
Chestnuts are used in this way, the old hen is full of qi and blood, sleeps well, and has a strong spleen and stomach

author:Dr. Tian is in good health

In the cold winter, an old saying often circulates in people's mouths: "Eat chestnuts in winter, and beat the old hens." Are you curious about how this little chestnut, known as the "king of dried fruits", won such a reputation? Peeling off the warm chestnut shell by the fire also makes you feel a touch of the warmth of home and the taste of time?

Today, it's not only about uncovering the nutritional secrets behind chestnuts, but also about how it can add points to our health on cold winter days. From ancient times to the present, chestnuts have become the darling of winter tables due to their unique health benefits. It can not only replenish energy, but also help you replenish qi and blood, make your sleep more stable, and your spleen and stomach healthier. So, how are these legendary benefits reflected in scientific research, and how can they be eaten correctly to maximize the "superpowers" of chestnuts?

Chestnuts are used in this way, the old hen is full of qi and blood, sleeps well, and has a strong spleen and stomach

Chestnut: A winter nourishing superfood

In winter, when the cold is pressing, people often look for natural foods to replenish energy and improve the body's ability to resist cold. Among the many options, chestnut has become a nourishing product that cannot be ignored due to its unique nutritional value and health benefits.

Chestnuts are not only sweet in taste, but also nutritious. Compared with other nuts, chestnut contains lower fat, high content of dietary fiber and protein, and is a low-fat, high-fiber healthy food. In particular, chestnuts are rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that can effectively improve the body's resistance and prevent colds. In addition, chestnut is also rich in trace elements, such as potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc., which play an important role in maintaining cardiovascular health and enhancing bone strength.

In the traditional concept, chestnut is believed to have the effect of tonifying the kidneys and strengthening the waist, strengthening the spleen and stomach. Modern research has found that chestnuts are rich in iron, which is an important component of hemoglobin, which helps to improve qi and blood circulation and enhance the body's vitality. At the same time, its rich dietary fiber helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and improve intestinal health, thereby nourishing qi and blood while strengthening the function of the spleen and stomach.

A good night's sleep is essential for good health. The trace element magnesium in chestnuts, known as the "anti-stress mineral", can relax nerves and muscles, relieve tension and help improve sleep quality. On a cold winter night, a handful of chestnuts can not only replenish your energy needs at night, but also help you fall asleep peacefully.

Chestnuts are used in this way, the old hen is full of qi and blood, sleeps well, and has a strong spleen and stomach

Spleen and stomach health: the guardian of winter warmth

The spleen and stomach are the "energy factory" of the human body, and chestnut is a good fuel for this factory. Chestnuts are rich in starch, and after cooking, they can be quickly converted into energy to supply the body. At the same time, its rich dietary fiber can help digestion and reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach, especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with weak digestive function.

In this cold winter, golden chestnuts are not only delicious on the tip of the tongue, but also a source of health. It is low-fat and rich in fiber, which provides ample energy and cardiovascular health, and it nourishes qi and blood, so that people can feel the warmth of nature even in the cold wind. However, remember to eat it in moderation so that you can better enjoy the health benefits of chestnuts. In this winter, let's enjoy the nourishment and joy brought by chestnuts together!

Chestnuts are used in this way, the old hen is full of qi and blood, sleeps well, and has a strong spleen and stomach

Chestnut eating strategy: protect health, from selection to cooking

Chestnut is a good product for warming the heart and nourishing in winter, but the correct way to eat it is the premise of healthy enjoyment. Here's a detailed look at how to select, store and cook chestnuts so you can not only enjoy them, but also absorb their rich nutritional value.

When buying, choose chestnuts with intact skin and a hard texture. The shell of a fresh chestnut should be shiny, free of cracks, and elastic when gently squeezed. Avoid chestnuts with moldy or broken shells or loose insides, which are often signs of expiration or poor quality.

Chestnuts are prone to dehydration and drying, so they should be placed in a cool and ventilated place. If you need to store it for a long time, you can put it in a mesh bag and store it in the fruit and vegetable room of the refrigerator. Proper low temperature can slow down the conversion of starch into sugar inside the chestnut and maintain its original flavor.

Chestnuts can be sautéed, roasted, and boiled, and each cooking method brings a different flavor. Either way, remember to make a small cut in the chestnut before cooking, which will not only prevent the chestnut from bursting due to the increased air pressure inside during cooking, but also allow the heat to penetrate more evenly.

Stir-fried chestnuts: Stir-fry slowly over low heat to slowly caramelize the sugar inside the chestnuts and make the taste better.

Roast the chestnuts: Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius, place the chestnuts in a baking tray and bake in the middle for 15-20 minutes. Roast until the chestnut skin is slightly cracked on the outside and golden brown on the inside.

Boiled chestnuts: Put the chestnuts in cold water and cover the chestnuts. After the heat is boiled, turn to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes to make the chestnuts easier to peel and have a softer and waxier taste.

Despite the fact that chestnuts are highly nutritious, any food consumed in excess can be burdensome. The recommended daily serving size is 50-80 grams. In particular, people with poor digestive function or blood sugar control should control the amount of food they consume to avoid excessive intake of carbohydrates that may affect their health.

Homemade chestnut stewed chicken, chestnut shelled, chicken washed and cut into pieces. Put water in the pot, blanch the chicken after the water boils to remove the blood foam. Add oil to the wok, add ginger slices and green onions and stir-fry until fragrant, add chicken pieces and stir-fry until discolored. Add an appropriate amount of water, put in the chestnuts, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes, and wait until the chicken chestnuts are soft and flavorful.

Through the above content, you will not only be able to choose fresh chestnuts, but also master the skills of storage and cooking, and better understand the reasonable amount and method of eating. Hopefully, this comprehensive guide will allow you to enjoy the delicious and nutritious chestnuts healthily this winter.

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