
#买保险需要医疗险与重疾险都买吗?#需要. The younger the life critical illness long-term insurer, the more cost-effective it is to buy. First of all, it is best for people to be after the age of 25, in addition to buying social medical insurance,


#买保险需要医疗险与重疾险都买吗? #


The younger the life critical illness long-term insurer, the more cost-effective it is to buy.

First of all, it is best for people to buy social medical insurance after the age of 25, in addition to buying social medical insurance, and then buy life long-term insurance, with low premiums and about 20 years of payment, which is complementary to social security medical care. With social security medical care alone, some expenses are not reimbursed, and some life critical illness insurance is purchased to supplement each other.

Secondly, if a person is over the age of 35, the premium of long-term critical illness life insurance is high and the sum insured is small. At this time, you can consider buying consumer-based million-dollar medical insurance, which is more cost-effective in combination with medical insurance!

Finally, when buying life critical illness insurance, it is important to truthfully inform the insurance company of the health status of the insured to avoid disputes arising from insurance accidents and not getting claims!!

In short, if a person has social security and medical insurance, how to buy life critical illness insurance, according to different ages and different physical health conditions, make a reasonable and cost-effective insurance and choose a good brand insurance company.

This is my personal advice and experience.

#买保险需要医疗险与重疾险都买吗?#需要. The younger the life critical illness long-term insurer, the more cost-effective it is to buy. First of all, it is best for people to be after the age of 25, in addition to buying social medical insurance,
#买保险需要医疗险与重疾险都买吗?#需要. The younger the life critical illness long-term insurer, the more cost-effective it is to buy. First of all, it is best for people to be after the age of 25, in addition to buying social medical insurance,
#买保险需要医疗险与重疾险都买吗?#需要. The younger the life critical illness long-term insurer, the more cost-effective it is to buy. First of all, it is best for people to be after the age of 25, in addition to buying social medical insurance,
#买保险需要医疗险与重疾险都买吗?#需要. The younger the life critical illness long-term insurer, the more cost-effective it is to buy. First of all, it is best for people to be after the age of 25, in addition to buying social medical insurance,

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