
Unspoken rules on the adult wine table: 1. The wine should be full, but the words cannot be full. This means showing respect for others at the wine table, pouring it full, but at the same time, speaking carefully

author:Big mouth to see the world

Unspoken rules on the adult wine table:

1. The wine should be poured, but the words should not be full. This means showing respect for others at the wine table, pouring the wine full, but at the same time, speaking carefully and not exaggerating or exaggerating.

2. If you find that you can't drink, but you are asked to drink, you can touch the mouth of the glass with your lips, and then lie down directly, so as to avoid getting drunk.

3. If the wine table is full of leaders, then your role is to be a waiter, always pay attention to the leaders' wine glasses, pour wine for them or provide other help.

4. You don't need to take the initiative to toast everyone, and don't take yourself as a corner, because some people may not be used to this behavior.

5. Don't be the first person to move the chopsticks, and don't be the first person to toast, because the first process of the wine bureau is usually "everyone drinks together", which is to create a harmonious atmosphere.

6. The control of alcohol quantity often represents a person's control of his own principles. This means that when drinking, drink in moderation according to the amount of alcohol you drink, and do not drink greedy or forcefully.

7. Pay attention to the harmonious atmosphere at the wine table, do not say inappropriate things or make inappropriate actions because of momentary excitement, so as to avoid unnecessary disputes.

8. Eat well before drinking, don't ignore the importance of food because of drinking. At the same time, regardless of whether others are determined to drink, you and yourself must be prepared first, and those who shout fiercely at the beginning often do not last long in the end.

9. When participating in the drinking party, try not to bring people, such as wives, etc., but be sure to go home after drinking to avoid unnecessary trouble.

10. Beware of the beauty meter after drinking. Although this sounds like the plot of a TV series, in the face of commercial interests, someone may use all possible means. This means keeping a clear head in the drinking game and not being fooled by beauty and making irrational decisions.

In short, the unspoken rules of the adult drinking table mainly revolve around respecting others, paying attention to one's own image and behavior, and keeping a clear head. These rules need to be gradually mastered and applied in continuous practice.

Unspoken rules on the adult wine table: 1. The wine should be full, but the words cannot be full. This means showing respect for others at the wine table, pouring it full, but at the same time, speaking carefully
Unspoken rules on the adult wine table: 1. The wine should be full, but the words cannot be full. This means showing respect for others at the wine table, pouring it full, but at the same time, speaking carefully
Unspoken rules on the adult wine table: 1. The wine should be full, but the words cannot be full. This means showing respect for others at the wine table, pouring it full, but at the same time, speaking carefully
Unspoken rules on the adult wine table: 1. The wine should be full, but the words cannot be full. This means showing respect for others at the wine table, pouring it full, but at the same time, speaking carefully

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