
Historical Figures of Laiyang - Song Wan (II)

author:Those things in Laiyang, Yantai

Song Huan toured Wufeng Mountain on Jieshi Mountain, located in the north of Changli County, Hebei Province, and wrote a number of five-character landscape poems, such as "Su Wufeng Mountain", "West Peak Rain", "East Wufeng", "Yunfeng Temple", "Tongwang Lanxiao Works Revisiting Wufeng Hou Gao Qinliang", and a number of other five-character landscape poems. "White clouds know the old, red leaves come again" and so on, vividly describe the beauty of the Five Peaks Mountain, the peaks are stacked, straight into the clouds, the green pines are picturesque, and the strange rocks are saga.

In the "Unexscribed Manuscript of Anya Tang", there are many wonderful chapters that linger on the beauty of nature. For example, "Miscellaneous Poems on the Lake" (Ten Poems), Song Wan's song of the West Lake with raw flowers and wonderful pens is a famous passage describing the scenery of the West Lake, of which the best sentences are easy to understand and catchy: "The mountain color is good in the south screen, and the empty is half empty." * "Clouds and clouds are chaotic, the sky is clear - the tower is lonely." ”

In the "Anya Hall Unexscribed Manuscript", there is a group of five-character poems "Six Poems of the Ancient Mountain", which is a masterpiece of Song Wan's writing scenes that drift in the smoke and rain of Jiangnan and miss the landscape of his hometown, and its tone is refreshing, the rhyme is exquisite, and the affection is infinite, which is absolutely loud. The ancient mountain in the poem title refers to the Jingqi Mountain in laiyang, the hometown of Laiyang. The beautiful verses in the passage are dazzling: "On the small building of the Qingxi, the Maozhai Wanwei is surrounded." "The trees are flat and the sound of springs is hugging." "The stream joins the east and the west, and the neighbors live up and down." "A few rods through the path of bamboo, an inch of jumping waves." Every word is fresh and picturesque, and the battle is neat, which is a good sentence.

In "Into the Shu Collection", the poet's life can be described as a peak and a turn, the mood changes dramatically, all the way, all the way to the song, singing the magnificent rivers and mountains of Bashu, and the immortal ambition and pride dancing between the lines of poetry. For example, "NanjinGuan", "Huangmao Beach", "Huangniu Gorge Waterfall", "Empty Age Gorge", "Jumping Rock Beach", "JiuziTan Strange Stone" and so on vigorously depict the strange and beautiful scenes of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, which are gripping and make readers have a sense of experiencing the situation. The style of "Entering the Shu Collection" is heroic, and it has always been highly evaluated in Song Wan's poetry. As "Rock Jumping Beach" writes:

The goddess peak is at the level of the front river, and the dangerous beach is suddenly alarmed. The boat passed by the whiskers of the jackal, and the man stepped on the back of the jackal. Udo grabbed the only hair, and the ape cried out in disgust. Gao Tang yun looked back in the rain, and the Xia Qi was slightly like Akagi.

The turning point of fate made Song Huan's pride overflowing with pride and confidence, and he passed through the majestic and unrestrained pictures of mountains and rivers under the pen of the rugged Jiangshan Yuzhi with a broad heart, so that he witnessed the image of a lyrical protagonist who aspired to be thousands of miles and was not old, and drew a satisfactory end to Song Wan's landscape poetry.

Song Wan's different mentalities in the three periods are vividly expressed in his landscape poems. The early attachment to the landscape, there is a yearning for the world: the desolate scenery in the middle period causes the thought of hometown: in the later period, a passion pours out of the pen, Wang Yang is arbitrary, and the rainbow is vomited,


The most important chapters of Song Wan's poetry are some narrative poems that involve their own experiences, which are very different in the creation of the early, middle and late periods. There are not many works about his own life in the early Anya Tang poems, about five or six. By the time of the "Unexscribed Manuscript of Anya Tang", this subject matter was increased to fifty or sixty songs. In the later "Into Shu Collection", I can't find a narrative poem about my own life in the strict sense. During the most depressing period, that is, when he was living in Jiangnan in the middle period, he wrote a large number of narrative poems, expressing unfortunate family lineages and encounters, while there were obviously fewer such poems in the early and late stages when personal circumstances were relatively smooth. The early narrative works, such as "Title Song Crane Picture for the Fiftieth Birthday of Brother Zhong", recall the family past of his own growth with Brother Zhong, focusing on the description of Song Huan's efforts to break free from the family tragedy, inherit the discipline of his father and brother, and be innocent of the official's wishes. In the swallow poem, he says:

When the swallows arrive, three spring Liaohai West. Don't feel cold in the palace, come to paint Liang Qi. The wind and rain are bitter, and the male and female are in unison. My family has orphans and nephews, and Wee Mian belongs to the Mountain Committee.

By the middle of the period, the life of the prisoner, living in Jiangnan, the sense of tragedy accumulated in his heart was difficult to control, and he was born into a sad and sad poem. For example, in the "Anya Hall Unexscribed Manuscript", the poem "Liu Xuefang Feeds Spring Wine Thanksgiving Thanks":

What a poor life! There are many delays in the past. What has been said, the door is full of food. The curse of the jackal, the tongue of the heavenly heart. The trail is the same as the sand, and the name of the body is shattered. Warehouse pawn sill car signs, flesh and bones into a dead trick. Fortunately, the country of The Lotus was gracious and did not give the subject Jue. Wait for the sin to be cool, and cry out to the heavens to bleed.

Song Huan also focused on the unfortunate encounter of his second imprisonment. For example, "Nong yin Chinese New Year's Eve works": "The dry ankle is still listed, the blood is splashed, and the tiger is not left behind!" Even chicken to neighbor. "Write about the cruelty of the punishment at that time.

Song Huan concentrated on the tragedy of his family in the "Nine Lamentations", counting nine songs and seven laws, the starting sentences are: "There are brothers and brothers and uncles and Zhong, when people are false than Yingchuan Feng", "There are sisters-in-law and sisters-in-law who feed me, see my name into electricity, that *" "There are women and females in the countryside and counties, ten years have not seen Grandpa's face", "There are women and women who are diligent in weaving, bo officials rush to the country", "There are sisters and sisters who are lonely and widowed, and the husband dies and leaves two chicks", "There are nephews and nephews with childish teeth, and the eldest is a male and a young man", "There are nephews and nephews who are thin and bearded, and there are half-faced whales with frost on their feet", "There are servants and servants who are trapped bee Wei, Ten people and nine humane weapons" "The sun and moon of my birth are in the mi, and the ship is now strange." The first verses of each poem alone describe the decline of home.

Exhausted, people can't help but cry when they read it. There are also some narrative poems written for friends, and some focus on telling about friends, such as "Xiwang XiwuChe"

On the Lake". Some describe the process of acquaintance and fellowship with friends, and the long poem "Long Song Sending Jiang Rusu" recounts the scene of his jiang's childhood playing together, reading together, and the close interaction between the two families, suffering and sharing.

Although Song Wan's narrative poems are few, they accurately and generally record his important experiences. His outpouring of the world makes his narrative poems different from other poets in the early Qing Dynasty, such as Wu Meicun and many other poets who take events and historical events as lyrical objects, while Song Wan's narrative poems tell the experiences he is involved in, which determine the sadness and desolation of the emotional tone of Song Wan's poems.

Nostalgic poetry

The number of song poems is comparable to that of landscape poems.

When Song Huan was a teenager, he was full of vigor and full of ambition, a dashing young farmer with great ambitions, and he wrote in "The Boat of Remembrance": "The young Mu Ranger, the seat is a high yang guest. Smile at the YanShiLou, lingering in the wind and using the sunset. In "Long Song for Mr. Wu Xuehang," it is written: "If you want to repay the Son of Heaven with an article, you must make the meritorious name learn from the ancients." Lofty ambitions jumped on the paper.

After entering the Qing Dynasty, and even before going to prison, Song Wan's life in the office was boring and depressed, and he was even tired of this life to the point of self-shame. He wrote in "The Examination of the First Day of The First Day of The First Death": "The first person who must be the first to do things is like a weak woman, and I am sad that I am not suitable for a man."

His father was martyred, and many members of the family suffered. Whenever she thought about this family affair, Song Wan's mood was extremely bleak. He wrote in "Ding Xi Chinese New Year's Eve brothers and nephews and relatives and friends to guard the age of Lu Long":

After several years of farewell to the end of the world, reunion is happy and sad. Two sick people in the same church, two orphans in the next life. Huafa faded early, and Qingshan returned to his dream late. Talk about comfort and tears.

On the most joyful day of Chinese New Year's Eve, he drank wine and wept, and the sorrow in his heart was self-evident.

Song Huan has a sentimental poem "Crossing the Yellow River", which expresses his infinite feelings about the "sinister world": Is there anything wrong with the galaxy? The waves of heaven and earth are only frequent. There are more storms and dangers in the human world, and the Zhirui Yellow River is the way to mention.

This is the superior work of Song Wan's sentimental poems, selected into the "Three Hundred Qing Poems", Song Tong also has a sentimental poem also included in the "Three Hundred Qing Poems", entitled "Xuzhou Huaigu", borrowing ancient lyrics, quite magnificent.

Song Has been imprisoned twice, which is the most tragic experience of his life. Deeply suffering, his heart was extremely desolate, and he wrote many sentimental poems for this purpose. Among them, there are "Sigh of Bitter Rain", "Listen to the Bell", "Sorrowful Leaves", "Gengyin Feelings in Prison", "Song of Double Swallows", "Flute Sound", "Geng's Appreciation Chinese New Year's Eve" and so on. For example, the poem "Sigh of Bitter Rain" is directly lyrical to the chest, full of emotions, and deeply moving:

I live in the old part of Jingo, and although there are no walls in the west building. Lightning and hail shook the window, and beads of arrows invaded the skin. Burn the candle without burning the mosquito, with the evil fruit and the egg and the number. Qiu Jian's eyes were full of confusion, and he let his heart be lost.

Woohoo! In the past, he also lay high on the side of the Huatang, and the peach zhu misty tree often wanted to see the tiger kiss now, and the mud was smeared with enough who was pity? Gift poems

Song Wan's life experience is rich, he travels widely, and his exchanges with friends are rewarded and sung, all of which are written as poems. Therefore, the number of gift poems he gave birth to was quite large, slightly more than the landscape poems and nostalgic poems. This kind of poem is rich in content and diverse in style, reflecting Song Wan's life experience and spiritual outlook from different angles. Among such works, there are memories of gathering and traveling with friends, such as "Mr. Wang Jingya's Invitation to Huang Buzhou, Yang Yaosuo, Brother Answering Wu You mohe an", "Kasuga Cao Shi Yu Qiu Yue Zhai Zhongshe Collection" and so on; There are expressions of the joy of friends seeing each other, such as "XiHui Sun Tuoshan has a gift" (two songs), "The First to Fenhu, Xifang Erzhi, Pan Jiangru, Qian Yishao's Visit", etc.; There are those who have been favored by friends and given thanks by poetry, such as "Ye Hongzhennian Bo borrowed a book house to give thanks", "Zhang Youliang gave a false yu gift with a white door jingshe", etc.; There are also poems to hang and pay tribute to friends, such as "Jingkou Hanging talks about Changyi" and "Sacrifice Shen Shaosan Xiuyang" and so on. From the perspective of stylistic form, this type of poetry has both ancient and near-body. Ancient texts such as "Gifting Li Penghai Jinshi in Shu", "Sending Wang Yumen's Beam from the Army", "Pingge Pingge for Jia Jiaohou Shangshu", "Long Song Gift" and so on. "Zhan Dao Ping Song for Jia Jiao Hou Shangshu" is a poem written majestically and heroically, thrillingly:

You don't see the valley of Liangzhou obliquely and in the middle of the mountain road. You can walk up to the East Well and descend to the vast waves of the Yangtze River. Before the Great Departure Calluses arrived, the Emperor was attacked by Wuding Kai Shengao. The giant spirit transported the axe to maintain the ground, and then nantong bashu western Qiang fog. The snake coil lingered for six hundred miles, and a thousand twists and turns were intertwined. The suspension beam Mavro can be path, soaring cliff sad ape. The Han family left hou real women, and the fire was in vain!

Song Huan's near-body travel poems are also praised. Song Huan's father and son and Dong Qiao's father and son are the closest friends and in-laws of the two generations, and they are very concerned about Song Wan's encounter with Dong Qiao, and Song Huan is grateful. He composed the reward poem "The Quantity of the Happy Table."

Book to, a little thanks:

Count Du Shan Zhongxin, and ask the jianghu to chase the subjects. Mercy to the regular guests, Zhi'er Shangyi people. The knife trick frightened the dream, and the fishing flower was old. The customs of the old garden are thin, and there are Ge Tianmin.

As the Laiyang clan, the Jiang and Song families have always been good friends. The brothers Song Huan and Jiang Chen had a fairly close friendship, saying that Jiang Wei was reprimanded by Xuancheng in Chongzhen for his advice, and after the death of Ming, he and his brother Jiang Yu were exiled in the Suzhou area, practicing in Wu, and his family was buried in Xuancheng according to his will. Jiang Chen's integrity was highly praised among the scribes and remnants of the early Qing Dynasty, and Song Jiu (己酉正月過江如農東莱草堂) expressed his nostalgia for Jiang Wei:

Under the door of the scepter, the lonely subject ordered Ruosi. The day of the heavens is the time of the fall of the nation! Akane Pass Mei Wei, Flat Boat Mixed Seed Skin. It seems to be hidden by the king, and the only white gull knows.

The brothers Wang Shilu and Wang Shizhen in Xincheng were very important friends in Song Wan's life, and they felt sorry for each other and exchanged a lot of songs, among which Song Wan's "Little Portrait of The Titled King Ruan Ting" was particularly exquisite:

Wash horse wind god Ben to Qing, lotus clothes with the city of books. There was cloud qi left at the end of the eyebrow, and the sound of gold and stone was heard on the paper. The predecessor of The Maha is Shin Youzheng, and the court qingying jade pot ice. Under the official Mei of the Eastern Pavilion, a wave sounded in Guangling.

Song Huan also has a poem "Sending Nephew Jia An No Xing An Order" (choose one) is also very famous:

Er made a bronze medal official, and gave it to Kuo Hua Fa Weng. Xiang sui Portuguese Order Duan, Ma Mei Bao Jia Xiao. After the well-eup gango, the home was in tears. Ancestors are all shepherds, and innocence is a good bow.

Because Song Huan himself was a good official who actively joined the WTO, took pride in his innocence and family style, traveled from place to place as an official, and took the people as the foundation, and had political achievements everywhere, so he gave his sincere teaching to the newly born Jia'an nephew that "all ancestors are out of the pasture, and innocence is a good bow", and this poem has also become a good sentence that has been praised for a long time.


The number of Song Wan's poems is far less than the above four categories, about one hundred. Well-written poems include "Greeting the Flock", "Horse Chicken", "Bottle Chrysanthemum", "Snow Lantern", "Deer", "Roundabout Stone", "Nothing in the Boat Ignores the Beauty of the Hometown Sea Mistake", "Divine Crow Line", "Crazy Stone", "Fishing Line", "Ancient Silver Rubbing Song", "Ji Cricket Yin", "Eight Songs of Winning the Middle", "Song of Double Swallows", "Song of Stones" and so on. In these poems, the author expresses his understanding of reality or his ideals. For example, "Fishing Row" (excerpt):

Every year when the snow in Bashu subsides, thousands of fish are on the top. The spray beads become dragons, and the shock of the stones is like an elephant. Soaring to the clouds, the red bun green hyena overturned the silver waves. Death and life and misfortune only need history, and I have seen the scales out of the Jin net.

Writing that in the spring, "a thousand fish are on the top", the fish have touched the waves and jumped and fallen into the net, waiting for their fate can only be "death and birth blessings and misfortunes only need to be eaten, early to see the scales out of the net", the surface lamented that the fish because of blind movement and brought disaster to themselves, the essence of conveying the author's sober understanding of the fate of the intellectuals of that era. Another example is "Seeing a Hound in the Boat and Making It With Feeling" (five first choices):

The autumn water reeds are bright, and it is difficult to share the fame with Yinghua. The side of the tree is full of food and sleeps, and it is also like a hero brand meat.

Song Huan took the boat to see the hounds eating and sleeping on the boat, and couldn't help but think that he was placed in an idle place, just like the hounds could not play their strengths on the boat, and suddenly felt infinite emotions. Song Huan borrowed Liu Bei's story as a metaphor, gong dog gongren, the same, and expressed his depression with interest.

Although the various poetic themes of Song Wan's poetry are different, they are not far from the scope of the author's personal encounters and feelings. And this made him different from other poets in the poetry circle of the early Qing Dynasty, showing the peculiarities of Song Wan. If we want to say that the most prominent feature of Song Wan's poetry content is that he is good at expressing personal sorrow.

In addition, Song Wan's words, songs, texts and poems are flourishing. His collection of words is "Erxiang Pavilion Words" and "Into shu Collection" (Part 2), the collection of texts is "Anya Tang Anthology", "Re-engraving Anya Tang Anthology", "Anya Hall Shuqi", "Anya Hall Unexscribed Manuscript", volume 6, volume 7, volume 8, and the miscellaneous drama is only one "Sacrifice Gao Pottery". Song Huan created a wealth in his life, and his poetry and music were all worked on, especially for his poetry.