
It's cold, and it's time to make a steaming fish and sheep soup at home with lamb and yellow bone

author:Drunken beauty

#What to eat in October #The weather is cold, friends pay attention to keep warm! Listen to them, eat lamb hot pot in winter, or eat a steaming dog meat in some places, or better! However, for people who love food, it is better to make lamb hot pot in winter, but it is not often eaten. So, how to make a simple delicious hot pot at home, let's make a home-cooked meal together today.

Home-style version of the fish and sheep hot pot method, at home, see if you can make delicious fish and sheep soup.

It's cold, and it's time to make a steaming fish and sheep soup at home with lamb and yellow bone

Ingredients: 2 pounds of fresh lamb, 6 pieces of yellow bone.

Initial processing of ingredients:

1, cut the lamb into about 20 cm pieces, and then soak in cold water for 30 minutes, then add cold water to the pot and put in the lamb blanching water, so that the lamb will be firmer.

2, stewed lamb: with dried pepper, ginger, salt, the lamb stew for more than 45 minutes, try to use chopsticks can be inserted, you can. After the meat is cold, you can cut it into pieces of about 5 centimeters.

3: Treat the yellow piercing bones, fry the yellow piercing bones in vegetable oil until golden brown on both sides.

It's cold, and it's time to make a steaming fish and sheep soup at home with lamb and yellow bone

The production process of fish and sheep soup:

1, first add a certain amount of water to the yellow bone, cover and simmer until the soup is milky white, then put in the appropriate amount of salt, after boiling, then put the prepared lamb into the stew together,

2, prepare some base accessories, put in some white radish strips, and then conditionally, you can put in a little ginseng, goji berries, angelica, etc., and then pour the stewed yellow bone and lamb into the pot, and then turn on the low heat, slowly you can drink soup and eat meat.

It's cold, and it's time to make a steaming fish and sheep soup at home with lamb and yellow bone

Friends try to make it at home Oh, see if it tastes good, of course, if I like to eat chili, I will make a chili dipping sauce, eat it, only to give strength.

The weather is cold, friends, pay attention to keep warm, but also eat on time!

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