
33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

author:Tranquil clear skies

I once saw an article that read: "At present, food can always have some thoughts, or hungry qianjiao, observe before eating, think in the middle of eating, simmer after tasting, eat for nature, chew quietly, gently taste, extraordinary rhyme." Eating is a kind of happiness, taste is a kind of fun, and transparent ink fragrance feels the spicy salty and sweet in the text, which is a kind of happiness. Those who can eat get a heart-warming enjoyment; those who can eat find a peace of mind. "Savor it, have a deep understanding!" Food has now become a part of our lives, life, slowly walking, slowly living, life does not need gorgeous coats, nor does it need sweet words, life needs to eat three meals a day, and live every day plainly. Each of us has our own living habits, in order to meet everyone's different dietary needs, every day select different dishes to share with everyone, together for the wonderful life of every day!

Dry pot chicken wings

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: Chicken wings, onions, green peppers, dried chili peppers, shallots, ginger, garlic, salt, sugar, cooking wine, soy sauce, soy sauce, vinegar.


1: Wash and drain the chicken wings and add salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, soy sauce, vinegar and green onion and ginger to mix well and marinate for more than 3 hours.

2: Cook the chicken wings over low heat.

3: Stir-fry the garlic in another oil pan and add beef sauce, onion, sugar and green and red peppers to stir-fry evenly

Fried chicken slices with apricot abalone mushrooms

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: 300 g chicken breast, 2 apricot abalone mushrooms, 1 bell pepper, 1/4 onion, 3 g salt, 2 g sugar, 5 g freshly ground black pepper, 2 cloves of garlic, 8 g starch, 15 g oyster sauce, a small amount of water, sesame oil 5ML


1. Wash the chicken breast, slice it, add half salt, half sugar, half black pepper, half starch and a small amount of water to grasp well and set aside; cut bell pepper into pieces, onion into cubes, apricot abalone mushrooms into slices, garlic crushed

2. Take an empty bowl, add the remaining salt, sugar, black pepper, oil consumption, sesame oil and other spices, add starch and set aside

3. Pour a small amount of oil into the pot, then put in the apricot abalone mushrooms and fry them, and when they are almost cooked, they will be fished out

4. Stir-fry the chicken, pour a little oil, add the onion and garlic to the sauté, and then add the chicken, apricot abalone mushrooms and bell pepper pieces together and stir-fry well

5. Drizzle in the mixed sauce, stir-fry well and collect the juice to get out of the pot

Roasted meat with white radish

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: 300 grams of pork belly, 1 white radish, ginger and garlic to taste, 2 star anise, 2 spoonfuls of rock sugar, 1 spoonful of dark soy sauce, salt to taste

Method 1. Cut the pork belly into pieces, cut the white radish into pieces, and slice the ginger and set aside.

2. Place the pork belly in a pot and sauté over low heat.

3. Sauté until the surface of the pork belly is slightly yellowish and the oil is oozing out, then put the ginger slices and two star anise into the pot and sauté to bring out the aroma.

4. Add 2 tablespoons of rock sugar and 1 tablespoon of old soy sauce into the pot and sauté until the rock sugar melts and colored.

5. Pour the right amount of hot water into the pot, then add 2 teaspoons of salt. Bring to a boil over high heat and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

6. Put the white radish in the pot and simmer for 20 minutes.

7. Collect the juice and serve.

Sausage fritters fragrant rice porridge

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: 1 cup rice, 3 sausages, 2 fritters, 2 grams of salt, 1 water, and 1 green onion

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients

2: Wash the sausages and green onions, slice the sausages, cut the fritters into small pieces, and cut the green onion into small pieces

3: Wash the rice and add the right amount of water to the rice cooker

4: Cover the pot, select the function key, and start cooking porridge

5: After the porridge is boiled, put in the sausage first

6: After the sausages are cooked, add fritters and stir well

7: After the porridge is cooked, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste

8: After adding salt, sprinkle with green onion.

Potato stew

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

2 bowls of rice about 400 grams, 1 medium potato, salt to taste, oil to taste

Practice the rice is washed clean

Peel the potatoes

Cut potatoes into small squares the size of fingernails

Add the right amount of oil in the pan, fry the potato pieces until golden brown, sprinkle with the right amount of salt to taste

Put the rice in the pot and add water to cook rice as usual, put in the fried potato pieces, after the rice is simmered, use chopsticks to mix the rice and potato pieces evenly, cover the lid and simmer for another 15 minutes

Braised cabbage hearts

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: vegetable hearts, garlic, green onion, soy sauce

1: Wash the vegetable hearts, cut off the head and set aside

2: Bring water to a boil and blanch the hearts of the vegetables

3: Blanch the vegetables until they are green, and add the appropriate amount of oil to the pot

4: Then scoop up the plate

5, start the oil pot, crush the garlic, cut the green onion into green onions, put the pot over the oil, then add soy sauce to make the seasoning, drizzle on the top of the dish, plate

Dry pot chicken

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: 1/2 chicken, 200 g soybean sprouts, 10 g chives, 8 cloves of garlic, 20 g of ginger, 20 pieces of dried red peppercorns, 2 star anise, 10 peppercorns, 10 grams of sautéed white sesame seeds, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp of eggs, 2 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp chicken essence, 1 tbsp cooking wine, 1 tbsp hot water, 1/4 tsp ground black pepper, 1 tsp balsamic vinegar

Directions: 1, cut the chicken into pieces, cut the chives into long pieces, chop the garlic and ginger into minced, cut off the roots of the soybean sprouts,

2. Cut the dried red pepper into sections;

3: Add salt to the diced chicken and marinate 1/4 egg for 30 minutes;

4, put the soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, chicken essence, cooking wine, water into the bowl and mix well;

5, the wok is hot, put in a little oil, cool oil into the chicken nuggets, sauté over medium heat;

6, slowly fry until the chicken nuggets shrink, the grease inside forced out;

7: Heat the pot, pour the oil into the pot again, add the peppercorns, star anise, ginger and garlic, green onion white sections, dried red peppers and sauté over low heat to bring out the aroma;

8: Pour in the chicken nuggets, drizzle in the seasoning, black pepper, stir-fry over high heat, add chives and balsamic vinegar, stir-fry until the water is completely dry;

9: Heat a dry pot on the heat, add a little oil, add soybean sprouts and salt, and slowly fry until the soybean sprouts are broken;

10: Pour the chicken nuggets on the dry pot, sprinkle with white sesame seeds, and eat while heating on the dry pot.

Double bamboo shoot shrimp

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: appropriate amount of spring shoots, appropriate amount of lettuce, a little sea shrimp, a little salt, a little white pepper, a little cooking wine, a little soy sauce.

Directions: 1, spring shoots treat clean, lettuce peeled and washed.

2: Cut the spring shoots and lettuce into cubes and set aside.

3: Peel and peel the shrimp shrimp and marinate with a little salt and cooking wine. Can be marinated with an egg white and a small amount of starch.

4: Pour a small amount of oil into the pot, and when it is about 50% hot, add the marinated shrimp.

5: Sauté until discolored, drain and set aside.

6: Heat the bottom oil in the pot, add the double bamboo shoots and stir-fry, add the shrimp, cook a small amount of cooking wine, drizzle with soy sauce, and use salt to finally season the pot.

Pork belly roasted tofu

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: old tofu, pork belly, garlic seedlings, ginger, Pixian bean paste, chicken essence, five-spice powder, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, starch

1. Wash and cut the pork belly into small pieces, wash and cut the tofu into slices, cut the garlic seedlings obliquely into segments, chop the Pixian bean paste, and cut the ginger into strips.

2. Heat the oil, put in the tofu slices, fry until golden brown on both sides, pour out and set aside.

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add pork belly, stir-fry until it changes color, add two small spoons of cooking wine and stir-fry well, then add Pixian bean paste, ginger shreds and stir-fry evenly, add fried tofu, add two small spoons of old soy sauce and fry until colored.

4. Add boiling water that has not been all ingredients, and then add the appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence and five-spice powder.

5. Cover the pot, simmer for 20 minutes, remove the lid, turn the heat to thicken the soup.

6. Add garlic seedlings and stir-fry well, pour in the water starch to outline the thin mustard.

Stuffed spring shoots

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

3 spring shoots 100g minced pork, 10g carrots, 10g ginger appropriate amount of green onion, appropriate amount of sesame oil, appropriate amount of soy sauce, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of starch, appropriate amount of pepper, appropriate amount of broth

1, wash the spring shoots, shell and remove the old roots, cut in half, peel and mince the ginger, wash and chop the green onion;

2. Put the processed spring shoots into the dish, pour in the appropriate amount of broth, put it in the steamer and simmer for 30 minutes, then take out the drainage juice and set aside;

3, pork minced meat with cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, pepper, sesame oil, ginger, whisk in one direction to make meat filling;

4: Pour the broth into the pot and add chopped carrots, chopped green onions and a little starch to cook the sauce;

5: Fill the processed meat filling with spring shoots, put it on a plate, drizzle with the sauce and steam it in a steamer for 15 minutes.

Blood-replenishing porridge

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Blood nourishing porridge is a kind of food composed of angelica, Sichuan root, astragalus, safflower, chicken soup, japonica rice and other ingredients. First, after soaking the first three medicinal rice wine, cut it into thin slices, put all the medicines into a cloth bag, add chicken soup and water, fry it into a medicinal juice, remove the cloth bag and put in japonica rice. Bring to a boil over high heat and then simmer over low heat to make a thin porridge.

Winter bamboo shoots mushroom chicken soup

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: 100 grams of chicken, half a winter shoot, 5 mushrooms, water, cooking wine, ginger shredded, salt and other appropriate amounts.

1, the chicken is washed, cut into strips, winter shoots are shelled and washed, cut into slices, mushrooms are also washed, cut into slices.

2, add a small amount of oil to the wok and heat it, add ginger and chicken shreds and stir-fry, pour a small amount of cooking wine, stir-fry until the chicken shredded color turns white,

3: Pour boiling water, add the winter shoot slices at the same time, bring to a boil on high heat and reduce the heat to cook for 1 minute, then add the mushrooms, bring to a boil, continue to cook for 3 minutes on low heat.

4, finally add salt to taste, you can out of the pot!

Thousand Island Juice Chicken Ball

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: 450 grams of chicken thigh meat, 11 mustard hearts, 10 grams of Thousand Island juice, 2 grams of minced garlic, 5 grams of chicken powder, 1 gram of pepper, 5 grams of salt, 1 g of sesame oil.

1. Slice the chicken thigh, add salt, monosodium glutamate, corn starch, food powder and water for 20 minutes, and slide into a ball in 40% hot oil.

2: Leave the bottom oil in the pot, put a little garlic and Thousand Island juice, then put the chicken balls in, add the soup, salt, chicken powder, sesame oil, pepper, hook the pot and put it on the plate.

3: After blanching the mustard hearts, leave a little bottom oil in the pot, put the mustard hearts cooking wine and stir-fry the soup slightly, and start the pot yard on the side of the chicken balls

Stir-fried shiitake mushrooms with cabbage

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: Cabbage, shiitake mushrooms, pork, oil and salt to taste, 1 slice of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce

Directions: 1. Wash the shiitake mushrooms, peel off the cabbage leaves, put them in water to wash, remove the control water, and tear the cabbage into pieces

2. Shiitake mushrooms cut into slices, minced pork, minced ginger, garlic sliced

3. Heat the pot with oil, add ginger and garlic to fry until fragrant, then add minced meat, stir-fry over low heat until the minced meat turns white

4. Stir-fry the shiitake mushroom slices, sauté the shiitake mushrooms to make the aroma, add the cabbage and stir-fry over high heat, stir-fry until the cabbage is broken, and the cabbage becomes slightly softer

5. Add salt and soy sauce and stir-fry evenly, turn off the heat and put out the plate

Stir-fried shredded meat with white mushroom pickles

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: white mushrooms, pickles, lean meat, cooking wine, soy sauce, corn starch, pepper, garlic, dried chili pepper segments

Directions:1. Remove the stem of the mushroom, then wash it, cut it horizontally into even slices, cut it well, quickly soak it with water, wash the pickles and cut it into even small pieces for later use.

2. Cut the lean meat into evenly sliced pieces: add a little pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, add a little corn starch, and finally put a little oil, stir well and marinate for about 10 minutes, cut the garlic and ginger into foam. The shallots are also chopped into small pieces

3. Add a little oil to the pot, add ginger, garlic, chopped green onion and dried chili peppers and stir-fry until fragrant, then add marinated shredded meat and fry together, change to high heat, add drained white mushroom pieces and stir-fry well, stir-fry until about three or four minutes and add a little watercress sauce

4. Add the chopped pickles, add a little salt, season with chicken powder, and finally add a little green onion to get out of the pot

Sauce roasted cucumber pork rolls

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: 150g sliced pork 1 cucumber 1 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp white sesame seeds to taste salt

Directions: 1: Spread the pork slices with salt koji, remove the head and tail of the cucumber, cut horizontally into three pieces, cut into four equal parts, and wrap the pork slices.

2: Heat the pan over medium heat and brush with a little oil, and fry the pork rolls until the surface is burnt.

3: [Sauce] Cook until the juice is collected, and the pork can be cooked thoroughly.

4: Sprinkle with a little white sesame seeds after serving

Stir-fried dried leeks

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: 100g dried incense, 500g leeks, oil, salt, a pinch of onion, 5 peppercorns, soy sauce, pepper, sesame oil

Method 1) Cut the leeks into inches, cut the dried incense into thin strips, and cut the onion into pellet circles in half

2) Stir-fry the peppercorns and onion grains in the oil pan

3) Stir-fry in the dried incense

4) Add an appropriate amount of boiling water

5) An appropriate amount of raw soy sauce

6) A pinch of pepper

7) Add the leeks and stir-fry well

8) Drizzle with a little sesame oil to enhance the taste

Spring shoot crab flavor mushrooms

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: Cabbage, spring shoots, crab mushrooms, salt, oil, chicken powder, sugar

Directions:1. Spring shoots peel off the shell and old roots, wash and cut into strips, wash and clean the cabbage to remove the old roots and chop into minces, crab mushrooms to remove the roots and wash

2. In a pot of boiling water, add a little salt and blanch the spring shoots, drain, and blanch the crab mushrooms with boiling water and drain

3. Heat the pot and add the oil, then add the blanched spring shoot strips, sauté thoroughly, add the chopped cabbage and sauté for a while

4. Finally, add crab-flavored mushrooms and sauté evenly, then add salt sugar and chicken powder and stir-fry evenly

Egg cake

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: Flour, corn starch, egg, sausage (or tomato), green onion

Production: 1, flour, corn starch, eggs, sausage (diced) green onion, white pepper, five-spice powder, put into a container, add a little salt, water and stir well to set aside;

2, from the pot into the oil and oil heat poured into the batter has been adjusted, the batter spread out to the four sides into a circle, to be solidified after the end of the pot to turn inward, ( the process of frying to use a stir-frying spoon to turn the whole cake non-stop, the fire from high heat to low heat to medium heat to prevent frying, frying spoon on the cake gently plucked) fry to about 3 minutes (when dialing can feel the moisture dry and lighter) can be

Steamed shredded carrots

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: Carrot 1 stick Salt appropriate amount Cooking oil A little flour Appropriate amount Onion Garlic Dried chili pepper shreds or chili noodles Peppercorns

1, carrots with a planer to plan into a thin wire, soak in brine for about 10 minutes (salt appropriate to put more, because when you will be steaming, you do not need to put salt)

2, use gauze to soak the salted carrot shreds to dry, must try to screw to the driest, or mix the noodles will stick

3: Pour in cooking oil and mix well

4: Pour the flour into the oiled shredded carrots and rub well with both hands until each shredded carrot is wrapped in flour

5: Pour water into the pot, boil the water and put the carrot shreds into the cage drawer covered with dry drawer cloth and steam. About 3 minutes after refueling.

6: After steaming, put the minced green onion, minced garlic, dried chili pepper (or chili noodles) in turn, put the peppercorns in the oil, heat it and pour it on, mix well and eat

Spicy peeled egg tofu

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: Boxed tofu / 1 box of peeled eggs / 2 red peppers diced / appropriate amount of green onion / appropriate amount of red pepper / 15ml of shallot crisp / a little water / 30ml of sugar / 1 teaspoon of soy sauce / 50ml

1. Preparatory materials.

2. Put the tofu on the plate first and cut the slices with a knife

3. Peel the eggs and remove them and pellet them. Then put on top of the cut tofu.

4. Put on a pot and steam for 5 minutes on high heat.

5. Heat the sauce pan and cook the sauce ingredients until large roll.

6. Sprinkle the steamed tofu with an appropriate amount of red pepper and green onion, and then drizzle the cooked sauce on the tofu.

Stir-fried shrimp balls with asparagus

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: asparagus, fresh shrimp, starch, salt, black pepper, cooking wine;

Method: Remove the head of the shrimp, remove the shrimp line, shell only the tail, and cut it open with a knife on the back; wash and drain the treated shrimp, add starch, salt, black pepper, and a little cooking wine to catch and marinate for about 15 minutes;

Stir-fry for a while, add a little salt to taste;

Re-pour the shrimp balls into the pot, stir-fry the asparagus evenly, and the taste can be blended to get out of the pot;

Carrot stew with lamb

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Recipe 1. Wash the lamb and cut into thin strips

2. Cut the ginger into strips, and beat one piece to set aside

3. Lamb in a cold underwater pot, add ginger pieces and cooking wine and blanch the water

4. Wash the carrots and cut the hob pieces for later

5. Open the pot, skim off the foam, remove the lamb and wash it with warm water

6. Put the lamb carrots in an electric pressure cooker, pour in the appropriate amount of water, and add ginger fennels

7. Cover the pot and turn to the meat button

8. Button jump to the insulation key, stuffy for 10 minutes, turn off the power, natural exhaust

9. Season in a pot with salt, pepper and a little soy sauce

10. Out of the pot, add a little coriander

Cold mix of enoki mushrooms

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: Enoki mushrooms, coriander, shallots, garlic, sugar, white vinegar, sesame oil. Steamed fish drum oil, oil, chili peppers

Directions: 1: Cut off the roots of the mushrooms, wash and drain and place on a plate

2: Add water to the steamer, bring to a boil over high heat, and steam the mushrooms on high heat for 5 minutes

3. After the mushrooms come out of the pot, pour out the soup on the plate without using it

4: Finely chop the shallots, finely chop the parsley, mince the garlic, cut the pepper into small pieces and sprinkle on the mushrooms

5: Mix sugar, white vinegar, sesame oil, steamed fish soy sauce and pour over the mushrooms

6: Finally, pour hot oil on it

West Lake vinegar fish

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Directions: 1. Remove the scales and wash the grass carp, peel and cut the ginger into minced pieces

2. Prepare vinegar, soy sauce, rice wine, wet starch, sugar

3. Cut 5 knives on one side of the fish, turn over the surface from the tail, and split along the spine to the head

3. Divide into 2 flaps, cut off the fish teeth, remove the bruising of the fish head

4. Put a long knife on the body without a backbone; add slices of green onion and ginger and water to a boil in a pot, and remove the green onion and ginger

5. Use chopsticks to prop up the fins of the fish and let the fish take shape; cook for 3 minutes, skimming off the blood. Bring in cool water 2 times

6. Pour out the soup, add a little original soup and an appropriate amount of soy sauce and minced ginger in the pot; boil the fish and put it on the plate

7. Add the original juice in the pot to the white sugar rice vinegar and the remaining soy sauce; add the wet starch after boiling; cook until the soup is concentrated

8. Spread the prepared soup evenly on the fish, and then sprinkle the remaining ginger.

Korean-style cold mixed bean sprouts

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: 400g of soybean sprouts, 1 tbsp salt, chicken essence to taste, 3 cloves of garlic, 4 dried chili peppers, 1 tbsp sesame oil, pepper or black pepper coarse granules, cooked sesame seeds

Directions: 1, put a large spoonful of salt and dried chili peppers in the water and bring to a boil;

2: Add bean sprouts and cook for 2.3 minutes, cook while turning;

3, pour into the leaky basin to dry the water, often turn over (no need to overly cool water);

4: Pick out the soft dried chili peppers and cut them into strips, and mash the garlic into garlic paste;

5, dry the water bean sprouts into the container and continue to add pepper, chicken essence, sesame oil, pepper, garlic paste, sesame seeds, mix well;

6. Plate can be loaded.

Steamed 1,000 packets

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Directions: 1. Put a thousand sheets into a basin and add boiling water to soak for a few minutes to remove the bean smell

2. Add minced shallots and ginger, oyster sauce, soy sauce, white pepper, chicken powder, salt, cooking wine and oil to the minced meat and stir until strong

3. Wash and chop the shiitake mushrooms, put the minced shiitake mushrooms into the meat filling, and mix well to form the filling

4. Cut the soaked thousand sheets into small squares of equal size, then take a thousand sheets, put them in the minced meat, wrap them like stacked envelope bags, and then tie them up with coriander stalks or other available vegetables

5. After wrapping everything up, put it on a plate and put it in a steamer and steam on high heat for about 10 minutes

Flavored cumin tofu

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: 300 g of tofu, cumin, green onion, ginger, salt, soy sauce, dried chili peppers, peanut oil

1, all kinds of materials are prepared, tofu cut into pieces;

2、 Put peanut oil in the pot;

3、 Add the tofu cubes and fry until golden brown on both sides;

4、 Add dried chili pepper, green onion and ginger and fry until fragrant;

5, pour in soy sauce and salt and stir-fry the juice evenly;

6, put in the cumin powder and stir-fry evenly;

Sauerkraut stewed pork trotters

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

Ingredients: sauerkraut, pig's trotters, green onion, ginger, soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine, large ingredients, chicken essence, salt

1: Wash the pig's trotters, blanch the pig's trotters in cold water for 5 minutes, remove the hairs and cut into pieces.

2: Pour oil, sauté chives and ginger and large ingredients in a wok, add pork trotters and stir-fry. Add cooking wine, soy sauce and sugar and sauté until the trotters are colored.

3: Add an appropriate amount of water. Bring to a boil over high heat and simmer on low heat for 1 hour. Pour a little oil in a wok, sauté the sauerkraut to create the aroma, then add to the pig's trotters.

4: Continue simmering for 15 minutes, add a little chicken essence and salt to taste.

Fried rice cake with tomatoes

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

1. Prepare the materials

2. Scramble the eggs first and set aside

3. Add oil to the pot and sauté the shallots and garlic until fragrant

4. Add tomatoes and onions in turn, add salt to taste very fresh

5. Stir-fry until the tomatoes come out of the water to add rice cakes, add scrambled eggs, rice cakes absorb water, so when frying, add water in moderation to avoid sticking to the pan,

6. Add a little more water to cover the lid and simmer for a while, until the rice cake is soft, you can open the lid to collect the soup

Dry pot ribs

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

1. After soaking the ribs in water without blood, wash and add ginger slices, cooking wine, pepper, salt and green onion to marinate the ribs for half an hour

2. Prepare all the side dishes, potato chips forgot to take pictures

3. Pour in the oil and heat to 70%.

4. Remove the slices of ginger and green onion and pour in the ribs

5. Fry the golden brown and remove for later. If you like to be chewy, you can fry it dry some more

6. Leave a little oil in the pan and add garlic, ginger, peppercorns and peppercorns to simmer until fragrant

7. After frying until fragrant, add the dry pot and fry over low heat until 1 minute. I only added half a packet because my family couldn't eat too spicy

8. Add the ribs and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the apricot abalone mushrooms and fry until one minute, then add the onion, cucumber, small green pepper, bean skin and fry until two minutes, then add chicken essence, salt and white sugar

9. Add celery before finally stir-frying

10. Plate and sprinkle with cooked sesame seeds

Grilled tofu with shiitake mushrooms

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

1. Slice the dried shiitake mushrooms and cut the tofu into cubes.

2. Slice the garlic and ginger, cut the millet pepper into small pieces and cut the green onion.

3. Brush the pan with oil and fry the tofu in the pan over low heat.

4. Fry the tofu until browned on both sides and set aside.

5. Heat the oil in the pan until it is 50%, add the green onion, ginger, garlic and rice pepper to burst the aroma.

6. Add the shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry evenly.

7. Stir-fry the tofu well.

8. Add an appropriate amount of soy sauce and stir-fry to color.

9. Add a little less water to the pot, then add half a piece of soup.

10. Cover the pot and reduce the heat to simmer for five minutes, then change the heat to quickly collect the juice.

11. Sprinkle the green onions on a plate.

Braised golden pomfret

33 kinds of food to share, every day is not heavy delicious and nutritious

1. Choose fish with golden color and non-turbid eyes, such golden pomfret is fresher. Clean up, wash with water several times, and control the moisture.

2. Change the flower knife, put the ginger shredded into the fish, cut the green onion and ginger into the fish belly, salt on both sides, and marinate in cooking wine for 15 minutes.

3. Sprinkle the shallots halfway through and continue to marinate for 15 minutes.

4. Sprinkle a little dry starch and spread evenly.

5. Heat the oil on high heat, turn the medium heat into the fish, fry for 3 minutes, do not turn the fish in the middle, gently shake the oil pan, the fish has shaken to indicate that one side has been fried, turn the fish on the other side.

6. Fry the fish on both sides with golden brown oil and remove it from the pan.

7. Heat the wok, add a little oil, add the cold oil into the shallots, ginger slices, minced garlic, stir-fry on low heat, add oyster sauce, the taste is very fresh and stir-fry, turn on high heat and put in a little water.

8. Open the fish on high heat, cover the pot and cover for 5 minutes, shake the pot halfway to prevent sticking to the bottom, turn over and continue simmering for five minutes, the soup is thickened, turn off the heat.

9. When the fish is served, sprinkle with shredded shallots and drizzle with the remaining broth.