
Goldman Sachs recently said in a discussion about generative AI that AI is truly transformative, not emotional hype. So, can AI really drive technological change?

author:Witty dumplings Wf

Goldman Sachs recently said in a discussion about generative AI that AI is truly transformative, not emotional hype. So, can AI really drive technological change? In a recent interview, Cass Regan, chief software and internet analyst at Goldman Sachs, shared his views. He believes that AI has entered a mature stage, and it has not yet entered the hype cycle. Hype often leads to bubbles in the market, which is not the case with AI. Because AI already has mature products and applications that can provide real services, it is not hype. Joseph Briggs, global economist at Goldman Sachs, agrees that AI already has a potentially huge impact on productivity and economic growth. Widespread global adoption of AI could increase labor productivity by 1.5 percentage points within 10 years, and ultimately increase global GDP by about 7%. However, Goldman Sachs believes that AI technology is still in the "infrastructure" stage, and a few large technology companies have advantages in developing basic models for AI, which is more beneficial to semiconductor companies related to computing power and hyperscale companies in the cloud computing field. Goldman Sachs especially reminded that the market only has more than 5 months from realizing the value of discovering AI, and the history of technological change shows that more than 5 months is far from enough time for the market to understand the full impact of new technologies on the future. In the long run, application-layer innovation in the field of artificial intelligence in the next 10 years may attract more attention from capital. If you still have any questions about AI, welcome to leave a message in the comment area.

Goldman Sachs recently said in a discussion about generative AI that AI is truly transformative, not emotional hype. So, can AI really drive technological change?
Goldman Sachs recently said in a discussion about generative AI that AI is truly transformative, not emotional hype. So, can AI really drive technological change?
Goldman Sachs recently said in a discussion about generative AI that AI is truly transformative, not emotional hype. So, can AI really drive technological change?
Goldman Sachs recently said in a discussion about generative AI that AI is truly transformative, not emotional hype. So, can AI really drive technological change?

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