
Food recommendation: Chicken balls with Thousand Island Sauce, Chicken with Shallot Oil, Fried Tofu with Fish Flavor, And Tofu with Pulp

author:Folk poetry

Fish fried tofu

Food recommendation: Chicken balls with Thousand Island Sauce, Chicken with Shallot Oil, Fried Tofu with Fish Flavor, And Tofu with Pulp

Ingredients: 1 box of tofu (900G), 1 green onion, 4 cloves of garlic, 4 slices of ginger, 3 small red peppers, 2 tablespoons of chili sauce, a little water starch, a little salt, a little chicken powder;


1. Cut the tofu into thick slices of about 8 mm, evenly apply salt on the surface, leave it for more than half an hour, let it fully taste, drain the water;

2. Cut the green onion into green onions, shred the ginger, slice the garlic, (industrious friends are chopped, the taste is better). Red pepper shredded, set aside;

3. Wipe the water on the surface of the tofu clean, fry the oil in the pot, fry until the surface is golden, turn over, fry until the other side is golden, fish out and set aside;

4. In the same pot, add onion, ginger, garlic and pepper in the oil of fried tofu to fry until fragrant, then pour in the tofu and add water until it is less than half of all the tofu;

5. Add salt, chicken powder, chili sauce, let the water boil, cover the pot and turn to low heat and simmer for 8-10 minutes;

6. Open the lid, high heat, pour water starch to collect the juice;

Food recommendation: Chicken balls with Thousand Island Sauce, Chicken with Shallot Oil, Fried Tofu with Fish Flavor, And Tofu with Pulp

Thousand Island Juice Chicken Ball

Ingredients: 450 grams of chicken thigh meat, 11 mustard hearts, 10 grams of Thousand Island juice, 2 grams of minced garlic, 5 grams of chicken powder, 1 gram of pepper, 5 grams of salt, 1 g of sesame oil.


Slice the chicken thighs, add salt, monosodium glutamate, corn starch, flour and water for 20 minutes, and slide in 40% hot oil to form balls.

Leave the bottom oil in the pot, put a little garlic and Thousand Island juice, then put the chicken balls in, add the soup, salt, chicken powder, sesame oil, pepper, and put the oil pot on the plate.

After the mustard hearts are blanched, leave a little bottom oil in the pot, put the mustard hearts cooking wine and stir-fry the soup slightly, and start the pot yard on the side of the chicken balls

Food recommendation: Chicken balls with Thousand Island Sauce, Chicken with Shallot Oil, Fried Tofu with Fish Flavor, And Tofu with Pulp

Wrap the pulp tofu


Old tofu, baking soda, salt, folded ear root, coriander, shallots, garlic, chili noodles, pepper noodles, allspice powder, sugar, soy sauce, cumin powder, white sesame seeds, fresh fennel

1. Cut the old tofu into chunks, soak in water filled with salt and baking soda, and soak for 4 hours.

After 2.4 hours, gently remove the tofu and wash it with water and set aside.

3. Add chili noodles, pepper noodles, five-spice powder, cumin powder and freshly fried oil in a bowl.

4. Add garlic, salt, soy sauce, sugar, cold and cold while hot, add green onion, fennel and folded ear roots.

Preheat the oven at 5.200 degrees celsius and brush thinly over the baking sheet with seasoning oil.

6. Place the tofu, brush with a little seasoning, and heat up and down at 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

7. Drizzle with the remaining seasonings, then bake in the oven at 150 degrees celsius for 5 minutes.

Chicken in shallot oil

Food recommendation: Chicken balls with Thousand Island Sauce, Chicken with Shallot Oil, Fried Tofu with Fish Flavor, And Tofu with Pulp

Ingredients: chicken, water, cooking wine, salt, large ingredients, cinnamon, five-spice noodles, shredded green onion and ginger, monosodium glutamate, oil

1. Wash the chicken and put it in the pot, add water, add cooking wine, salt, large ingredients, cinnamon, five-spice noodles, cook and take out the pot together with the soup, cover and simmer for 2 hours to take out the cut into pieces and hold the pot.

2. Add shredded onion and ginger, monosodium glutamate and a little original soup, then boil the oil and pour it out and pour it on the shredded onion and ginger.

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