
If the elderly want to take supplements, should they eat "roosters" or "hens"? It turns out that many people eat the wrong ones

author:Explosive Nutrition Peng Xinrui

For those who like to eat chicken, both roosters and hens are good chickens, but did you know that if you want tonic, don't eat it wrong!

If the elderly want to take supplements, should they eat "roosters" or "hens"? It turns out that many people eat the wrong ones

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, chicken is used to quench thirst and edema, urinate frequently, have less milk after giving birth, and become weak after illness.

In addition, traditional Chinese medicine believes that roosters replenish qi and hens nourish blood, although they are both chickens, but because the rooster is male, it is stronger in the overall warming effect, which is suitable for people with qi deficiency and need aphrodisiac, if it is high blood pressure, bad heart, high uric acid, wind, heat and cold, it is not suitable to eat more.

If the elderly want to take supplements, should they eat "roosters" or "hens"? It turns out that many people eat the wrong ones

According to records, the rooster has also been listed as a hair object, for every time you eat the rooster there are obvious allergic reactions, such as itchy skin, redness, pimples, edema, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, chest tightness and shortness of breath, cold sweat, irritability, etc., it is recommended that you pay attention to observation, it is best not to eat too much rooster in a short period of time.

Hens are females, more suitable for people who need to strengthen the spleen and nourish blood, nourish the body and invigorate qi, compared with roosters, hens are suitable for postpartum weakness, menstruation, menopause, weak old people, etc.

If the elderly want to take supplements, should they eat "roosters" or "hens"? It turns out that many people eat the wrong ones

In addition, the fat content of the hen is more than that of the rooster, which is why the hen is chosen for the soup, which is the role of fat in it, which makes the chicken soup more delicious. On the contrary, the meat of the rooster is firm, and the rooster is usually used as the raw material for stir-fried chicken.

It can be seen that the difference between roosters and hens is still very large. In addition, you also need to understand the precautions about eating chicken.

If the elderly want to take supplements, should they eat "roosters" or "hens"? It turns out that many people eat the wrong ones

Eat chicken or drink chicken broth?

Some people believe that chicken soup has the highest nutritional value, and they would rather drink chicken soup without chicken. In fact, although the chicken soup is delicious and there are a lot of umami ingredients in it, because most of the protein, vitamins and minerals in the chicken are mostly in the chicken, and only a small part is in the soup, the nutritional value of the chicken soup is not high.

On the contrary, chicken soup contains more fat and purines, people with high uric acid should not eat, if healthy people should also drink less soup, and it is best to drink occasionally before meals to avoid the risk of obesity after meals.

If the elderly want to take supplements, should they eat "roosters" or "hens"? It turns out that many people eat the wrong ones

Is raw chicken also delicious?

Don't think about it anymore, the danger of raw chicken is very great, especially the salmonella and campylobacter contained in the meat, which can easily increase the probability of food poisoning after human consumption, and then cause bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, body aches, nausea and other physical discomforts.

Not only that, if the used raw chicken cutting board is not processed, and then contact with the food directly consumed, it is easy to increase the probability of cross-infection, it is recommended that everyone cook the chicken to mature, and when handling raw chicken, it should be separated from raw and cooked.

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