
The "糗" in the word "out of the barrassment" was a kind of ant manor on April 25, the answer is the latest


Did you know that the "糗" in the word "out of the barn" was a kind of in ancient times

A. Dry food

B. Rice wine

Correct Answer: Dry food

The "糗" in the word "out of the barrassment" was a kind of ant manor on April 25, the answer is the latest

Answer Analysis:

In ancient times, it was a dry food, usually made from grains such as rice, millet, and sorghum. It is made by steaming the grains and then drying them in the sun or drying to make them lose their moisture and become food that is easy to store and carry.

The "糗" in the word "out of the barrassment" was a kind of ant manor on April 25, the answer is the latest

In ancient times, it was an important ration for armies, travelers, and laborers. When soldiers go out on battle, they often bring a sufficient amount of glutinous rice as a backup food to meet the needs of marching and fighting. Travelers such as merchants and envoys would also carry rice dumplings to satisfy their hunger during the journey. Farmers and other laborers also used it as a portable food for working in the fields or when they went out to work.

The benefits of glutinous rice are that it is easy to preserve, easy to carry, and provides enough energy. It has a hard texture and needs to be chewed before eating, or soaked in water to soften it. Sometimes people also pair glutinous rice dumplings with other ingredients, such as meat, vegetables, etc., to increase the taste and nutrition.

The "糗" in the word "out of the barrassment" was a kind of ant manor on April 25, the answer is the latest

With the development of the times, glutinous rice dumplings have gradually been replaced by other convenience foods, such as canned food, compressed biscuits, etc. However, in some traditional rural areas, glutinous rice is still a popular traditional food.

Hence the word "deji", which originally referred to carrying the kumi as food when going out. Later, the word "dekumi" was extended to mean to be ugly or embarrassed, probably because the scene of eating the embarrassment in front of others was seen as indecent or embarrassing. Despite this, as a traditional food, "glutinous" still carries the wisdom and life experience of the ancient Chinese working people, which is worthy of our understanding and memory.

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