
Because his mother was scared to death by the "ghost", the famous poet Song Huan in the early Qing Dynasty became the protagonist of "Liaozhai Zhiyi"

author:Old poems

Pu Songling's "Liaozhai Zhiyi" records such a story: a man named Song Wan rented a house that had been abandoned for a long time and lived with his family. One night, after the mother of the two servants serving Song Wan slept out of bed, they suddenly heard a sound similar to "fluttering" water in the courtyard outside, and they immediately approached the window to see what was going on, only to see that there was a hunchback short old woman with broom-like white hair and a bun in the courtyard, who was walking around in a circle in the courtyard, spraying water while walking, and how could not finish. She hurriedly called Mother Song up, and all three of them lay down at the door and window to watch. Suddenly, the old hunchbacked short old woman swooped up to the window and sprayed water at the three people, and the three of them fell to the ground.

Because his mother was scared to death by the "ghost", the famous poet Song Huan in the early Qing Dynasty became the protagonist of "Liaozhai Zhiyi"

It wasn't until early in the morning that everyone got up and sent the three people to the ground. But Mother Song and one of the beards were already dead, and the other was still warm, and after waking up, she asked about what happened last night. Song Huan was very sad and indignant because her mother was killed, and asked the place where the water-spraying old woman had disappeared. Someone dug three feet into the ground on the spot, and gradually saw the white hair buried deep in the ground, and then dug up a complete corpse—the face was exactly the same as what the mane had seen last night, even the same as the living person. Song Huan ordered the corpse to be smashed. As the next person smashed, he saw that the skin, flesh and bones of the corpse had all turned into water.

Because his mother was scared to death by the "ghost", the famous poet Song Huan in the early Qing Dynasty became the protagonist of "Liaozhai Zhiyi"

This story is called "Spraying Water", although it is a fictional story, but the protagonist song wan in it is real, and he is also a famous literary artist that Pu Songling respects very much.

Song Wan, born in Laiyang in 1614, a famous poet in the early Qing Dynasty, is one of the eight major poets of the Qing Dynasty, and the same name as Shi Yanzhang of Xuancheng, Anhui, known as the "Southern Shi Northern Song Dynasty", and has a non-negligible status and influence in the literary circle of the early Qing Dynasty. He suffered ups and downs in his life, and when he was in office, he was falsely accused and imprisoned, and finally died in a foreign country, which is lamentable!

Because his mother was scared to death by the "ghost", the famous poet Song Huan in the early Qing Dynasty became the protagonist of "Liaozhai Zhiyi"

Song Wan's poems are harmonious and harmonious, can also absorb the strengths of all, and become a family of their own, authoring works such as "Anya Tang Collection" and "Erxiang Pavilion Words". Although Song Huan did not have the fame of Tang and Song poetry, he still had great influence in the early years of the Qing Dynasty. Song Wan's poems have a high attainment in art, with beautiful and fresh language, exquisite conception, and not conventional.

For example, in the "Sending Lanzhou Sima Zhao Ziyuan (Part I)", it is written: "The late yanshi farewell, wanli to the border state, I have resigned Zhu Qi, Jun ying read the white head", the poet used Jing Ke and Gao gradually left to compare himself and Zhao Ziyuan, with affectionate strokes, wrote out the thoughts of Du You.

Because his mother was scared to death by the "ghost", the famous poet Song Huan in the early Qing Dynasty became the protagonist of "Liaozhai Zhiyi"

Another example is written in "Butterfly Love Flower Travel Moon Huairen":

"The curtain was only a few feet away, and the black magpie flew in shock, a sad white. Thousands of miles of old people are separated by the plug, who makes plum blossom flutes in the south building?

Crickets in front of the lamp to deceive the sick, the shadow wandering, what is the reason for wanting to sleep? The corner of the wall is windy, and the hatred covers the window black. ”

Because his mother was scared to death by the "ghost", the famous poet Song Huan in the early Qing Dynasty became the protagonist of "Liaozhai Zhiyi"

Song Huan said that the low moon was only a few feet away from the curtains, and the crows and magpies that inhabited them suddenly flew in shock, just because they saw this sad moonlight. The old friends are far away from each other, who in the south building plays the desolate "Plum Blossom Fall"?

Song Huan said that the crickets whimpering in front of the lamp seemed to deliberately bully sick passengers, I couldn't help but get up and see the shadows wandering, even if I wanted to fall asleep, how could I make it? The plantains in the corner of the wall rattled in the wind, thanks to the fact that it obscured the windows and made the house pitch black.

Because his mother was scared to death by the "ghost", the famous poet Song Huan in the early Qing Dynasty became the protagonist of "Liaozhai Zhiyi"

This word on the film borrowed the black magpie to fly to write the moon color, borrowed the "plum blossom flute" to evoke the thoughts of friends. The first three sentences "The curtain is only a few feet away from the moon, and the black magpie is frightened, and it is a sad white." "By writing sparse curtains, silver-white moonlight, and flying black magpies, the author's memories of the sad past are evoked." The next two sentences are "Wanli deceased people are closed and separated, who makes plum blossom flutes in the south building?" The writer hears the plum blossom flute in such an environment, and thinks of his former friend in the distance, which is even more sad.

Because his mother was scared to death by the "ghost", the famous poet Song Huan in the early Qing Dynasty became the protagonist of "Liaozhai Zhiyi"

The author of the next film borrows the sad sound of crickets and the sound of the banana in the wind to expose his inner loneliness and sorrow. The first three sentences are "Crickets in front of the lamp to deceive the sick, the shadow wanders, what is the reason for the desire to sleep?" "Writing about crickets chirping outside the window makes the author distraught and unable to sleep. The next two sentences are "The corner of the wall is windy, and the hatred hides the darkness of the window." "Write that the banana leaves are blown by the wind, and the sound causes the author's inner sorrow. But the last sentence writes that the author finally gained temporary tranquility under the protection of the "corner plantain", and the black of the banana leaf covered the window, obscuring the bright moon that was a symbol of beautiful perfection in the eyes of most people, and quietly hiding the author's scarred and unbearable heart, so that the author's heart temporarily gained some comfort.

Because his mother was scared to death by the "ghost", the famous poet Song Huan in the early Qing Dynasty became the protagonist of "Liaozhai Zhiyi"

This poem vividly writes the author's panicked psychological state, and also reflects his turbulent life. In 1673, the fifty-nine-year-old Song Huan, like a shooting star, completed his bumpy road of life. Song Huan's poems include eight volumes of "AnyaTang Poems", 1333 poems, three volumes of "Erxiang Pavilion Words", 165 poems, two volumes of "Anya Tang Anthology", 223 articles, one volume of Anya Tang Shuqi, two volumes of "Entering Shu Collection", eight volumes of "Anya Tang Unexscribed Manuscripts", one volume of miscellaneous drama "Sacrifice Gao Pottery", and so on, which have made outstanding contributions to the treasure house of Chinese history and culture. Later generations also spoke highly of him, and some people read his poems, and at that time they sighed indignantly: "Today's poetry is in Laiyang." Some people also commented on his poems and sighed: "Thinking for thousands of years, seeing through thousands of miles."

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