has bred, the chef wants everyone to re-examine the clams. Chef said that Japan is full of shells, and presumably there is no second ethnic group in the world besides the Japanese who is so close to shellfish, and even piles up so many shells.

It is known as "the world's freshest", rich in nutrition, after the Qingming to eat more, calcium supplementation and brain health

Chef pointed out that there are many mythical stories of shellfish in the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, and the protagonist of The Daughter's Day is also shellfish. Clams have been an important food for the Japanese people since ancient times. There are so many shellfish in Japan that you can find them under your feet when you go to the beach, and you can catch shellfish everywhere.

It is known as "the world's freshest", rich in nutrition, after the Qingming to eat more, calcium supplementation and brain health

< h3 class="mth-header" > clams contribute to brain nerve activity</h3>

Chef says the ingredients of clams help the nerves of the brain function. Including The craftsmen in charge of the shrine's Buddhist pavilion building, the traditional crafts carefully handmade by the Japanese are famous all over the world, and some people say that these beauties, the beauty of appreciation, and the delicate sensibility are cultivated by eating shellfish.

It is known as "the world's freshest", rich in nutrition, after the Qingming to eat more, calcium supplementation and brain health

"It's too wasteful to throw away the shells, and I think you have to get nutrients from them." Chef points out that based on her developed instincts, she cooks clams for longer. In addition, if you cook shellfish into a soup, the taste is lighter, so I thought of adding "mirepoix" (thinly sliced onions, carrots, celery, parsley stalks, bay leaves, white pepper) made of fragrant vegetables in French cuisine.

It is known as "the world's freshest", rich in nutrition, after the Qingming to eat more, calcium supplementation and brain health

<h3 class="mth-header" > clam vegetable soup nourishes the brain and body and eliminates fatigue</h3>

The chef said that the pot is heated with white wine and clams, and when the shell is opened, add water and seasoned vegetables, and slowly simmer for 30 minutes to make a clam French clear soup. The clams are cooked together with seasoned vegetables and have a fuller flavor and are very nutritious. It is very difficult to get patients to eat shellfish, but if it is a clam french broth, you can take nutrients such as zinc that you need after surgery.

It is known as "the world's freshest", rich in nutrition, after the Qingming to eat more, calcium supplementation and brain health

Chef shared that after undergoing major surgery, she asked her apprentice to cook clam French clear soup for Miss Ma Chiga every day. Thanks to this soup, she was able to resume her normal diet 2 weeks after the operation. If she feels nervous fatigue while writing, she will also drink this soup, so that the fatigue will not linger until the next day.

It is known as "the world's freshest", rich in nutrition, after the Qingming to eat more, calcium supplementation and brain health

<h3 class="mth-header" > shellfish "body fluid" is rich in umami and minerals</h3>

The professor, who studies diet, said he found that the meat and shells of shellfish contained amazing ingredients, and the "body fluid" filled between the meat and shells of shellfish was rich in umami ingredients and minerals. Therefore, the professor said that it was a pity to eat only the meat of shellfish, and that boiling together with shells was the right way. Chef said she didn't start cooking shellfish soup because she knew about it. "Such a beautiful shell, there must be ingredients that should be ingested from the shell", just thinking about it, Presumably it is a flash of intuition.

It is known as "the world's freshest", rich in nutrition, after the Qingming to eat more, calcium supplementation and brain health

<h3 class="mth-header" > 1 trick clam effectively spit sand and remove salt! </h3>

By putting the clams in a sieve and soaking them in a water-filled conditioning basin, you can avoid sucking the spit out sand back. Soaking in salt water with a saltiness comparable to that of seawater will make the sand more thorough, and soaking fresh water will be easier to remove salt. It is best to cover it with newspaper and put it in the dark. Scrub the shell after about 1 hour and stir it by hand to make the clams more flaky.

It is known as "the world's freshest", rich in nutrition, after the Qingming to eat more, calcium supplementation and brain health

<h3 class="mth-header" > [Komatsu vegetable clam tofu soup].</h3>

For 4 persons:

200g clams, 1/2 piece of tender tofu, 2 to 3 small pine vegetables, 1 clove of garlic (sliced).


3 cups water, 10 cm kelp, 10 g dried fish, 1 tbsp sesame oil, a pinch of soy sauce.


❶ Let the clams spit sand and cut the small pine vegetables into 2 cm pieces.

❷ Put the seasonings in a pot and cook until it is almost boiling, turn off the heat. After the soup is cooled, fish out the konbu and dried fish.

❸ In another pot, add sesame oil and garlic slices, sauté over medium heat and pour in the clams and ❷. When the clams are cooked until the shell is open, add the tofu and pine vegetables cut into small pieces and season with soy sauce.

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