
Laiyang historical figure - Song Wan

author:Those things in Laiyang, Yantai

Song Huan (1614---1673), zi yu shu, number Li Pei, also known as Man Ren, alias Erxiang Pavilion master, Shandong Laiyang people, Shunzhi four years (1647) jinshi, official to Sichuan Province according to the envoy. A famous poet in the early Qing Dynasty, together with Shi Yanzhang of Xuancheng in Anhui Province, was called "Southern Shi Northern Song Dynasty", and was known as the "Generation of Poets" in the early Qing Dynasty.

Born into a family, he suffered from mourning

Song Wan's ancestors were originally from Ninghai Prefecture (present-day Wendeng County, Shandong), who migrated to Laiyang Xiju Village (now Longwangzhuang Town) in the Yuan Dynasty, and moved to Laiyang City in the fifth dynasty, Song Dai, the fourth year of the Ming Dynasty (1460), the chief of the official household department, the inspector Yushi, and the deputy envoy of Zhejiang According to the Cha division; Great-grandfather Song Mengqing, who taught Hanzhong the teachings of Gongsheng, was promoted to the post of Sichuan Yichuan Teachings: Zu Songshu, Liao Shansheng, Qixiang Xian; His father, Song Yingheng, was a jinshi in the fifth year of the Apocalypse (1625), and was the commander of Qingfeng County, the head of the official department, and the official inspector of the official department.

Song Huan was the third son of Song Yingxiang, born in the fourth year of the Ming Dynasty (1614), and his eldest brother Song Bian (宋璠), yin position: Zhong brother Song Huang, Jin Shi: fourth brother Song Xun, Li Sheng, died early.

Song Huan was intelligent since childhood, "negative Talent, reputation", in the county and government examinations, Lian Jie was the first, in the eighth year of Chongzhen (1635), with high talent as a tribute, and his brother Song Huang left his hometown laiyang, with his father to Beijing to study at baoguo Temple, and strive for Kedi. Chongzhen thirteen years (1640) zhongbrother Song Huang zhongjinshi, famous in the four directions. Song Huan, who everyone thought would reach earlier, was repeatedly trapped in the examination room and could not count. However, Song Huan was quite conceited about his talents, and in a poem of Yan Zhi, he said: "Dream of good poetry books, thinking of friends with the ancients." Although there is no posture, Qiwen is always in the mouth. "Vowing to pursue Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi and other "ancients" and revitalize a generation of literary styles.

After his brother Song Huang became an official of the Hangzhou prefecture, Song Huan came to Hangzhou with him in the fifteenth year of Chongzhen (1642). Song Huang and Song Juan built a house in Hangzhou and named it "Xiao Yuan Tang" to welcome their parents to live. Unexpectedly, at this time, the Qing army entered the customs, the north road was blocked, and the hometown was isolated from the information, and it failed to achieve its wishes. In November of the leap year, the Qing army plundered Shandong from the south of Qi, Laiyang was besieged, and Song Wan's father Zhu Yingheng participated in the defense of the city. On February 6 of the following year, after becoming a nation, he was devastated by the grief of knowing that his father was in distress, and wrote eight "Ji Sorrow Poems", of which Yun: "I have not returned to deep self-hatred, and I will not die." Tears floated away, and the dream did not believe in the death of the family. "The liver and intestines are broken, and the pain is not desired."

In March of the seventeenth year of Chongzhen (1644), Li Zicheng entered the capital, the Chongzhen Emperor hanged himself, and then the Qing army entered the pass, Li Zicheng's army was defeated and ran west, the world was in chaos, song pea and Song Huang brothers took refuge in the south, successively passed through Jiangning, Suzhou, and Hangzhou, and were once moved by the rebels in Fenhu Lake, drifting in the rivers and lakes, and suffering greatly from mourning.

Dengdi entered the army and was falsely imprisoned

After the Qing rulers entered the Central Plains, in order to gain the support of the Han landlord bureaucracy, they issued many government decrees to lure and envelop them. Song Huang's brother Song Huang, like most bureaucrats in the late Ming Dynasty, was supposed to recruit officials and succeed him as the Governor of Shuntianfu in the Qing Dynasty, and in this situation, Song Huan had mixed feelings. When the Qing rulers announced the opening of the branch to take soldiers, Song Huan rushed back to his hometown in Laiyang in the second year of Shunzhi (1645), and Shunzhi rushed to the Beijing Division in three years to study at Baoguo Temple. In the autumn of that year, Song Wanying was the first township examination of the Qing Dynasty, central Asia Kui, and the second year, Dengjin Shidi, ranked 29th in the second class, and was appointed as the head of the Henan Division of the Household Department.

In the sixth year of Shunzhi (1649), Song Huan was transferred from the Household Department to Wuhu and was in charge of taxation, and he was "a sensitive official, and the tax surplus was more than 57,000 taels.". In August of the seventh year of Shunzhi (1650), he returned to Beijing from Wuhu to remain the official household department, and soon after, he was transferred to the chief of the Department of Inspectors. It was the winter of that year, and he was framed and imprisoned for the rebellion. After Song Huan was imprisoned, his family was afraid of Zhu Lian, "running to the emperor in a hurry, and he must not conspire with himself", only the old servant begged his friends to help. In prison, Song Huan composed poems such as "Pi Yin Tengyue Reading Zi Mei Tong Gu Seven Songs To Imitate His Body with Mourning", "Gengyin Chinese New Year's Eve", "Gengyin Prison Feelings" and other poems.

The journey is rubbed, and then it is trapped

During Song Huan's imprisonment, although the prison officials tortured him to extract a confession, he found nothing. Finally, due to the lack of solid evidence, in the first month of the ninth year of Shunzhi (1652), he was acquitted and spent more than a year in prison. This was the first major misfortune that Song Huan suffered on his way, and it had a deep impact on his subsequent eunuch career.

After being released from prison, he was reinstated as the head of the official department and later became the official Langzhong. Song Huan compiled 56 poems from prison into "Beisi Cao", and asked Shi Yanzhang, who was also a famous poet, to write a preface. After that, Song Huan became an official in Beijing, and sang poetry and wine with Shi Yanzhang, Yan Xun, Zhang Wenguang, Zhao Bin, Ding Peng, Chen Zuoming and others, then known as the "Seven Sons of Yantai", known as the Manchu Jingshi.

In the tenth year of Shunzhi (1653), Song Huan was ordered to patrol the Jinshi of longxi right province and also manage the transportation of tea and horses, and it was the winter of that year, leaving Beijing, returning to his hometown and provincial relatives, placing wine in Anya Hall, summoning relatives all over the place, talking about old feelings, and then bidding farewell to his brother Song Huang, who was idle at home, and transferring to Qinzhou Renshou (present-day Tianshui City, Gansu), in the spring of the eleventh year of Shunzhi (1654). Wei Huan took his father Song Yingheng who was directly subordinate to Qingfeng County in Zhi County, and after the common people heard about it, they flocked to the countryside to greet them, and felt the grace of Song Yingheng in that year, invited Song Yingheng to the "Yi Yong Hall" to commemorate Song Yingheng, and left it for a day, talking about the past, everyone wept smoothly, which made Song Yingheng very moved. Song Huan looked at the statue of his father, burned incense by candle, prayed three times and prostrated nine times, and tears flowed on his face, and the people saw the situation, and they were all moved to be full of zero. Subsequently, Song Huan visited his father's past relics again, and proposed a pen titled "Jia Wu Chun Day Road Out of DunQiu, First Doctor Old Tour Land Also." Bai Feng Li Zi, Shu Si Fa Hot, Feeling and Giving Ten Poems", expressing feelings, and also composing a calculation of "The Face of the First Servant", in order to commemorate and part, Qing Feng Shimin was invincible to Song Wan," and when he sent him to the west, "Don City needs to go out, climbing car number Wu", Song Wan is also moved, "sorrow is not victorious, eyes are swollen". The father's benevolent government in Qingfeng still made the people of Qingfeng feel the virtue of Dayde after many years, and the close-to-flesh feelings between the father and the local people had a profound impact on Song Bowl's way of being an official.

Song arrived in Qinzhou in late June, just after the earthquake, killing and injuring countless people. Song Huan wrote in a calm mood:

The time of the time is a natural disaster, and the thick ground is suddenly pear. The price is half Qin people, flesh and bones light pottery fire. The stars are full of hills and ruins, and there is no end in sight. Yu also cried out to Remnant Li, and his eyes were bleeding.

Song Huan made a fortune from his family and entrusted people from Laiyang to Qinzhou to provide relief to the victims of the disaster, and the "Chronicle of Tianshui County" records: "After the earthquake in the city, Song Huan donated money on the patrol road, and Jiang Jihai in Zhizhou was rebuilt, and it had to be completed in advance." With the efforts of Song Pea, the affected people of Qinzhou were able to stabilize, and afterwards the governor reported to the imperial court with Song Huan's outstanding political achievements, and received a reward of promotion and rank and a reward of python service.

On December 17 of that year, Zhang Yingcai, a rich citizen of Longtan Temple in Lixian County, was robbed and killed. In May of the following year, Song Huan and Jiang Jihai of Qinzhou Zhizhou jointly tried the facts of the murder and theft of money, and arrested the murderers Ma Dan and Wang Laohu. Song Huan wrote an article entitled "Dream of Snow Grievances" to remember it, when Qinzhou was hit by a drought again, and it did not rain for months. During his tenure in Qinzhou, Song Huan temporarily wrote three "Qinzhou Prayers for Rain" in succession, analyzing the heavens to descend on Ganlin and alleviate the civil disaster.

Song Huan also visited The Caotang of Du Fu in Qinzhou several times, "wanting to be a soul-summoning gift, returning to the head of the stream", lingering in a low voice, not bearing the desire to leave, revering the poetry saint Du Fu to the point, seeing the grass hall pouring out, Song Huan immediately ordered the craftsmen to repair some of them, and 60 of du Fu's flow poems made in Qinzhou, collecting the calligraphy of ancients such as Wang Xizhi, and carving the stone carvings of Le Zhi. This stone carving is the famous Ermiao Xuan Monument in the history of Chinese calligraphy, which is a great contribution of Song Wan to the history of Chinese calligraphy.

Due to his outstanding political achievements, in the fourteenth year of Shunzhi (1657), Song Huansheng was promoted to deputy envoy of Yongping, and the office was stationed in Beiping (present-day Lulong County, Hebei). Passing through Changli County, Yongping Province, Song Huan paid a special visit to Han Yu Ancestral Hall, appreciated the style of the sages, and felt a thousand emotions, so he composed poems such as "Gurudwara Han ChangLi Ancestral Hall", "Passing Changli Gurudwara Han Wen Ancestral Hall", "West Five Peaks After Rain", "East Five Peaks" and other poems to express his heart. During his tenure as Yongping's deputy envoy, he was responsible for managing military salaries, acting impartially, and strictly prohibiting falsehood: he advocated reducing the tax on old salaries and travel flowers and cloths, in order to forgive the people's strength. Dispose of the decision, and dissect the matter immediately. "For a moment, the traces of treachery were traced, and the territory was solemn. The scale of the additional school is magnificent and unprecedented. He also set up music and dance students according to eight parts, and donated musical instruments to worship with light. He also presided over the compilation of the Kangxi Yongping Fu Zhi, a total of 23 volumes, because of Song Jian's diligent administration and love for the people, his political achievements were remarkable, and his name was offered to the Famous Chamber Ancestral Hall in Yongping County, and in November of the sixteenth year of Shunzhi (1659), the Shunzhi Emperor drove to Santun in Yongping Province, and Song Huanfu Daozuo greeted him, and after the Shunzhi Emperor saw Song Huan, he paid him several times to show his favor. In the seventeenth year of Shunzhi (1660), Song Jian was transferred from Yongping Dao to Ningshaotai Dao, Zhejiang, and Shi Zhoushan used troops to fight, and Song Huan organized the prefecture and county to prepare grain and grass. In the same year, Song Wan's poetry collection "Poems of An Lintang" was engraved, and the literary masters Qian Qianyi, Wu Weiye, Xiao Shanlaizhi, Jintan Jiang Chao, and Nanchang Wang Qianding successively wrote prefaces to them. In December of that year, Song Huan was promoted to the post of zhejiang envoy, and within a few months of taking office, he punished the % of the traitors who did not commit crimes in accordance with the law, and removed a harm for the local people. Wang Shi later fell for framing Song Huan. Song Rui also often inspected the scribes, selected excellent, and the local students worked with each other, all of whom were proud to be appreciated by Song Huan.

In the spring of the eighteenth year of Shunzhi (1661), Qixia County, which borders Laiyang County, broke out in the Seven Uprisings, and was later suppressed by Qing soldiers, and fled through the Seven Breakthroughs, and Qixia and Laiyang were implicated in this and killed and imprisoned. In August, Song Yibing, a nephew of the Song clan, was accused of theft and hated Song Wan's uncle Song Wan for not being able to save him, so he falsely accused Song Wan's family of colluding with Yu Qi, and as a result, Song Wan's family was arrested and imprisoned, and his uncle Song Bian died in prison: Song Huan was arrested and sent from Zhejiang to the Prison of the Beijing Division's Punishment Department for three years. The second imprisonment was the worst blow Song Wan suffered in her life. The division of prison tried the case, the torture was harsh, and he was tortured to the end. In the summer, mosquitoes and ants gather in the prison cell, and the swallows are wet. Winter is cold, a hundred times outside, for this reason, he wrote in the poem: "The pawns are marching on the brakes, and the flesh and bones are the recipe for death", "Waiting for the sin to be cool, calling out the heavens to bleed".

What was slightly gratifying was that Song Huan's old servant Liu Hongyi served around and did not try to leave temporarily, and he could not help but read and join friends in prison, and from time to time, Liu Wenzhuo, Wang Xi, Tan Changyi, Shi Yanzhang and other literary friends came to visit. In addition to "reading in the invitation room, borrowing the work of the ancients, and healing the worries of the day" in prison, Song Huan wrote more in poetry to write sorrow and relieve boredom. There are many excellent poems in prison, such as "The Book of Qian Xiangling in Prison", "The Sound of Cicadas", "The Sheep in Prison Endowment" (Morning Star Sigh", "Bitter Rain Sigh", "Nine Lamentations", "Listening to the Bell", "Sorrowful Leaves", "Reading in the Rain", "Seeing the Moon"), "DreamIng first brother two songs", "Writing Mourning Five Songs", "Nong Yin Chinese New Year's Eve", "Fifty Years of New Year's Day", etc. Fortunately, three years later, Song Wan's prison case was handed over to Jiang Guozhu, the inspector of Shandong, for handling. Jiang Guozhu realized his wrongdoing, and the Shangshu court stated that the thieves had overstepped the goods and framed the Song family, for Shen Xue. Under the care of Jiang, Song Huan was released to Kangxi on November 3, 1663, and Song Huan was released from prison. He did not return to his hometown in Shandong, but took his wife Luyu to the Wuyue area.

Let loose Wu Yue, revive Shu Shu

In the third year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1664), Song Huan was 51 years old, and after his release from prison, he began to travel to Wuyue, wandering the rivers and lakes, living an extremely difficult life, and sending people to the fence. As he himself summed up: "When he encountered the sand, the seven-foot pawn fled to the dinghe: he was like a defeated leaf, and he drifted in the rivers and lakes for eight years."

At the beginning of the south, Song Huan lived in Fengle Bridge in Wulin (now Hangzhou), where he and xinpeng old friends climbed the mountain and answered, singing and answering, and some comfort could be obtained in the bitterness. Especially during the Mid-Autumn Festival of the fourth year of Kang Zhao (1665), Shi Yanzhang, a close friend of "fixed friends in prison", made a special visit from Nanchang, which made Song Huan feel very excited. He wrote a poem for it: "When he overheard of the deceased, he was overjoyed and sad, whimpered in shock, and sobbed and looked at each other." Yan Liu, an old friend who lived in Hangzhou, once invited drinks and gathered in Gao Garden: Old friend Wang Xiqiao also came to Hangzhou at one time: his friend Ji Liushan was even more "wind and rain", boating on the lake, "shaking hands with each other and sighing, such as dreaming of things", Song Huan was comforted by Wisdom, immersed in the joy of friendship, enjoyed the lake and mountains of the West Lake and carved creek, and wrote a lot of beautiful poems. For example, in "And Cao Gu'an Bachelor's Lake Boats Raining", "The shell is raining, the lake is half-wide: the giant fish lake stands side by side, and the light swallow competes for height at night." "Carved Creek Road" cloud: "In the past, people rode on the snow, and I traced the wind: the square ravine passed through the clouds, and the lonely boat fought with the stone."

Kangxi Seven Years (1668) On June 3, 1668, he composed "The Record of Strange Clouds on the Lake", which was a famous work describing the scenery of the West Lake in order to remember the strangeness of what he saw, the swaying posture of the writing, and a lot of interest.

During this period, Song Huan also traveled to and from Gusu, Jinling and other places, and when he lived in the Peach Blossom Dock of Gusu, he visited the old Lu of Tang Bohu. Song Wanshen and Youyi lived in Jinling on the occasion of the occasion, and received the care of their friend Zhang Youliang, and temporarily lived on the shores of Mochou Lake. In the ninth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1670), he lived in Xibaihua Lane, Suzhou, and met with Wen Pengshi friends to climb Jinshan, Jiaoshan, Huishan and Yanziji, and traveled to famous places such as Qinhuai River and Zhongfu, especially not far from the residence of Jiang Wei, a Ming Dynasty widow laiyang man. At leisure, the two fellow villagers gathered in the morning and evening, gave poems and replied, leaving many popular poems.

Song Huan lived the longest in Jiangnan in Songjiang (present-day Shanghai). Jiajing's "Songjiang Fu Zhi" and Daoguang's "Reconstruction of Huating County Chronicle" record: Song Huan traveled to Wuyue, did not return for ten years, and Yu Song County was especially sent to the traces.

During his stay in Jiangnan, Song Spent Most of his time on the shores of Sanjing Lake in Songjiang County, sometimes traveling between Jinling, Suzhou and Hangzhou, sometimes adapting to his idyllic pastoral life, and sometimes returning with friends climbing the mountain and returning to the water and poetry and wine. Because of its long reputation in the literary circles in the early Qing Dynasty, Jiangnan Shizi was proud to have his comments, and asked him to write a preface to a collection of poems, a calligraphy and painting portrait inscription, a birthday speech for the elderly, or a tomb for the ancestors. New and old friends in the literary world, such as Li Fangshan, Cao Erkan, Song Jie, Yu Huai, Jiang Xi, Gong Dingxiao, Fang Erzhi, Shi Yuzhang, Yan Xun, Wang Xiqiao, Zhou Lianggong, Chen Weisong, etc., all intersected with poetry. This period became a period of prosperity in song poetry creation. Wang Shizhen's "Chibei Occasional Talk" says that Song Huan "guarded zhejiang hou poems, quite like Lu Fangweng, and broke into Du and Han Zhi'ao when he sang and sang." You Tong's "Preface to the Anthology of Anyatang" also says that after Song Wan's suffering, "the use of literature is becoming more and more strange and rich." At that time, people pushed it with "Poetry" and "Present Hanyu". In addition, Song Huan also sorted out his own collection of essays, "Anyatang Anthology", engraved more than 50 of his ancient texts, and asked Song Shiying, You Dong, and Jin Zhijun to write a preface for them, and troweled them in the fifth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1666). The Erxiang Pavilion was carved in the eighth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1669), and the miscellaneous drama "Sacrifice Gao Tao" was also completed in the eighth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1669), which was the season of his creative harvest. Ancient engraving and printing of books is a very difficult project, the cost of huge financial resources, exiled to Jiangnan Song Xian, can put a number of his own poems and texts E line, but also shows that at this time Song Huan in Jiangnan although it is a wandering, but also quite a friend appreciation and support, life worry-free.

In the early autumn of the ninth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1670), the 57-year-old Song Huan entered Beijing to seek a replacement official, and traveled north from Suzhou, via Huainan, and arrived in Xuzhou in August. In September, qingfeng entered Beijing. Qingfeng was the place where his father was an official, and Song Huan passed through Qingfeng twice in honor of his father, leaving behind the Qingfeng Sacrifice First Servant Text.

In the tenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1671), Song Huan once again lived in Beijing and sang harmony with Wang Shizhen's brothers and Shi Yanzhang, and in the spring of the eleventh year of Kangxi (1672), wang Shizhen was asked to compile a collection of poems for himself in 30 volumes. Later Wang Shizhen on poetry, a poet since the Kangxi Dynasty, "no one out of the south and the right of the Northern Song Dynasty", was accepted by historians and poets, and it was not easy to argue. In the same year, Song Huan personally submitted a letter to the imperial court to appeal against the grievances, and finally was able to rehabilitate Zhaoxue and use the original official to supplement the Sichuan envoys. It was the winter of that year, and he took 30 volumes of the collected poems to Chengdu.

Although Song Huan's career was bumpy and he was repeatedly hit, his determination to swear to be an innocent official was unswerving. After being appointed, he wrote a self-exhortation poem: "Dare to resign shu Dao Qingtianyuan, did not hear Ba Ape White happen..... Twilight strikes the heart, turbid waves of wine gushing enough." In the early spring of the twelfth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1673), from the waterway into the river, from the summer to The Station, the road was hurried, and after rushing, sending love to the landscape, poetry was rushing, and famous works continued one after another. This jixing work is collected into the "Into Shu Collection".

During his tenure as envoy in Sichuan, Song Huan took measures to resettle the displaced people, depriving Haoqiang of the vacant land in the city and the long-abandoned idle land in the countryside occupied by Haoqiang, and distributing it to the poor, who cultivated or built houses at will, thinking that they would be eternal. Improve wedding customs and purify folk customs. Sichuan's economy was restored and the people were able to live in stability.

In the twelfth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1673), Song Huan went to Beijing to meet him, coinciding with Wu Sangui's rebellion and the capture of Chengdu. At that time, Song Wan's family members were detained in Chengdu. After hearing the news of the incident, Song Huan was extremely frightened and worried, so he suddenly fell seriously ill and died soon after, at the age of 60. On February 12, 1683, the twenty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty, he was buried in his hometown of Laiyang Beishan, and later moved to the north of the ancient city village of Nanxi.

Song Wan's life was a life of ups and downs. After the middle age, "he ran south and north, and sent his life to snare, and his upside-down mast and the tail of the beard, if there is a lightning strike in front of it, and the cliff will crush it." It is difficult and troubled. Only in this way can the poet achieve higher achievements in creation. It is also as You He said: "Mr. Xiang envoy strode to the cabinet, the eclipse of the official's hand, drunk and full of Shen, do not distinguish between black and white, although one year old and nine moved, He Zu is a heavy evil for Mr. He!"

A generation of poets created a grand wealth

Song Huan was born in Laiyang and has been nourished by Laiyang's profound cultural soil since childhood. In the Ming Dynasty, Laiyang, with a strong literary style and the rise of the imperial examination culture, there were 53 zhongjin soldiers and 107 people, ranking among the top in Qilu at that time. Among them, the Zhang, Qi, Zuo, Song, Jiang and other family families are particularly prominent. In the family lineage, the Song family and the Song Mei family are all talented and talented, and they are also quite accomplished in literature, and Song Jicheng, Song Qiong, Song Mei, Song Chain, etc. are all poets, quite famous. Among them, Song Mei's article is on a par with weng hongye of Zhejiang, and the world is called "Weng Song". Song Wan's ancestor Song Huang, great-grandfather Song Mengqing, and father Song Yingheng were all imperial court officials, and they were elegant scribes, Gong Shiwen, and Song Huan grew up in such a family atmosphere, and they were directly affected.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, when the atmosphere of association was flourishing, the famous scholar Song Jicheng established the "Shanzuo Dasha" in Shandong and became the largest branch of the Fu Society in the north. There are 91 people in The Great Society, and there are more than 60 people in Laiyang, most of the members work in poetry, and Song Wan, as a member of the Great Society, his literary literacy has been fully nourished, and eventually grew into a "generation of poets"

Wang Shizhen, an outstanding poet and literary scholar in the early Qing Dynasty, once listed Song Huan and Shi Yanzhang of Xuancheng in Anhui province as "Southern Shi Northern Song", believing that "since the Kangxi Dynasty, there is no poet who has come out of the Southern Shi Northern Song Dynasty": Deng Zhicheng, a famous historian in modern times, even thought that Song Huan was "full of talent and seemed to be too generous"; Qian Qianyi, one of the leaders of the poetry circle in the early Qing Dynasty, called Song Huan "the hero of poets". During His tenure as an official in Beijing, Song Huan sang with Shi Yanzhang, Yan Xun, Zhang Wenguang, Zhao Bin, Ding Peng, Chen Zuoming, etc., and was known as the "Seven Sons of Yantai", and among the seven sons, Shen Deqian believed that Song Wan's "genius was handsome and transcended everyone". During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, Shanzuo Lujian edited the "Guochao Shanzuo Poetry Banknote", which is the most authoritative anthology of Shandong poetry in the early Qing Dynasty, and the book lists Song Wan as the first.

Throughout his life, Song Huan created a wealth of poetry, poetry and song, and all bodies can be used, especially poetry. Song Wan's poetry truly records the trajectory of his life's destiny and emotional ups and downs, which is a distinctive feature of Song Wan's works. "Anyatang Poems" and "Anyatang Last Inscribed Manuscripts" (Volumes 1 to 5) "Into the Shu Collection (Part 1)" is about the collection of poetry works of Song Huan in the early, middle and late periods, including more than 1,300 poems of various genres, which can be roughly divided into five categories according to the theme content, such as landscape poetry, narrative poetry, nostalgic poems, gift poems and poetry of poetry, and present a variety of different artistic styles.

Landscape poetry

Song Huan traveled to countless famous mountains and rivers in his life and wrote many beautiful landscape poems. Landscape poems in the early poetry collection Anyatang Poems include "Tongdong Yunyan and Wang Xingu Zhujun Denghua Mountain Yuntai Peak" and "Denghua Yuezuo".

Laiyang historical figure - Song Wan