
#What does the Mo Yan phenomenon illustrate# I have talked about it in many articles in the past two years, to put it bluntly, the Mo Yan phenomenon is the inferior root of human nature, "Not being able to eat grapes is not only sour, but also slanderous."

author:Energetic Wumeng mud pills

#What does the Mo Yan phenomenon illustrate# I have talked about it in many articles in the past two years, to put it bluntly, the Mo Yan phenomenon is a typical manifestation of the inferior nature of human nature, "not only sour, but also slandered and said that grapes are poisonous", "I want people to be poor and do not want people to be rich, especially not to be top".

The Mo Yan phenomenon started in the field of literary criticism, and I have read almost all the review articles, and I obviously feel that the development from literary criticism to literary criticism is only controlled within the academic scope, and only the "envy and jealousy of literati".

Later, the Mo Yan phenomenon from the media showed envy, jealousy and hatred to the fullest, and there were even rumors that Mo Yan was expelled from the Writers Association.

Rest assured, Mo Yan's vice chairman of the Writers' Association should be stable, and he won the annual award in two or three years, and all his works have risen in a straight line in recent years.

Mo didn't say a word, and secretly thanked these people for acting as his salesman.

The Mo Yan phenomenon has also been staged on Tu Youyou.

After Tu Youyou won the "Nobel Prize", some academicians jointly wrote to the Nobel Prize Jury of the Royal Swedish Academy, saying that Tu Youyou had no study abroad experience, had not published papers in top international academic journals, was not an academician of the Academy of Sciences or the Academy of Engineering, and did not meet the conditions for the award.

Naturally, it was just a few flies humming, and the Nobel Prize judges did not recognize the so-called "conditions" of the bookmakers.

I think that whoever wins the "Nobel Prize" in China in the next step, especially the Literature Prize, will also enjoy the treatment of attacking it in groups.

This phenomenon is extremely harmful to the natural sciences and social sciences, especially in the field of social sciences, which have been around for more than 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and have not been able to produce masters in philosophy, literature, and history.

The Chinese people are deeply rooted in national inferiority, and in a sense, they are not pressed by corruption.

#What does the Mo Yan phenomenon illustrate# I have talked about it in many articles in the past two years, to put it bluntly, the Mo Yan phenomenon is the inferior root of human nature, "Not being able to eat grapes is not only sour, but also slanderous."
#What does the Mo Yan phenomenon illustrate# I have talked about it in many articles in the past two years, to put it bluntly, the Mo Yan phenomenon is the inferior root of human nature, "Not being able to eat grapes is not only sour, but also slanderous."
#What does the Mo Yan phenomenon illustrate# I have talked about it in many articles in the past two years, to put it bluntly, the Mo Yan phenomenon is the inferior root of human nature, "Not being able to eat grapes is not only sour, but also slanderous."

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