
The practice of honey yam in restaurants, the home-cooked practice of steamed yam in honey juice

author:Field bee honey science

  The practice of honey yam in restaurants, the home-cooked practice of steamed yam in honey juice

  Usually do not want to cook or go out to party, the hotel is the best choice, people who like sweets must have ordered honey yam outside this dish, delicious and not greasy, but how is the honey yam of the restaurant made?

The practice of honey yam in restaurants, the home-cooked practice of steamed yam in honey juice

  The honey yam of the hotel is actually quite a lot of methods, different restaurant methods are different, but it is not far from its origin, if you want to eat it, you can try it and find a favorite method. The following field herding bees introduce you to two common honey yam methods. Prepare 2 yam sticks, water white honey and sugar to taste, peel the yam, wash it carefully, and then cut the yam into evenly divided pieces, and place the cut yam evenly on the plate.

The practice of honey yam in restaurants, the home-cooked practice of steamed yam in honey juice

  Add an appropriate amount of water to the steamer, heat the water to a boil, then put the yam into the steamer, turn it to high heat, steam for about 15 minutes, turn off the heat and set the plate. Next prepare another pot, put in about a bowl of water, bring the water to a boil, put in the prepared rock sugar, turn it evenly with a spoon, add the appropriate amount of water white honey after the rock sugar melts, pour the prepared honey sugar juice on the yam, and the sweet honey yam is ready. Another practice is to wash and peel the yam and cut it evenly into small pieces.

The practice of honey yam in restaurants, the home-cooked practice of steamed yam in honey juice

  Put water in the pot to boil, put in the yam blanch for 2 minutes, blanch the time too long there is no crispy taste, like the noodles can be blanched a little more, by the way in boiling water put the goji berries into the water, and then the blanched yam over the cold water, fished out after draining the water, plate, sprinkle the goji berries on the top of the yam, and then pour honey on it to eat, this method of honey yam is also sweet and delicious, but also retains the nutritional value of honey.

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