
CCTV's most unreliable person: He has been the weather forecast host for about 30 years, but he turned out to be a temporary worker

author:Magical Workshop

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CCTV's most unreliable person: He has been the weather forecast host for about 30 years, but he turned out to be a temporary worker

In 1965, Song Yingjie was born in an ordinary family in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. Since childhood, he has had a deep love for natural phenomena such as blue skies and white clouds, sunshine and rain and dew, and a strong desire to learn has planted a sprout of curiosity in his heart like a seed, which has grown stronger and stronger over time.

As a teenager full of curiosity about the unknown world, Song Yingjie's dream is to one day step into the field of meteorology and explore the mysteries of meteorology.

Fortunately, the god of fate finally reached out to this hard-working young manIn the autumn of 1984, with his outstanding academic performance, Song Yingjie was successfully admitted to the Beijing Institute of Meteorology.

Here, he did not hesitate to choose the expensive but highly specialized major in weather dynamics, which also means that he has officially embarked on a journey to pursue his childhood dream.

CCTV's most unreliable person: He has been the weather forecast host for about 30 years, but he turned out to be a temporary worker

After entering the university campus, Song Yingjie seemed to open the door to a new world, and his thirst for meteorological knowledge was like a hunger, and he devoted himself to his studies with extraordinary diligence and hard work, often forgetting to sleep and eating, and was full of endless curiosity and desire for knowledge in every course he studied.

After four years of college life, Song Yingjie graduated with excellent grades and was selected by the school to work at the long-awaited Central Meteorological Observatory. However, this sudden appointment caused Song Yingjie to fall into a brief contemplation.

On the one hand, he had to temporarily put down his work and leave his beloved meteorological post; On the other hand, it is also a rare opportunity to teach in rural areas.

After careful consideration, Song Yingjie finally made a remarkable decision - to temporarily leave the Central Meteorological Observatory and devote himself to the cause of rural education. He firmly believes: "I haven't started a family yet, I'm alone, and I have nothing to worry about, and this kind of life is really beautiful!" ”。

CCTV's most unreliable person: He has been the weather forecast host for about 30 years, but he turned out to be a temporary worker

Therefore, with a firm belief in the meteorological cause, he devoted himself to the great cause of teaching and educating people.

During the time spent in the vast countryside of the countryside, Song Yingjie personally experienced the extreme thirst for knowledge of children living in poverty, which deeply touched him, and made him more determined to take root in the countryside and devote himself to the cause of poverty alleviation through education, and he was full of expectations to bring a new dawn to the future of these children.

Not long after Song Yingjie devoted himself to scientific research and teaching work, a surprise from fate quietly came. In 1993, China Central Television (CCTV) was preparing a new program aimed at training knowledge-based weather forecasters, and his superiors strongly recommended Song Yingzhuo to take on this important role.

Initially, Song Yingjie declined the offer with some hesitation: "I prefer to stay here and continue to study meteorology in depth, and I may not be very suitable to be the host." ”

CCTV's most unreliable person: He has been the weather forecast host for about 30 years, but he turned out to be a temporary worker

Although Song Yingjie did not show too much enthusiasm for hosting work, CCTV cherished this rare talent, and repeatedly retained and issued sincere invitations.

So, Song Yingjie stepped into the career of weather forecasting host as a "temporary worker". Although this part-time job is not his main job, he still does his best, and has always maintained a high degree of enthusiasm and dedication to the research and study of his meteorological knowledge.

Just entered the unfamiliar stage of CCTV, whenever he stood under many dazzling spotlights, Song Yingjie always felt the tension and uneasiness in his heart. He couldn't help but question whether he really possessed the talent and ability to be a good host.

In order to improve himself, every time after work, he would choose to stay alone in the empty studio, repeatedly practicing his posture, pronunciation and body language when hosting.

CCTV's most unreliable person: He has been the weather forecast host for about 30 years, but he turned out to be a temporary worker

Over time, Song Yingjie gradually realized that it is not enough to convey boring theoretical knowledge and inscrutable technical terms to the audience as it is, and they may not be able to fully understand the profound connotations and meanings contained in them.

In order to make it easier for the public to accept and understand the knowledge of weather forecasting, Song Yingjie began to work hard to learn how to use the most vivid and easy-to-understand expressions to interpret to the audience.

It is with this unique broadcast style that Song Yingjie has gradually won the warm welcome of the audience and is known as the "excellent weather host" in the hearts of the audience. However, just as his reputation was rising, a sudden storm seriously impacted Song Yingjie's hosting career.

In 1999, weather anchor Song Yingjie confidently predicted the upcoming windy weather in North China in a well-known program, who would have expected that the next day it would suddenly rain down, which led to strong public doubts! However, Song Yingjie did not justify himself for his personal failure, but bowed his head and sincerely expressed his deep apologies to the audience.

CCTV's most unreliable person: He has been the weather forecast host for about 30 years, but he turned out to be a temporary worker

Surprisingly, as an expert meteorologist with a deep academic background in meteorology, he knows that weather forecasting is crucial to people's daily life, although he is only a "temporary worker", Song Yingjie has never regarded this job as a temporary part-time job, but has devoted himself wholeheartedly, and has won high respect from all walks of life with his excellent professionalism and professionalism.

Although he has been plagued by doubts and criticism, Song Yingjie has not been discouraged by this. Through unremitting efforts and unwavering perseverance, he has finally made brilliant achievements in this field and has been fully recognized by the society.

In order to allow more people to understand the scientific principles behind weather forecasting, Song Yingjie has devoted himself to the study of traditional Chinese 24 solar terms, hoping to enable the general public to understand meteorological knowledge more deeply, rather than simply focusing on the accuracy of forecast results.

After several years of hard work, Song Yingjie finally created an amazing masterpiece - "Twenty-four Solar Terms". This work systematically explains the rich connotations of the 24 solar terms, and skillfully connects them with the laws of weather changes, and interprets the unique climatic characteristics of each solar term in detail for readers in easy-to-understand words.

CCTV's most unreliable person: He has been the weather forecast host for about 30 years, but he turned out to be a temporary worker

With his profound professional knowledge and vivid and interesting explanations, Song Yingjie finally won the warm applause and heartfelt love of the audience, and emerged in the weather forecast hosting industry.

Years of perseverance and perseverance have finally paid off, and Song Yingjie has become the undisputed leader in the field of weather forecasting. Audiences admired his professional enthusiasm and dedication as an outstanding disseminator of meteorological knowledge.

From an obscure "temporary worker" to now winning wide recognition from the public, Song Yingjie has perfectly interpreted the extraordinary meaning of perseverance with his own life experience.

Just as Song Yingjie has made remarkable achievements and honors in his career, his personal life has also ushered in a beautiful turn. On the occasion of celebrating the 50th anniversary of the glorious history of Beijing Institute of Meteorology, the alma mater, the university specially invited Song Yingjie to attend this grand celebration ceremony.

CCTV's most unreliable person: He has been the weather forecast host for about 30 years, but he turned out to be a temporary worker

After a long absence from his alma mater, he stepped on this familiar land again, and his heart was full of endless emotion and excitement. Walking alone along the verdant boulevard, reminiscing about the past when you were a student.

The campus is filled with youthful vitality and vigor, and one of the beautiful and tall girls has attracted Song Yingjie's attention. This girl named Liu Yan has just entered the hall of the university, and she is full of curiosity and expectation about this new and unknown campus life.

Surprisingly, Liu Yan was also deeply attracted by Song Yingjie, who was dressed in a decent suit and had a calm demeanor. So, they met in a corner of their alma mater and left each other's contact information, and began a wonderful journey of fate.

Initially, the relationship between Song Yingjie and Liu Yan was only between teachers and students. As Song Yingjie's junior, Liu Yan often asks this senior, who is 12 years older than him, about various confusions in his career and life.

CCTV's most unreliable person: He has been the weather forecast host for about 30 years, but he turned out to be a temporary worker

Over time, Song Yingjie gradually became Liu Yan's confidant and spiritual mentor in campus life.

As time passed, the relationship between the two deepened in silence. Finally, on a special day, Song Yingjie could no longer suppress the surging emotions in his heart and bravely expressed his sincere love to Liu Yan.

Faced with this love that spanned 12 years old, Liu Yan couldn't help but have some hesitation and worry in his heart. However, in the process of getting along for a long time, she was deeply moved by Song Yingjie's sincerity and kindness, and finally chose to accept this relationship.

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