
In the summer, when the weather is hot and your appetite is reduced, try these dishes to be refreshing and nutritious.

author:Become a freelancer

#头条创作挑战赛 ##晒晒我的今日美食#


As the temperature gradually rises, so does the scorching heat of summer. In such weather, many people's appetite will decrease, especially for greasy and spicy food, it is easy to develop a sense of disgust. At this time, some refreshing and greasy summer delicacies have become the first choice on people's tables. The fresh taste and rich nutrition not only bring a pleasant taste experience, but also make people feel a little cool and refreshed in the hot summer heat.

So, what are the best delicacies to eat during this hot summer season? Next, let's take a look at what refreshing and delicious summer delicacies can make our taste buds get rid of greasy in freshness.

1. Lemon fish in golden soup

In the summer, when the weather is hot and your appetite is reduced, try these dishes to be refreshing and nutritious.


  • 1. One fresh sea bass
  • 2. Lemon
  • 3. Minced ginger
  • 4. Essence of chicken
  • 5. Salt
  • 6. Shimizu
  • 7. Green and red peppers


  • 1. Remove the gills and scales of the fresh sea bass, wash and cut into cubes, marinate with salt and cooking wine for a while.
  • 2. Slice the lemon and shred the green and red peppers.
  • 3. Heat the pan with cold oil, add minced ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in an appropriate amount of water, put in the marinated sea bass pieces, cook until the fish turns white, then remove and set aside.
  • 4. Pour some water into the soup base of the boiled fish, add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence to taste, then add lemon slices and shredded green and red peppers, and boil again.


Lemon fish in golden soup is a dish that is perfect for summer. The fish is tender and delicious, and it is paired with refreshing lemon slices, which not only has a richer taste, but also brings a hint of fresh aroma, which is very appetizing and greasy.

2. Perilla chicken wings

In the summer, when the weather is hot and your appetite is reduced, try these dishes to be refreshing and nutritious.


  • 1. Chicken wings
  • 2. Perilla leaves
  • 3. Minced ginger and garlic
  • 4. Cooking wine
  • 5. Light soy sauce
  • 6. Salt
  • 7. White sugar
  • 8. Vinegar
  • 9. Essence of chicken


  • 1. Wash and drain the chicken wings, make a few cuts in the chicken wings with a knife, and marinate them with salt, cooking wine and light soy sauce for a while.
  • 2. Wash the perilla leaves and cut them into minced pieces, and chop the ginger and garlic into minced pieces for later use.
  • 3. Heat the oil in a pan, put the marinated chicken wings in the pan and fry them until golden brown and crispy on both sides, remove and drain the oil.
  • 4. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add minced ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add an appropriate amount of sugar and stir-fry until bubbly, pour in some water, add minced perilla leaves, and cook until the soup thickens.
  • 5. Finally, add the fried chicken wings and stir-fry evenly, pour in a little vinegar and chicken essence, and then bring to a boil.


Shiso chicken wings are a refreshing dish. The fresh aroma and unique taste of perilla leaves, combined with the tender flesh of chicken wings, not only bring a unique delicious experience, but also have an appetizing and greasy effect, which is very suitable for summer consumption.

3. Cold and smooth meat

In the summer, when the weather is hot and your appetite is reduced, try these dishes to be refreshing and nutritious.


  • 1. Pork belly
  • 2. Gherkins
  • 3. Carrots
  • 4. Green and red peppers
  • 5. Minced green onion, ginger and garlic
  • 6. Light soy sauce
  • 7. Balsamic vinegar
  • 8. White sugar
  • 9. Salt
  • 10. Essence of chicken
  • 11. Chili oil


  • 1. Blanch the pork belly in cooking wine, remove it and cut it into thin slices, shred the cucumbers and carrots, and cut the green and red peppers into rings.
  • 2. Blanch the chopped vegetables in boiling water, remove and drain, and blanch the pork belly in boiling water, then remove and drain.
  • 3. Put the minced green onion, ginger and garlic into a bowl, add light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar, salt and chicken essence and mix well to make a juice.
  • 4. Put the blanched pork belly and vegetables in a large bowl, drizzle with the flavored juice, sprinkle with some chili oil, and mix well.


Cold salad is a cold dish that is perfect for summer. The meat is tender and smooth, with crisp and refreshing vegetables, coupled with sweet and sour sauces, the taste is fresh and appetizing, which can help people relieve their appetite and increase their appetite.

Fourth, stuffed bitter gourd

In the summer, when the weather is hot and your appetite is reduced, try these dishes to be refreshing and nutritious.


  • 1. Bitter melon
  • 2. Ground pork
  • 3. Minced green onion, ginger and garlic
  • 4. Eggs
  • 5. Salt
  • 6. Light soy sauce
  • 7. Cooking wine
  • 8. White sugar
  • 9. Essence of chicken
  • 10. Starch


  • 1. Remove the bitter gourd and cut it into sections, then season the pork filling with green onion, ginger and garlic, salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar and chicken essence, stir well, and fill the seasoned meat filling into the bitter gourd segments.
  • 2. Wrap the filled bitter gourd with a thin layer of starch and wrap it in the beaten egg mixture.
  • 3. Heat the pan with cold oil, put the bitter gourd segments wrapped in egg liquid into the pan and fry until golden brown and crispy, remove and drain the oil.
  • 4. Finally, put the fried bitter gourd segments on a plate, drizzle with some sweet tomato sauce and sprinkle with some chopped chives.


Stuffed bitter gourd, it is a light and delicious summer delicacy. Bitter gourd has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, and after cooking, bitter gourd is no longer bitter, but delicious and delicious. Paired with juicy pork filling and sweet tomato sauce, it is rich in taste and nutritious, making it perfect for summer.

Fifth, small seafood in sauce

In the summer, when the weather is hot and your appetite is reduced, try these dishes to be refreshing and nutritious.


  • 1. Fresh seafood
  • 2. Minced garlic
  • 3. Minced ginger
  • 4. Green and red peppers
  • 5. Green onions
  • 6. Cooking wine
  • 7. Shimizu
  • 8. Salt
  • 9. Essence of chicken
  • 10. Cornstarch


  • 1. Wash and drain the fresh seafood, mince the garlic, mince the ginger, shred the green and red peppers, and cut the green onions.
  • 2. Heat the pan with cold oil, stir-fry the minced garlic and ginger until fragrant, then add the washed seafood and stir-fry until it changes color, and pour in an appropriate amount of cooking wine to remove the smell.
  • 3. Add water to boil, add shredded green and red peppers and green onions, then add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence to taste, thicken with cornstarch, and pour on the small seafood.


Small seafood in sauce is a refreshing and delicious summer delicacy. The small seafood is tender and the soup is delicious and has a light taste, which is perfect for summer. Moreover, small seafood is rich in protein and trace elements, which has a good tonic effect on human health.

6. Thai-style hot and sour chicken thighs

In the summer, when the weather is hot and your appetite is reduced, try these dishes to be refreshing and nutritious.


  • 1. Chicken thighs
  • 2. Green peppers
  • 3. Red peppers
  • 4. Onions
  • 5. Minced garlic
  • 6. Cayenne peppers
  • 7. Lime
  • 8. Thai chutney
  • 9. Salt
  • 10. Ground white pepper
  • 11. Essence of chicken
  • 12. Tomato sauce


  • 1. Marinate the chicken thighs with salt and white pepper for a few moments, then bake them in the oven until golden brown and crispy.
  • 2. Shred the green peppers, red peppers and onions, slice the peppers, and slice the limes for later use.
  • 3. Heat the pan with cold oil, stir-fry the minced garlic and chili peppers until fragrant, then add the shredded vegetables and stir-fry evenly, pour in an appropriate amount of water, add the Thai chutney sauce and tomato sauce and boil.
  • 4. Finally, add the grilled chicken thighs, drizzle with some lime juice and chicken essence, and cook until the soup thickens.


Thai hot and sour chicken thighs are a sour and appetizing summer delicacy. The chicken is tender and juicy, and with a sour and spicy soup, it is refreshing and appetizing, making it perfect for summer. Moreover, the sour and spicy taste can also help people dispel the heat and increase their appetite, which is a very popular home-cooked dish.


In the scorching heat of summer, a delicious meal can often bring people a full sense of happiness. The refreshing and greasy summer food can not only satisfy people's taste buds, but also bring people a refreshing feeling. Therefore, in our daily cooking, we can try to make some refreshing and delicious dishes, such as lemon fish in golden soup, perilla chicken wings, cold and smooth meat, stuffed bitter gourd, small seafood in sauce and Thai hot and sour chicken thighs, so that the family can enjoy the charm of food in the fresh taste, and also feel the strong love and care.

I hope everyone can be healthy and happy this summer, and have a good mood every day. If you like my sharing, remember to like and bookmark, and we'll see you next time!

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