
Story 1: One day, a snail decides to climb a tree. It climbed all day and finally reached the top of the tree. When it looked back, it found itself being chased by a squirrel for a whole day.

author:Playground Lingyuan 6w

Story 1:

One day, a snail decided to climb a tree. It climbed all day and finally reached the top of the tree. When it looked back, it found itself being chased by a squirrel for a whole day. The snail asked the squirrel: "Why are you chasing me?" The squirrel replied with a smile: "Because I thought you were a slowly growing plant!" ”

Story 2:

One day, a bird flew to a farm. It sees a hen hatching eggs. The bird asked curiously, "Why are you sitting on the egg?" The hen replied, "Because I'm a bird." The bird said in surprise: "Are you a bird?" But you have no wings! The hen smiled and said, "I am a native chicken, and I hatch eggs with my feet." ”

Story 3:

One day, a cat and a dog walked into a bar. The cat says to the dog, "May I treat you to a drink?" The dog asked suspiciously, "How can you have money to treat me to a drink?" The cat replied proudly: "Because I have nine lives!" ”

Story 4:

One day, a piglet walked into a restaurant. It said to the waiter, "I want a pork fried rice." The waiter asked in surprise, "You mean you want to eat yourself?" Piglet smiled and replied, "Yes, I want to eat my own food!" ”

Story 5:

One day, a bee flew in front of a bear. The bee asked, "Why are you always so sad?" The bear replied, "Because I've always been called 'bear-like'!" The bee smiled and said, "Then you should be glad that you are not called 'bee-like'!" ”

Story 6:

One day, a turtle and a rabbit race for a run. When the race started, the rabbit quickly ran to the finish line. However, when it looked back, it found that the turtle had leisurely sat at the finish line waiting for it. The rabbit asked in surprise, "Why are you so fast?" The turtle replied with a smile: "Because I have a secret weapon - slowly and steadily!" ”

Story 7:

One day, a sheep walked into a barbershop. It says to the barber, "I want a new hairstyle." The barber asked suspiciously, "Are you sure?" You are a sheep. The sheep smiled and replied, "Yes, but I want to look more like a lion!" ”

Story 8:

One day, a duck walked into a pharmacy. It says to the pharmacist, "I need some quacking medicine." The pharmacist asked suspiciously, "Why do you need quack's medicine?" The duck replied, "Because I want to be more quacky!" ”

Story 9:

One day, an ant climbed on the foot of an elephant. The elephant asked in surprise, "What do you want to do?" The ant replied, "I just want to find a bigger place than me." ”

Story 10:

One day, a pigeon flew in front of a penguin. The pigeon asked curiously: "Why can't you fly?" The penguin replied, "Because I'm a penguin, I'm better at swimming!" The pigeon smiled and said, "Then you should participate in a swimming competition!" ”

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Story 1: One day, a snail decides to climb a tree. It climbed all day and finally reached the top of the tree. When it looked back, it found itself being chased by a squirrel for a whole day.
Story 1: One day, a snail decides to climb a tree. It climbed all day and finally reached the top of the tree. When it looked back, it found itself being chased by a squirrel for a whole day.
Story 1: One day, a snail decides to climb a tree. It climbed all day and finally reached the top of the tree. When it looked back, it found itself being chased by a squirrel for a whole day.

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