
Can food be eaten after it sprouts? Some are twice as nutritious, and some are harmful to the body!

author:Sharp-eyed life

Aunt Li is a careful person, she always keeps the house in order, especially the ingredients in the kitchen, and she is even more strict.

That day, she was sorting out the vegetables she had just bought in the kitchen as usual, when she suddenly noticed that the potatoes and garlic in the bag had grown small green shoots.

Can food be eaten after it sprouts? Some are twice as nutritious, and some are harmful to the body!

"Oh, can you still eat these?" she asked her wife beside her with a frown, confused.

Aunt Li's doubts are not unique, in fact, many people will encounter similar problems in their daily lives.

Food malting is a natural phenomenon and some foods sprout under the right conditions.

Whether the food can be eaten after malting depends on whether the food produces harmful substances after malting, and whether its nutritional value changes.

So, after the food sprouts, can it still be eaten, and will eating it have any effect on the body?

Can food be eaten after it sprouts? Some are twice as nutritious, and some are harmful to the body!


In our daily lives, there are many foods that sprout. For example, various beans, potatoes and some vegetables.

In the face of these foods, we must first clarify which ones are edible and which ones need to be avoided.

After the germination of soybeans, mung beans, peas and other legumes, their nutritional value will be significantly improved.

01. Soybean sprouts

Taking soybean sprouts as an example, compared with soybeans, the content of nutrients such as vitamins B1, B2, C and niacin has increased.

At the same time, soybean sprouts are also rich in protein and a variety of minerals, which is a very suitable food for people with weak digestive function.

Can food be eaten after it sprouts? Some are twice as nutritious, and some are harmful to the body!

02. Mung bean sprouts and pea sprouts

In addition to soybean sprouts, mung bean sprouts and pea sprouts also have similar nutritional value.

During the germination process, some of the proteins of these beans will be broken down into various amino acids, making them more delicious, delicate, and easier to digest and absorb.

03. Peanut sprouts

Can food be eaten after it sprouts? Some are twice as nutritious, and some are harmful to the body!

Peanut sprouts are also a nutritious food.

It is rich in vitamin C and a variety of antioxidants, which are helpful for improving human immunity and delaying aging. However, it should be noted that if your own peanuts sprout, it is better to throw them away.

Because the environment in which germination occurs is likely to be a breeding ground for mold formation, eating it may cause harm to the body.

If you really want to eat peanut sprouts, it is recommended to go to the supermarket or vegetable market to buy peanut sprouts that have been cultivated.


Of course, not all sprouted foods add nutritional value. Some foods have a reduced nutritional value after they are sprouted.

01. Condiment vegetables sprout, and the nutritional value is reduced

Condiments such as ginger, garlic and onions are not toxins and can still be eaten after germination, but their nutritional value is reduced.

Because these foods will consume their own nutrients to supply the growth of new sprouts during the germination process, resulting in a decrease in the original nutrients.

At the same time, the ginger, garlic and onion will deteriorate after sprouting, and they will no longer be as delicious as they used to be.

Can food be eaten after it sprouts? Some are twice as nutritious, and some are harmful to the body!

02. Potato food sprouts, be careful and vigilant

Potato foods such as sweet potatoes, yams, and taro also lose some nutrients and water during the germination process, resulting in a poor taste. Sweet potatoes, in particular, can also develop mildew as they sprout.

If you notice that the skin of sweet potatoes is brown, has black spots, or any signs of mildew, please throw them away immediately to avoid harm to your body after eating.

Can food be eaten after it sprouts? Some are twice as nutritious, and some are harmful to the body!

03. Radish and cabbage foods sprout, and the nutritional value is lost

Vegetables such as radish and cabbage also have a decrease in taste and nutritional value after germination.

Although they don't produce toxins like potatoes when they sprout, they become rougher in taste and have less nutrients.

Therefore, when eating, you need to pay attention to picking fresh vegetables and avoid choosing radishes and cabbage that have already sprouted.


Of all the sprouted foods, the one that needs to be wary of the most is potatoes.

Because sprouted and green potatoes contain a toxin called solanine.

Fresh potatoes also contain trace amounts of solanine, but under normal circumstances, it does not cause harm to the human body.

However, when potatoes sprout or turn green, the amount of solanine increases dramatically.

Can food be eaten after it sprouts? Some are twice as nutritious, and some are harmful to the body!

Poisoning can occur within tens of minutes to hours after eating such potatoes.

Symptoms of poisoning include itching, burning sensation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. In severe cases, symptoms such as dizziness, headache, and difficulty breathing may also occur.

Therefore, when we store potatoes, we should pay special attention to avoid direct sunlight and high temperature environments to prevent them from germinating or turning green.

If you find that the potatoes in your home have sprouted or turned green, be sure to throw them away to avoid poisoning after eating.

The question of where food stays after sprouting is indeed related to the health of our diet.

Can food be eaten after it sprouts? Some are twice as nutritious, and some are harmful to the body!

Understanding how foods change when they sprout can help us make smarter choices and live healthier lives.

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