
The "sesame crisp", which is crisper than the peach crisp, has simple ingredients, reduces oil and sugar, and is delicious without burden

author:Junbao cuisine

There are many people who like to eat peach crisp, but the amount of oil and sugar in the recipe is really worrying, especially during weight loss. Today's sesame crisp, has reduced the oil and sugar to the minimum, surprisingly, the taste of the crisp is almost no less than the peach crisp, not greasy and not greasy, very suitable for hungry and afraid of long meat baby ~ ~

The "sesame crisp", which is crisper than the peach crisp, has simple ingredients, reduces oil and sugar, and is delicious without burden

【Ingredients required】

120 g flour, 30 g corn oil, 30 g cotton sugar. 1 egg, 2 grams of aluminum-free baking powder, peeled white sesame seeds to taste.

(1) Add 30 grams of corn oil to the bowl, or you can use butter and lard. 30 grams of cotton sugar, if there is only white sugar, it is recommended to use a blender to make powder, because the particles are too large and difficult to melt. Then 1 medium sized egg. Stir until the sugar melts and beat the eggs well. Then sift in 120 grams of flour, medium and low gluten are available, and 2 grams of aluminum-free baking powder. Baking powder is the key to crispy pine, so it can not be less, nor can it be replaced by yeast. When buying, look for no aluminum foam powder on the line, only use such a little at a time, there will be no problem.

The "sesame crisp", which is crisper than the peach crisp, has simple ingredients, reduces oil and sugar, and is delicious without burden
The "sesame crisp", which is crisper than the peach crisp, has simple ingredients, reduces oil and sugar, and is delicious without burden
The "sesame crisp", which is crisper than the peach crisp, has simple ingredients, reduces oil and sugar, and is delicious without burden

(2) Then use a spatula to mix well and press into a soft dough where dry powder is not visible. Without waking up, directly pull into a small agent of about 10 grams, knead the round, wrap a layer of white sesame seeds, and then rub a circle with your hands to wrap the white sesame seeds tightly so as not to fall off halfway. It is best to use peeled white sesame seeds, which look a lot better. I've tried using ordinary white sesame seeds with skin, and the color is not good, but if you don't mind the appearance of this piece, of course, you can.

The "sesame crisp", which is crisper than the peach crisp, has simple ingredients, reduces oil and sugar, and is delicious without burden
The "sesame crisp", which is crisper than the peach crisp, has simple ingredients, reduces oil and sugar, and is delicious without burden
The "sesame crisp", which is crisper than the peach crisp, has simple ingredients, reduces oil and sugar, and is delicious without burden

(3) After all is done, set the baking pan a little distance apart, and use your thumb to slightly flatten it to increase the heating area and cook it quickly. Preheat the oven, top and bottom tubes at 180 degrees, and bake for about 20 minutes. Bake until golden brown on both sides, and when baked to cool, it is very crispy. I can't eat a little bit of greasy feeling, only the aroma and crispness of sesame seeds. It's almost the New Year, and it's also very appropriate to do more to send friends and family. Like you also try it!

The "sesame crisp", which is crisper than the peach crisp, has simple ingredients, reduces oil and sugar, and is delicious without burden
The "sesame crisp", which is crisper than the peach crisp, has simple ingredients, reduces oil and sugar, and is delicious without burden
The "sesame crisp", which is crisper than the peach crisp, has simple ingredients, reduces oil and sugar, and is delicious without burden
The "sesame crisp", which is crisper than the peach crisp, has simple ingredients, reduces oil and sugar, and is delicious without burden

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