
Jiangsu on the tip of the tongue, come to Nantong must try this cuisine, known as "the world's freshest"

author:Foodie Xiaohong

Nantong is a prefecture-level city in Jiangsu Province, located in the southeast of Jiangsu, east of the Yellow Sea, with a history of more than 1,000 years of city building, a long history, profound cultural heritage, is a national historical city, but also the first "world longevity capital". Here is rich in tourism resources, every year tens of thousands of tourists come here to play, of course, for everyone who comes to Nantong, in addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery, it is indispensable to taste the local food. As a famous historical and cultural city, Nantong's food culture is even more profound, and there are countless kinds of food and snacks, so it is also worthwhile to come to a special trip.

Jiangsu on the tip of the tongue, come to Nantong must try this cuisine, known as "the world's freshest"

What are the famous foods in Nantong that are worth tasting? As a coastal city, Nantong has four seasons of fish and crab fat shrimp, natural seafood is one of the must-eat delicacies, and its Chinese clams are at the top of the list of must-eat. Nantong wen clam is the top of the shellfish seafood, according to records as early as the Tang Dynasty Nantong clam was listed as a tribute to the imperial court, its meat is delicious, rich in protein, fat, calcium and many other nutrients, known as "the world's freshest".

Jiangsu on the tip of the tongue, come to Nantong must try this cuisine, known as "the world's freshest"

Nantong wen clam is also called flower clam, round clam, but also because its shell is thick with patterns, the shell is bright white, the shape resembles the ancient weapon moon axe, so it is also called the moon axe. Wen clams taste extremely tender, and rich in nutrition, eating methods are also diverse, can be fried, can be fried, can be stewed, can be eaten, etc., and in Nantong the most popular way to eat is fried clams, into a dish full of liquid, smooth and tender taste, fresh crown group vegetables.

Jiangsu on the tip of the tongue, come to Nantong must try this cuisine, known as "the world's freshest"

Nantong fried clams are delicious, and the method is not difficult

Ingredients: 3 catties of clams (1500 grams), a piece of green onion, 30 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 15 grams of water starch, 40 grams of water chestnut, cooking wine, salt, 60 grams of pork plate oil, sesame oil, a small piece of ginger, and a suitable amount of rice wine.

Step 1: Wen clams into water soaked in spit sand, almost 1 hour later with a knife to break open the shell of the clams to take out the meat inside, here must be careful to scratch the hand, but also to put away the clothing film on the meat of the clams, take out and put into the bowl, pour water in one direction to stir, clean and then fish out the control water, add yellow wine, salt, ginger pickling to fishy.

Step 2: Put the wok on the fire, boil the water and add the pork plate oil prepared in advance, add the clam meat when it is 80% hot, and then put it out after changing color.

Step 3: Wash the wok and then add pork to burn 60% or 70% hot, add the water chestnut slices, green onions and shiitake mushrooms prepared in advance and stir-fry evenly, add clam marinade, salt and boil, then add water starch to hook the mustard, then put the fried clam meat into the pot and stir-fry evenly, add sesame oil before coming out of the pot.

Jiangsu on the tip of the tongue, come to Nantong must try this cuisine, known as "the world's freshest"

Wen clams eat is an umami taste, we must pay attention not to blanch the water before frying, after the boiling of the clams will lose its original umami taste, nutrition is also lost. Of course, Nantong is rich in clams, and almost all restaurants in Nantong can eat this dish. Among them, the Nantong Rudong County Clam is the most famous, and it is also exported to Japan, Europe and other places. Legend has it that during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, when the Qianlong Emperor went down to Jiangnan, local officials once served with clams, and after the Qianlong Emperor tasted it, Long Yan Was pleased and said: This thing is extremely fresh, and it can be called the world's first fresh.

Jiangsu on the tip of the tongue, come to Nantong must try this cuisine, known as "the world's freshest"

Of course, in addition to the clams, Nantong also has Nantong's well-known special food shortbread, fat and delicious Haimen goat meat, one of the three fresh Nantong knife fish in the Yangtze River, crisp and delicious grass stove baked cake, etc., too much too much Xiaohong here is not introduced one by one, if you also know what nantong has a famous food, welcome to leave a message below to discuss.

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