
Food selection: Chicken balls with Thousand Island Sauce, Yangzhou Fried Rice, Braised Chicken with Mangosteen Shoots, Dried Stir-fried Pork Shredded

author:A pinju cuisine

Yipinju cuisine sharing: The history of different countries is long and short, the territory is large and small, the strength is strong and weak, the population is large and small, and the ethnic composition, religious belief, political nature and economic structure are also different, so the food culture of various countries is not the same. With the improvement of personal consumption level, everyone's concept of food is different. Under the influence of many factors such as the philosophical thought of yin and yang and five elements in traditional Chinese cultural education, Confucian ethical and moral concepts, the nutrition and health theory of traditional Chinese medicine, as well as cultural and artistic achievements, food aesthetic fashion, national character characteristics and many other factors, the working people have created Chinese cooking techniques that have stood in the annals of history and formed a profound Chinese food culture. From the perspective of historical evolution, the earliest can be traced back to the taigongwang period at the end of the Shang Dynasty "alias: Jiang Ziya", Chinese food culture lasted for more than 3100 years, divided into raw food, cooked food, medicinal diet health, natural cooking, scientific cooking 5 stages of development, the launch of more than 60,000 kinds of traditional dishes, more than 20,000 kinds of industrial food, colorful feasts and colorful flavor genres, won the reputation of "culinary kingdom". From the connotation point of view, Chinese food culture involves the development and utilization of food sources, the use and innovation of food utensils, the production and consumption of food, the service and reception of catering, the operation and management of catering and food industry, and the relationship between diet and Guotai Min'an, diet and literature and art, diet and the realm of life, etc., which are profound and broad! From the perspective of extension, Chinese food culture can be classified from various angles such as times and techniques, region and economy, ethnicity and religion, food and utensils, consumption and level, folklore and function, showing different cultural tastes, reflecting different use values, and colorful. From the perspective of characteristics, Chinese food culture highlights the theory of nourishing and helping the whole camp (vegetarian-oriented, attaching importance to medicinal diet and supplements), the realm of the harmony of the five flavors (distinctive flavor, palatable zhen, with the reputation of "tongue dish"), the Chinese cuisine that is strange and mutually changing, and the following small series start today's cuisine

Thousand Island Juice Chicken Ball

Food selection: Chicken balls with Thousand Island Sauce, Yangzhou Fried Rice, Braised Chicken with Mangosteen Shoots, Dried Stir-fried Pork Shredded

  Ingredients: 450 grams of chicken thigh meat, 11 mustard hearts, 10 grams of Thousand Island Juice, 2 grams of minced garlic, 5 grams of chicken powder, 1 gram of pepper, 5 grams of salt, 1 gram of sesame oil.


  1. Slice the chicken thigh, add salt, monosodium glutamate, corn starch, food powder and water for 20 minutes, and slide into a ball in 40% hot oil.

  2: Leave the bottom oil in the pot, put a little garlic and Thousand Island juice, then put the chicken balls in, add the soup, salt, chicken powder, sesame oil, pepper, hook the pot and put it on the plate.

  3: After blanching the mustard hearts, leave a little bottom oil in the pot, put the mustard hearts cooking wine and stir-fry the soup slightly, and start the pot yard on the side of the chicken balls

Yangzhou fried rice

Food selection: Chicken balls with Thousand Island Sauce, Yangzhou Fried Rice, Braised Chicken with Mangosteen Shoots, Dried Stir-fried Pork Shredded

  1. Prepare the ingredients: diced carrots, green beans, corn kernels, cucumbers, two eggs, sausages, shrimp, chives.

  2. Dice the cucumber, dice the sausage, beat the eggs, chop the chives and set aside.

  3 Add 1/2 egg white to the shrimp, grasp a small spoonful of starch and marinate for 10 minutes.

  4 Add some water to the pot, bring the water to a boil, add corn, green beans and carrots into the pot and blanch the water for later.

  5. Add a little oil to the pan, heat the oil and add the shrimp and stir-fry. When the shrimp turn white and mature, they can be served for later.

  6. Add a little oil to the pot, heat the oil and pour the corn, green beans, carrots, cucumbers and sausages into the pot, add a little salt and stir-fry well.

  7. Add a little oil to the pan, heat the oil and pour in the egg mixture, beat the eggs while sautéing.

  8 Pour the rice into the pan and stir-fry evenly.

  9. Pour the vegetables into the pot and stir-fry well. Add a pinch of salt, white pepper, MSG and stir-fry evenly!

  10 Pour the shrimp into the pan, then stir-fry with a little sesame oil and stir-fry well.

Braised chicken with mangosteen shoots

Food selection: Chicken balls with Thousand Island Sauce, Yangzhou Fried Rice, Braised Chicken with Mangosteen Shoots, Dried Stir-fried Pork Shredded


  1. Soak the mangosteen shoots in warm water.

  2: Wash and cut the mangosteen shoots into pieces after soaking. The onion is rooted and knotted so that it is easy to fish out. Slice the ginger.

  3: Chop the chicken thighs into pieces.

  4: Take a deep pan, pour a little oil, slowly heat, put the green onion and ginger in.

  5: After stir-frying the aroma, turn off the heat, put the chicken thigh meat into the pot, and use the remaining temperature of the pot to stir-fry the chicken a few times.

  6: Add mangosteen shoots.

  7. Season. Add salt, sugar, soy sauce, peppercorns, pepper and cooking wine.

  8, pour into the water, the amount of water should be more, to put enough at a time and no longer add. Seasonings should also be put enough at a time and not added. In this way, add the lid of the pot to open on medium-low heat and slowly simmer and slowly collect the juice, and after about 1 hour or so, it is completely complete.

Food selection: Chicken balls with Thousand Island Sauce, Yangzhou Fried Rice, Braised Chicken with Mangosteen Shoots, Dried Stir-fried Pork Shredded

Dry sautéed shredded pork

1. Cut the pork into 5 cm long strips, add salt and 1 teaspoon soy sauce and mix well. 2. Heat the oil in a wok until it is 50%, add the dried chili peppers and fry until the aroma comes out, then scoop out the chili peppers and set aside. 3. Heat the oil in the pot to 70%, add chili sauce, ginger and garlic and fry for 30 seconds, then participate in the shredded meat stir-fry dry water vapor, about 6 minutes. Pour the dried chili back into the wok and add the dried tofu and sauté together for 5 minutes. Add celery and sauté for another 2 minutes. Add soy sauce and stir-fry well and serve.

Summary: Chinese cuisine embodies the food culture tradition of the Chinese nation, and it also has many unique features compared with the cuisine of other countries in the world. Xiaobian shares food, inadequacies, I hope that the majority of netizens identify and evaluate, exchange and learn (a pinju cuisine), think that Xiaobian sharing is useful, if you do not know what to cook, you can collect it

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