
Wang Youling was alone in the city to help, and Zeng Guofan helped Zuo Zongtang ascend to the throne

author:Du Xuewei
Wang Youling was alone in the city to help, and Zeng Guofan helped Zuo Zongtang ascend to the throne

(Network photo: Wang Youling, also said to be Hu Xueyan' )

Wang Youling was alone in the city to help, and Zeng Guofan helped Zuo Zongtang ascend to the throne

Du Xuewei


Wang Youling, who was distributed to Zhejiang by the "ambassador of the prison student donation field", was a very talented local official in the Qing Dynasty. He traveled with his father in the official field of Yunnan for fourteen years, and then donated officials to distribute to Zhejiang. After serving as the prefect of many counties in Zhejiang, he was promoted to Jiangsu envoy, envoy, and then to Zhejiang inspector.

When Wang Youling was appointed governor of Zhejiang, the Taiping Rebellion was spreading to the northern provinces. The Qing army and the Taiping army launched a tug-of-war between you and me in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the people were poisoned. During the Xianfeng period, a large number of rebel bandits of the Taiping Army carried out four large-scale attacks on Hangzhou. But in the end, when the city of Hangzhou was cut off from grain and food and there was no foreign military assistance, Wang Youling generously died and martyred the country.

Wang Youling's martyrdom fully exposed the interests of the Qing court and the local Zeng Guo Xiang army forces, and the candidates for the governorship around Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces were also in open and secret struggle. For the benefit of his Xiang army, Zeng Guofan privately warned Zuo Zongtang not to rescue Wang Youling, the governor of Zhejiang of the Liangjiang governor He Guiqing, causing Wang Youling to be trapped in the isolated city and generously die.

Wang Youling was alone in the city to help, and Zeng Guofan helped Zuo Zongtang ascend to the throne

Wang Youling statue

One. Wang Youling's family heirloom, his father accompanied the curtain Yan inspection

Wang Youling (1810-1861), also known as Ying Jiu , was a native of Houguan , Fujian ( present-day Fuzhou ) . The "Fujian Tongzhi Fujian Column Biography" records: "When there is an age, there is a difference between the wind and the curtain. And fell to the ground, the cry was very loud, and the torso was more common. ”

Wang Youling's son Wang Xiaoyun said in the "Chronicle of the Marquis Wang Zhuanggong" that at noon on February 27, 1810, in the fifteenth year of Jiaqing (1810), "Lady Liu of the ancestral concubine Liu dreamed of a black tiger, and the next day the incense filled the room and yufu Jun." At that time, his grandfather Merlin was a disciple, and his grandfather lost his family at a young age and was very poor. This record says that Wang Youling's birth was extraordinary and extraordinary. But Wang Youling was born into a poor family, but it is objective.

Although Wang Youling's father was very poor, his ancestors were very prominent. Its chronology records that the Wang clan "came from Gushi County, Gwangju, Henan." The ancestors secretly knew that Tang Tianyou had conferred the title of Lang Evil King of Fujian Weiwu Junjie, Yu Zhongyi, called the Kaimin Wang Clan. Since King Zhongyi was below, he was a Min person. The supreme ancestor Min Xiang Gong Fan twenty-seven generations. Min Xiang Gong Zhen Zong Han, Born Kingdom Zhen Gong. Guo Zhen Gong Zhen Jia Xiang, Sheng Mei Lin Gong, Zhen Xie. Jiaqing Wuke Yougong, Pengyin Enke Ben Province Township Trial Lifter, Bingshu Datuo Zhi County, successive officials to Gansu Pingliang Province prefect three generations have been given Guanglu Dafu Yipin Lady. ”

Wang Youling was tall and long, "He has a strange temperament, and disdains the crumbs for the study of the imperial examination." He did not take the path of graduation from the examination like most people, and only achieved the title of "invigilator". After he became an adult, he followed his father to Yunnan.

To understand the detailed resume of Wang Youling's life, it is necessary to first understand the eunuch experience of Wang Youling's father, Wang Xie. When Wang Youling was born, his father Merlin was justly ordained in the middle of the discipleship. "Mrs. Lin worked hard day and night to provide salary rice, never gave it, repeatedly cut off cooking, and finally did not give money to her neighbors. His grandfather grew up to be a planter and became self-reliant to adopt his mother. Tongyi Mr. Liu Zongshang lectured in the township with a famous residence, and he had the knowledge of people to see and instrument, and his female wife was for Mrs. Liu. Since the return of the wife, the usual quality is notorious

Anointing the fire. "The family's life is very difficult, and they often have to make a living by mortgaged the gold and silver jewelry when Mrs. Liu was married. Fortunately, "my grandfather was able to progress in his studies, and Mr. Ye Juntan, who was educated by Ding Di, knew that he was the champion of the ancient scriptures, and the literary names of the disciples were even more famous." Mr. Juntan was aware of the mechanics of his grandfather's filial piety, and Gengwu paid tribute to him with good deeds... My grandfather was an apprentice and married. Mrs. Liu did her best to help her. ”

In the sixteenth year of Jiaqing (1811), Wang Youling's father, Wang Xie, was hired by the Linhui mountain observation office, which belonged to the clerk and other errands. In the twenty-fifth year of Jiaqing (1820), "grandfather's pavilion was in the Directly Subordinate Governor Yan Gong Procuratorate, and before long, Yan Gong unloaded the seal." The successor was Jiang Xieyou, who heard that his grandfather was very happy in the curtain, and still extended his invitation. ”

Yan Jian (1757---1834) was born in the three dynasties of Qianlong, Jiaqing, and Daoguang. Yan Guan had been promoted to the rank of governor of Xinjiang before he was sent to Xinjiang. Later, he was sent to Xinjiang for dereliction of duty, and after four years on the border, he was released, reinstated, and soon promoted again to the position of viceroy directly under the direct command.

In December of the twenty-fifth year of Jiaqing (1820), Yan Was promoted to Inspector of Fujian. When Yan Guan was transferred to the governor of Fujian, Wang Xie traveled to the Yan inspection shogunate. After Yan Guan left his post, Jiang Xieyi succeeded him as the inspector of Fujian. He was very excited to hear that Wang Xie was still in the curtain.

According to records, Wang Xie did not seem to remain in Fujian to serve as the shogunate of Jiang Xie, but followed Yan Zhen to the Governor's Palace. In the first month of the second year of Daoguang (1823), Yan Guan was again promoted to viceroy of Zhili. It was not until March 24 of the following year that Wang Xie's mother, Mrs. Lin, died of illness, and Wang Xie returned to her hometown.

Wang Youling was alone in the city to help, and Zeng Guofan helped Zuo Zongtang ascend to the throne

Two. Accompanied by his father, eunuchs in Yunnan

In the sixth year of Daoguang (1827), Wang Youling's father, Wang Xie, "made a big choice and was ordered to distribute Yunnan with zhixian." All the major clubs in the capital are in the top of the period, and they are advised to stay in the capital, and they should still take the test. Returned to the Min ZaiGuan Ma Junmen Office with his family tiredness. From these words, it can be seen that Wang Xie also assisted You Mu in the Ma Junmen Office.

In the seventh year of Daoguang (1828), "when my grandfather arrived in Dian, he acted as the governor of Qujing Province, and in March he was transferred to Xinping County. Grandfather Day focused on local affairs, and the housework was paid to the manager of the house and was in good order. It was also in the autumn of that year that Wang Youling began to go to Dian to accompany his father.

In the eighth year of Daoguang (1829), Wang Xie transferred to the Jingdong Zhili Hall. The following year, Wang Xie transferred to Kunming County, "The emperor of the government accompanied the attendant to handle the book. ”

In the autumn of the eleventh year of Daoguang (1832), Wang Xie served as the same examiner for the Yunnan Township Examination. In the twelfth year of Daoguang (1833), Wang Xie "transferred to Mengzi County, and after many months of earthquakes, most of the people's houses in the Ya Department fell into ruin." Fujun accompanied his grandfather to repeatedly survey the disaster area to handle relief matters. Daoguang thirteen years (1834), "grandfather ordered, Fujun to manage the Mengzi Laotongping Copper Factory." ”

In the fourteenth year of Daoguang (1835), "When my grandfather was already inscribed in Heyang County, because of the addition of copper jin, the Mongolian Provincial Constitutional Counseling Department, please use it with the same knowledge." According to the order, the government jun accompanied the Service Dian Bureau, encouraged himself with park learning, and especially liked to read history. The manuscripts written by Jian are very poor, and all the famous people are dated in a lofty way. Every time he encounters the age of the family, he intends to take the exam, and only hangs in the middle of Yunnan and Fujian. "Wang Youling was twenty-five years old at the time, and because of the management of the copper factory, he did not forget to study hard. There are many local celebrities and seniors, and whenever it comes to scientific examinations, they all admire Wang Youling's knowledge and talents as extremely suitable for participating in scientific expeditions, but he has no choice but to return to his hometown to apply for examinations far away from thousands of mountains and rivers, which is very inconvenient.

Nevertheless, Wang Xie, as a father, was also worried about the future of his son Wang Youling. In the name of Wang Youling's management of the copper factory, he donated an ambassador to Youling's compliance. "Although my grandfather has been in a big vacancy, his sleeves are fresh, and the exchanges are easy, so he does not serve fruitfully. Grandfather obeyed the routine to report to the ambassador of the donation field. It is the age, the uncle has a zhang gong pawn, the uncle has been ill for a long time, the prince personally takes care of the soup medicine, day and night ambition, a hundred methods of modulation, can not afford to die. While Wang Xie was busy with his son's donation and inmate, he also had his son Youzhang, who was ill and needed to be taken care of. But he was also a clean and honest official, and he did not save much savings.

In the fifteenth year of Daoguang (1836), Wang Xie died of his mother's illness and was relieved of his self-sealing duties, and Ding You kept the system. At that time, Wang Xie's mother and Wang Xie's wife and children lived with Wang Xie in Mengzi, Yunnan. During Mrs. Liu's serious illness, "the prince of the house served soup medicine, did not untie his clothes, and led his younger sister to cut off the stock and medicine for several months." Every night, she prayed silently to replace Baifang with her body, but the healing was ineffective, and Mrs. Liu died in the provincial apartment. Fujun was in pain, and because he was afraid of hurting his grandfather's heart, he swallowed his anger and mourned, causing him to bleed for two days. ”

The "Qing Dynasty Scholar Travel Curtain Table" says: "From 1829 to 1837, my grandfather successively served as Kunming County, Mengzi County, Tengyue Hall, Qiaojia Hall, and Youling were all with the curtain. ”

In the sixteenth year of Daoguang (1837), Wang Xie "transferred the Tengyue Hall tongzhi." The government clerk handles the pen and division cashier. "In the seventeenth year of Daoguang (1838), Wang Xie" was inscribed with the title of "Sheng Qiaojia Tongzhi, and commissioned Jingtong copper into the capital." In March, he disembarked from the copper in Luzhou, Sichuan, and entered the canal from the Yangtze River of the Sichuan River, a long distance of thousands of miles. Arrived at the capital gate in August of the following year. First of all, the fujun helped the grand concubine's wife coffin back to Fujian, slightly blocked the housework, and rushed to the capital gate, still accompanying the attendant. "It was a difficult long journey, and they escorted the copper raw materials that the Qing court urgently needed into Beijing, with great responsibility." After arriving in Beijing, the process of delivery and acceptance is more complicated. By the beginning of the eighteenth year of Daoguang (1838), Wang Xie and his son Wang Youling were still in the capital to help explain the matters of tongxi.

This time the escort to Beijing was in the nineteenth year of Daoguang (1839), "Wang Xie used copper to transport unormal copper to solve the problem of surplus and no silk, introduced." It is intended to be given priority to the prefect's return to the Zhuoyi class. Fujun was also introduced by the yan ambassador led by the official, and was instructed to issue Zhejiang as usual. ”

Wang Youling was alone in the city to help, and Zeng Guofan helped Zuo Zongtang ascend to the throne

Three. Inmate and the first, into Zhejiang

The nineteenth year of Daoguang (1839) was a turning point in Wang Youling's fate. He accompanied his father Wang Xie from Luzhou, Sichuan, first through the Yangtze River, and then to the canal, and the intact copper materials arrived in the capital, which was rewarded by the Qing court and introduced, and Wang Youling was also able to issue Zhejiang on his orders.

By grace, Wang Xie took a leave of absence to return home, and Wang Youling remained with his attendants. The father and son returned home to build a house for Mrs. Lin to enter the filial piety shrine and bury her. At the same time, they temporarily placed Mrs. Liu's coffin in the Qiancuo Valley outside the Dongguan in Fuzhou. At the end of the holiday, Wang Xie will go to Yunnan, and Wang Youling "will insist on following the lack of people in ding province, and his grandfather will stop saying: 'When you are old and strong, when you establish yourself as a prominent plan, transfer filial piety and loyalty, and fulfill your duties, that is, with your duties, you will not be fruitful. From then on, Wang Youling, who was already thirty-one years old, ended his work with his father and began his eunuch career.

In the twenty-first year of Daoguang (1841), Wang Youling went to Zhejiang to report for duty, when the British warships invaded Ningbo. Wang Youling "was sent to Shaoxing by the military camp and was sent to handle copywriting and military books. Day and night on the side of the day and night to manage the case, there is no time. After a few months, the eyes were swollen. Still doing things as usual, do not dare to tell the work. Fu Feng commissioned to Quanzhou to investigate the situation. ”

The "Qing Dynasty Scholar Travel Curtain Table" says: Wang Youling "in 1841 as a curtain Shaoxing, and was ordered to Quanzhou to spy on Yiqing. From 1842 to 1843, he was the curtain in Ningbo. "It handles copywriting in the background. Handle the aftermath of Ningbo. This corroborates with its chronology.

In the twenty-second year of Daoguang (1842), Nong Yin, sent Wang Youling to "complete military affairs, and was commissioned to handle the aftermath of Ningbo." After arriving in Ningning, he recruited exiles to appease the poor and impoverished soldiers and civilians. The following year, after the aftermath of Ningbo was handled, Wang Youling was commissioned to repair the ningbo fucheng. Then he made up for the ambassador of Pudong field and was commissioned to go to Fuyang Pass to handle salt affairs.

In July of the twenty-fourth year of Daoguang (1844), Wang Youling was entrusted with the acting of Xinchangzhi County. After his arrival, he visited the local people's suffering; the case was cleared up for two months, and more than 200 large and small cases were concluded. Before Xinchang County, theft was rife, harming one side. The county magistrate requested that the thieves be arrested, and Wang Youling said, "These people are forced by hunger and cold!" Therefore, he made a public announcement: those who return to the field do not ask; they will be forgiven again! Subsequently, the bandits disbanded and returned home. In October, when Wang Youling handed over the seal, the squires and elderly people supported each other, waited for Yu Dao, and reluctantly sent him out of office.

In the twenty-fifth year of Daoguang (1845), Wang Youling promoted Cixi County to Zhi County with military merit, and took up his post in August. When british warships invaded Ningbo, Cixi was also plundered. After Wang Youling took office, he believed that first of all, it is necessary to cultivate popular sentiment, rectify the localities, and encourage the practice of scholars as the most important tasks. Persuade the people to work in the fields, walk in the fields in spring, and eat with wine. "When he sees his father and elder, he will visit the localities to benefit the sick, collect money and grain, or make officials, or adulterously find out the law of establishment, and there will be no less money and no less money." Between Ningbo and Shaoxing, there are many rivers and alleys, which are often the source of thieves. After Wang Youling arrived at his post, he donated his own money to hire Zhuang Ding, drove a boat to strictly inspect the forks and crossroads, and within a few months, dozens of major cases of nest theft for many years were seized and handled. Since then, the passage of merchants here has been smooth.

The Minghe Farm in Beixiang, Cixi County, has more than 18,000 mu of mintian land without water, and it all depends on Du and Bai'erHu to maintain it. Since the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, there have been powerful and inferior gentry here who have built embankments between the fields and rented and sold the fields to others privately, resulting in a large area of farmland being deserted. In the autumn, disaster victims from neighboring counties also come here to grab rice because they have no grain, and the resulting armed struggles often lead to huge cases. After Wang Youling took office, he had an insight into these situations and resolutely promoted the advantages and eliminated the disadvantages. He gathered the fair and honest gentry and the elderly to show their interests and interests, and they knew what was going on and moved with reason. He organized people to re-measure the fields so that the boundary site was very clear. Then he organized the people to tear down the levees he had built privately, to put an end to the disputes between the people, and to irrigate the barren fields. Local people came to the county to thank Wang Youling for his life-saving grace and the blessing of reconstruction.

Since then, the banks of the lake embankment in Cixi County have shown flowers red and willow green, up to tens of miles. Since then, the people here have never had any disputes over water, and the gentry and powers have not dared to create any more troubles. In his spare time, Wang Youling also sang and sang with the scribes in the county.

When the academy opened, Wang Youling personally went to the academy to warn the students, "Write to the students with their character, and the poor will do their best to donate the money for the reward of the class." Those who re-selected their literary qualities and excellent qualities were summoned to Yaqi to teach art. ”

During his tenure in Cixi County, Wang Youling also built the Jie Xiao Zhao Zhong Ancestral Hall and proposed to build a general shrine on Zhaobao Mountain to resist the British invasion army.

After the roads and bridges in Cixi County fell, Wang Youling donated his own incorruptible silver to repair them. In the case of various litigation cases, Wang Youling has followed the questions and closed them, and has never backlogged cases. For the litigation of the case, Wang Youlingjun cut through to enlighten the "edict to move people with reason, and they all felt ashamed and tearful," and the litigants all took the initiative to withdraw the lawsuit. Wang Youling's principle of handling the case is to "strictly control villains and local tycoons, select the best and put the law on the heavy, and the rest are traced." ”

Wang Youling once wrote a plaque in Cixi County, which hung on the lobby of the county court: "The heart of the cloud is heavy and the door is broken, and the heart of the county official is like a county official." Try to make my heart full of reason, full of anger and balance. It is as straight as the arrow, Yoshiya, or upside down, and the one who is confused and confused, and if there are thorns, the fierce. Ji Zemin is peaceful and peaceful, Xian Li is harmonious up and down, and dreams are peaceful. The fierce people are disturbed, and the resentment and man-made disasters are imminent. But those who sit in the hall can deceive themselves and their abilities, and there are many spectators and listeners in the hall, who are vigilant and listen to things. The content of this plaque can be said to be a criterion for Wang Youling to measure good and evil in his heart, and good fortune. You can see it when you look up every day, and you can always remind yourself and wake yourself up.

Wang Youling also wrote a painting in Cixi, which said: "Kuang is willing to follow the plan, and cautiously and diligently dares to forget the court training." Inherit the withering and seek peace, the same worry, the same music, the name of the lake. He concluded in his commentary at the end of the Yang Lian: "In the autumn of August, fengcheng was entrusted with the lack of yiyi atmosphere, the people's morale was not sued, the emperor was worried about incompetence, the Wei shi family guarded Lijiang in Yunnan, wanli postbook, only to clean themselves and diligent people, have the age to understand the poor, deeply afraid of negative strict training, with the people of the people, especially why should they be widowed? He wrote the Yu Lian to be wary of the clouds. ”

Wang Youling once left a picture of The Yang Lian, which said: "The same is the red son of the Xi Dynasty, and now the parents are in this state." Pain and nurturing are related to the willingness to be ignorant, and the heart is deceitful. Night gold is afraid to occupy children and grandchildren, and the room for charity is not happy to stay with the people. ”

Wang Youling said in another painting: "I indulge in kindness and compassion, I must know that the law is difficult to move, and I have entered the world with a lock and a shackle, and he has no hell, and he has listened to the cry of pain, and I believe that peace is a blessing." Rough clothes and light rice home, really feel better than heaven. "Rough clothes and light food are the truth, and home life is better than heaven." Although the words are simple, there is a simple feeling of being close to the people and loving the people everywhere.

Wang Youling was alone in the city to help, and Zeng Guofan helped Zuo Zongtang ascend to the throne

( Web Photo)

Four. Zhenhai ZhiXian, Huzhou Prefect, Quzhou Prefect, Hangzhou Prefect

In the twenty-sixth year of Daoguang (1846), at noon, the thirty-seven-year-old Wang Youling was transferred to the provincial government to handle the wenmu. After he had taken over the mission, he received an edict urging him to rush to Beijing to see him. In December, the officials took him to see him, "I was ordered to supplement Cixi County's Zhi County, and Zhejiang Dong's aftermath contributed to the aftermath, and the case was rewarded with the same title of Zhi." ”

In February of the twenty-seventh year of Daoguang (1847), Wang Youling rushed from the capital back to Cixi, Zhejiang Province. In May, Wang Youling took charge of the negotiations for civil litigation in (堇+ Er) County, Xiangshan, Fenghua and other counties bordering Cixi. This errand involved a backlog of previous events, unfinished, or adjudicated matters involving neighboring counties.

In July of that year, Wang Youling transferred to Renzhi County, Zhenhai County, Zhejiang Province. Moreover, when Wang Youling's father, Wang Xie, stepped down from the post of seal affairs of Lijiang Prefecture and was entrusted with the management of the tongdian affairs in Luzhou, Sichuan, because the neighbor's house accidentally caught fire, it was affected by Wang Xie's apartment. The fire spread to Wang Xie's family, causing the family's various books, as well as various works such as anthologies and poems written by himself, as well as clothes and utensils to be burned down. Since then, Wang Xie has also fallen into the root of depression. The impatient Wang Youling could not leave his post without authorization, so he had to send his relatives to Luzhou, Sichuan Province, to comfort, persuade and take care of his father.

In July of the twenty-eighth year of Daoguang (1848), Wang Youling arrived in Zhenhai County. Zhenhai is on the verge of the sea, fishermen, merchants and miscellaneous places, Zhenhai Zhi County also manages the sea surface merchant ships in and out. All merchant ships entering and leaving the country need to strictly check the licensing procedures issued by the county government to prevent theft and theft of grain, utensils and other materials. Wang Youling donated funds to hire soldiers to investigate day and night, and within three months, Wang Youling arrested nineteen thieves from neighboring counties, verified that they were behind them, and brought them to justice on the spot.

Zhenhai's fishing income accounts for 89%of the total fishermen's income, and from January to March, all fishermen go to the sea during the spring flood season to catch fish. After a moment's hesitation, the spring flood will pass. As a result, the fishermen's livelihood depends on this year-round. However, when going out to fish, they are often harassed by pirates, who abduct fishermen's boats and extort fishermen's families, causing the fishermen to suffer. Thousands of boats had been plundered here, and the fishermen had paid a heavy price. This year, another 6,000 or 7,000 fishermen gathered in front of the county government and demanded that the Ti army go abroad to hunt down pirates. However, the Ti army either did not recover from illness, or the ship was dilapidated and unusable, prevaricating and refusing to go to sea.

Faced with the inaction of the Navy's military office, which wanted to demolish and do nothing, the surging fishermen were indignant. On the one hand, Wang Youling persuaded the Ti army to go abroad to hunt down pirates; on the other hand, he had no choice but to perform the duties of the Ti army, and dispatched the battalions belonging to the Ti army to hang up their flags and go to sea, and the fishermen's fishing boats followed the naval ships out to sea. But when they saw the menacing fishermen's boats escorted by the navy going out to sea to fish, the pirates had already fled in the wind.

After this disaster, Wang Youling was overworked and coughed up blood. At that time, when the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang came to Zhenhai to inspect, Wang Youling still handled official business as usual and did not mention his illness. "Later, due to the difficulty of the illness, the members of the committee were sent to take over the signature for treatment. The Governor Xian approved Yun's investigation of the county's innermost administration, and the headquarters of the tangsu was known. Zi was so wet from inspecting the sea mouth that he coughed and coughed up blood, which showed that he was doing his best. I am afraid that due to illness, it is also prudent to ask the commissioner to take over the office, but the county is in good health and can be cured by timely medical treatment. In the case of The town of Haiti is connected to the seashore, the government is extremely busy, and there are boats (going to the grass head for the mountain) from time to time. Unjust and diligent cadres are calm and competent, and they are not enough to govern the county. Although he had been in office for several months, and all the bullets were pressed, Fu Suishi was in the middle of everything, and he wanted to rely on the right resources of the Headquarters Hall and the Fubu Yuan, and he did not retire with a slight defect, and yang Zhejiang Ningshaotai Daoguo still served as usual, and once he was at ease with the conditioning, he was cured quickly within the time limit. Only by consoling the mind and being able to test and make mistakes can the county become a sharp weapon, forgive the county for knowing this meaning, and certainly not have the opinion of the common official. ’”

After repeated retention by the Governor Xian, Wang Youling continued to handle official business in Zhenhai County while treating his sick body. The time is not long, and the governance of Zhenhai is the same as that of Cixi County.

In October, Wang Youling transferred to Renhe County. The people of a township in Zhenhai County chased out dozens of miles to painstakingly retain Wang Youling, but they still failed to achieve their wishes. After Wang Youling took over the seal and governed the affairs of Renhe County, he still did his best to handle disputes between local people and residents of neighboring counties, and never let outsiders handle them.

At that time, the silver exchange in Zhejiang Province was more than 2,000 yuan, while the folk money and grain were exchanged for 2,780 yuan, or 1,450 yuan. After Wang Youling arrived at his post, "All the villagers are willing to pay according to the market price: Such a good official, how much do I have to endure?" So the market price is completed, always for example. ”

Wang Youling got up every day at dawn to handle government affairs until he went to bed in the rear of the three guards, without any tiredness. In the summer and autumn, the people of Renhe County suffered from many diseases, and Wang Youling took out herbs and prescriptions to give to the people of the whole territory.

In the twenty-ninth year of Daoguang (1849), since the beginning of summer, Zhejiang has been drizzling for several months. Hangzhou Lake in Zhejiang, as well as the provinces and counties of Su, Song, and Chang in Jiangnan, also overflowed for thousands of miles, suddenly becoming a zealous country.

Wang Youling saw that the houses of many people were soaked in rainwater and had collapsed. Wang Youling asked the governor to distribute relief to the grain, but Daxian refused to give relief on the grounds that the treasury was empty. Wang Youling said: "If there is a people's livelihood, then there is a national plan." Disregarding the people's livelihood at this time, we will definitely mislead the national plan in the future! After Repeated Pleading by Wang Youling, Daxian finally provided relief to the affected people.

Also in this year, Wang Youling's father Wang Xie, who was in Luzhou, Sichuan, was promoted to prefect of Pingliang Province in Gansu, but Wang Xie requested a vacancy due to illness. Wang Xie "served as an official for more than twenty years, with two sleeves of fresh wind, carrying an illness and setting off, and his luggage was only a few things. Sending an edict to the emperor of the prefecture, in order to go to the new post from Shu, the long distance of thousands of miles and rivers is difficult to measure, coupled with the gradual extinction of the spirit in recent years, he immediately fell ill and came to Zhejiang to recuperate. ”

Receiving the news that his father was ill and went to Zhejiang for adoption, Wang Youling sent his relatives to meet his father along the way. At that time, the river was soaring, the bridge was not open, the boat was raining and stopping, and in the middle of summer, the heat in the boat was steaming. Wang Xie rushed to Wumen on June 8 of that year, and his condition worsened, and he was treated urgently. Helplessly, Wang Xie still died after eleven days, and the treatment was ineffective. When Wang Youling heard the news, he immediately dismissed Renhe County, and the starry night rushed to Wumen, where he wept bitterly and mourned abnormally. Wang Youling temporarily placed the coffin of his father Wang Xie in the Lingyin Temple next to the West Lake.

In the thirtieth year of Daoguang (1850), Wang Youling lived in the domain to handle the investigation. The so-called inventory refers to the investigation of incidents such as embezzlement and embezzlement of public funds over the years. Wang Youling gave a time limit during the inventory and asked to pay within the time limit. "Those who embezzle the deficit in the line of duty will have their family property exhausted. Those whose descendants are unable to pay compensation shall try to make up for it on their behalf. There are seventy-two prefectures and counties that are received by the scribes of the clan every year. The fee for paper and pencil is raised in its entirety to compensate for the unsubscribed amount. By the public funds, there is no loss, and there is no sense of wear. ”

In August, after the end of the inventory incident, Wang Youling took a leave of absence to return home, and Ding You kept the system. In September, Wang Youling transported his father's coffin, which had been temporarily placed in the Lingyin Temple, back to Fuzhou. During Wang Youling's return to his hometown, in addition to burying his father, he relocated the cemetery of Lady Liu. After the expiration of Wang Youling's service period, he set off to return to his post in December of that year.

Three days later, When Wang Youling arrived at his post, he learned that he had been promoted again. This promotion was due to the fact that during his tenure in Zhenhai, he had captured thieves from neighboring territories, and Meng was protected by Daxian. The edict says: "After serving the Que, tongzhi directly subordinate to the state, priority will be given to replenishment." ”

In the second year of Xianfeng (1852), "the villagers of Ning County gathered to stir up trouble, the people involved were often killed and injured by using force, more than ten people were killed by civilian and military officers, and the more courageous the townspeople became, the leaflets united dozens of townships, and the momentum was very fierce, almost impossible to extinguish." ”

Wang Youling was relieved to ride lightly and went to the arrangement. Wang Youling first disbanded the gathered people, and then spread the word to the gentlemen and elders of the nearby townships to come to the county court and tell them what was at stake. It is soothed externally, and the first offenders are strictly detained and gathered internally. Within a few days, the townspeople bundled up Zhang Chaoqing, Zhou Xiangqian, and others who had gathered the masses and sent them to the county court, and then Wang Youling sent the criminals to the provincial capital to bring justice. Wang Youling's actions were decisive, and he was once again guaranteed by his superiors and rewarded with blue plumes.

After that, Wang Youling was commissioned to go to Jinqu and other provinces to investigate the disaster situation, and then persuaded donations in various counties, thus saving more than 100,000 yuan. Soon, Wang Youling took over the title of prefect of Huzhou.

At that time, Zhejiang set up a bureau to carry out maritime transport on a trial basis, and among the three provinces of Hangjia Lake that was agreed upon, only Huzhou handled it the most unfavorably. Therefore, Wang Youling's new post also has some sense of imminent ordination.

After Wang Youling became the prefect of Huzhou, he cut the bad rules of each province and banned feeding. He set an example for his subordinates with integrity and diligence. He first checked the embezzlement and deficit of the money and grain warehouse to which he belonged, and when there was an unfavorable encroachment on the requisition, he investigated and participated in the case in detail. He also demanded that all provinces should report all kinds of cases on time and not backlog. For caoyun, it should be handled in accordance with the charter. Then, he instructed the merchants to finish the grain and rice that needed to be paid for this year as soon as possible without delay. All kinds of corrupt behaviors involving Xu officials and diao gentry in all aspects of caoyun are forbidden. The local officials and people all thanked Wang Youling's kindness. In this year, Wang Youling was again inscribed as Dinghai Hall Tongzhi.

In the winter of the third year of Xianfeng (1853), the rice transported from Huzhou to the capital was lost in Shanghai, and the Cao Canal Road was blocked and had to be diverted from the exit of the Liu River. Wang Youling was ordered by the provincial government to complete the shipment within the year one month in advance. To this end, Wang Youling also urged the merchants and people in various counties to mobilize urgently, mobilize grain and rice, and complete the shipment. In order to improve the enthusiasm of the personnel in various counties, Wang Youling also offered a heavy reward of "opening the vacancy of the prefect and replacing the top with a flower plume for the governor's urging personnel".

After the Taiping Army captured Shanghai, it also captured Nanjing (that is, Jinling) in Jiangsu Province, causing great panic among the people of Huzhou, Zhejiang. Wang Youling summoned the people to build the four gates and trenches of Huzhou City, and ordered all townships to actively organize regimental training and wait for them. At this time, the bandits in Huzhou counties were also eager to move, waiting for an opportunity to make trouble. Wang Youling urgently asked the provincial government to send Qing soldiers to guard the key road junctions leading to the townships, and then sent soldiers to carry out a planned and step-by-step encirclement and suppression, and finally swept away the bandit leaders who were waiting for the opportunity to make trouble, eliminating the source of chaos.

In September, Zhao Sixi, the leader of bandits in Lin'an County, hangzhou, distributed red and green banners to the townships to agree to start a rebellion, and they also secretly contacted the bandits in Anqing to support each other. After Wang Youling discovered these circumstances, he learned that the provinces of Hangzhou, Jia, and Hu, as well as the government of Hangzhou, would jointly take preventive measures, and at the same time send Ben Yong to set out at once, taking advantage of the bandits' lack of preparation, raiding their old lairs, and quickly eliminating the bandits in Huzhou.

After that, Jiang Zhongyuan, the governor of Anhui, wanted to transfer Wang Youling to Anqing. However, after reporting to the Qing court, the Governor of Zhejiang believed that Wang Youling was very law-abiding in dealing with the source of chaos in Huzhou, and suggested that he still stay in Zhejiang.

In December, the Taiping Army captured Luzhou, and Jiang Zhongyuan was killed. After the Taiping Army captured Zhenjiang, Wuhu also fell. Ningguo and Guangde are close to Huzhou, but the roads are rough. Since the fall of Shanghai in August, the military situation has become increasingly urgent, and the people of Huzhou have been panicked. On the one hand, Wang Youling set up a defensive position, and on the other hand, he quickly sent troops to Pingwang, Lin'an, and other places at the junction of Jiangsu and Zhejiang to prevent blockades, and added patrol boats to each key pass of Taihu Lake to make a strong reputation. Wang Youling personally went to Lin'an to check on the situation, organizing regimental training on the one hand, and strictly picketing the rebel bandits on the other.

In the fourth year of Xianfeng (1854), after the cessation of water transport, all the sailors under the grain ships were neither grain nor restrained, and lost control. In order to prevent the sailors from causing trouble, Wang Youling paid the sailors to Sichuan and dismissed them to return home.

After the fortification of Si'an, Wang Youling rode to inspect in a small boat every month and trained the soldiers to practice. During the inspection, Wang Youling discovered that the patrol regiment Yong Huang Desheng and others had gone to the countryside to make trouble and forcibly buy civilian goods. After Huang Desheng and the others were captured, after being interrogated by Yan Xing, he asked for orders to straighten out the fa, and after repeated requests from the battalion generals, they were given to the whole corpse and executed.

In the fifth year of Xianfeng (1855), Wang Youling was transferred to the prefect of Hangzhou Prefecture and also served as the governor of Liangdao. At that time, the Taiping Army attacked the right side of the Huizhou River, the rebels approached Sanqu, and Zhejiang suffered an enemy in the abdomen and back, and the people's hearts were shocked. Wang Youling asked local gentlemen and elderly people to persuade them to set up regimental exercises, set up armor protection, interrogate adulterers, and suppress internal defenses. He is in the department, and he does business and cases as he pleases, and never delays. All lawsuits must be tried in person and carefully and strictly interrogated.

Hangzhou large and small stores are required to pay errands to the government, which is the regulation. This service must be paid in full at the beginning of the year before it can be opened. However, Wang Youling found that the caravans of the Fu and The Two Provinces often went to various shops to collect fees, which increased the burden on the people. Wang Youling summoned all the caravans involved in collecting fees to the Office of the People's Office, severely reprimanded them, and asked them to take shackles and parade the streets to show the public to remove the accumulated drawbacks.

In the summer of the sixth year of Xianfeng (1856), when there was a great drought in Zhejiang, Wang Youling set up an altar to pray at the City God Temple. "The rain is barren, and the harvest is already done." When the two provinces of Jiahu were invited to come to the provincial planning and consultation sub-committee, they would check the situation with the local officials and determine the scores of the disasters respectively. ”

During his tenure in Hangzhou, Wang Youling had to go to the prison several times a month, supplying cotton clothes to the prisoners there in the winter and medicinal bait to them in the summer.

In the summer and autumn, the number of non-commissioned officers in Jiangsu and Zhejiang was particularly sick, and Wang Youling often gave the special medicines he developed to the soldiers in various military camps.

Soon, Wang Youling, the governor of the provincial government, concurrently served as a transport division officer of the four provinces of Suzhou, Anhui, Henan and Zhejiang. Because the grain transportation routes of the three provinces of Suzhou, Anhui, and Henan had been blocked by the war, most of the taxes levied by the post of transport clerk were falsely reported, at least 400,000 to 500,000 taels, and the income was simply not enough to spend. Even though the shipping division borrowed grain from various clans, the supply of food and silver was close to exhaustion.

After Wang Youling took office, he ascertained the real situation and returned to normal work in only half a year. The tax revenue from the transportation of grain to and from the grain reached a maximum of more than one million taels, and all the loans borrowed from various banks for the disbursement of grain were gradually cleared. As a result, Wang Youling was also entrusted with the task of nursing the post of Zhejiang Envoy. Wang Youling cleaned up the case, straightened out the post, and formulated the statutes so that there would be no backlog or delay in the exchange of military intelligence and war reports. All the moths that came in and out of the gate to solicit lawsuits, blackmail officials, and bully the interests of the people were cleared one by one.

Wang Youling was alone in the city to help, and Zeng Guofan helped Zuo Zongtang ascend to the throne

(Web Photo)

Five. Jiangsu envoys, Jiangsu envoys, step by step, frightened

During this period, Wang Youling was briefly appointed to the post of Grain Storage Road in Yunnan. So Wang Youling unloaded the seal of the prefect of Hangzhou and prepared to leave for Yunnan. However, at this time, the governor of Zhejiang, on the grounds that Zhejiang's military affairs for the prevention and suppression of the Taiping Army were in a hurry, asked Wang Youling of the Qing court to postpone his appointment and wait for the emergency of the defense and suppression affairs, so that Wang Youling would remain in Zhejiang.

At that time, the Qing army surrounded and suppressed the Taiping Army for a long time, the war entered a stalemate, and the grain and salary collection was increasingly poor. Therefore, Wang Youling went all out to take over the matter of the provincial government's army aiding the Qing army in grain and salary, and finally restored Zhejiang in December of this year. Wang Youling was rewarded with the title of envoy.

In the seventh year of Xianfeng (1857), Ding Wei and He Guiqing, the governor of Liangjiang, went to Jiangsu to patrol and asked The Zhejiang Patrol to send impartial and effective cadres to Jiangsu to check on tax affairs. The Governor of Zhejiang then sent Wang Youling to Go to Shanghai under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu to pay taxes.

The Zhejiang ZhongyiLu says that when Wang Youling's father, Wang Xieguan, arrived in Kun, the prefect of Yunnan, "He Guiqingxiang tried out his door, and Youling was kind to him." "He Guiqing was a student of Wang Youling's father, and naturally had a great deal for Wang Youling.

After Wang Youling arrived at his post, he found that Shanghai's tax burden was too deep, and the Guan shu, gentlemen, cunning officials, and profiteers colluded with each other to control the threshold of taxation and became a pool of gold for their profits. Wang Youling "arrived in Shanghai, observed the situation, broke the situation, eliminated the evil and adulterous resentment, and did not care." The self-treacherous merchants and officials, as well as those who had previously handled poorly and who had embezzled and eroded by the undertakings, thoroughly investigated, and the sporadic details were obstructed by the civilian daily users and the abolition of the line, and the merchants said that it was convenient. "After eliminating the accumulated shortcomings, everything will be undertaken by the new charter." Since then, the actual receipts have increased to two million taels compared to before. This money was immediately transferred to the Zhang Junmen gate of the Jiangnan camp for military pay.

After that, Wang Youling was ordered to be promoted to the Jiangsu Provincial Envoy Department, and immediately acted as the envoy department. Jiangsu's commerce has always been developed, and the tax is in the world. However, since the Taiping Army was in turmoil, Jiangsu's tax revenue has dried up day by day. After Wang Youling arrived in office, he abolished all the bad rules in the past. All the gifts that need to be given during the two festivals of the county festivals in the past are all prohibited, and the money and grain owed by the counties are ordered to be paid. If there are those who still owe the payment as usual, strictly participate in the handling, such as Li Hanwen of Changzhou County, in addition to paying all the money and grain sales for this year, Wang Youling immediately played the reward. Since then, all counties have scrambled to sell the money and grain they have accumulated for many years, which is 130,000 taels more than in previous years, and in April of that year, they have cleared up the amounts that have been owed for many years. After that, Wang Youling cleaned up the accumulated malpractice in the field of water transportation, and found out 700,000 to 800,000 stones of unpaid money and grain.

Soon, the Taiping army rebels sneaked into Zhejiang through the right side of the river, surrounded Quzhou and captured Jinhua and other places, and the whole province of Zhejiang was greatly shaken. After that, the Qing army retook Zhenjiang and other places. Zhenjiang fell into the hands of the Taiping Army after the fall of Xianfeng in the third year, and the people of Zhenjiang were deeply poisoned. After the restoration, Wang Youling led the cadres to Zhenjiang to handle the aftermath of the pension and other aftermath affairs, and sold the money and grain owed over the years.

In the eighth year of Xianfeng (1858), Wang Youling was promoted to envoy of Jiangsu Province, and he was rewarded with the top of the second product. In this year, the Taiping army invaded Pucheng in Fujian and besieged Yanping, Jianning and other provinces, and Wang Youling asked Zhou Tian, who was guarding Zhejiang, to send a military gate to Chi Aid. Before leaving, Wang Youling told him which road was suitable for fortification, which road was suitable for entering the army, and other related confidential matters, and then quickly lifted the siege of Pucheng in Fujian.

Since the war, the township tests in Zhejiang and Jiangsu have not been held for many years, and the original tests held in Jinling in the townships have been stopped. After the situation turned around, a gentleman proposed to open a village test quickly. Wang Youling vigorously promoted this matter, and suggested that the township test be held by the Zhejiang provincial government, and resolutely undertook all the inspection and inspection matters of the township test. In October of this year, the Jiangnan Township Trial was successfully held.

In the ninth year of Xianfeng (1859), British warships invaded Tianjin. Wang Youling considered that the shipping of the sea was blocked, and asked the winter grain to be returned to the clan treasury to prepare, that is, to be transported to Beijing before the winter began.

In the first month of the Xianfeng Decade (1860), qingjiang fell, and Wang Youling and the inspector tried to prevent the blockade, and prepared troops day and night to recruit soldiers to prevent the Taiping Army from jumping north. Unexpectedly, occupying Wuhu in Anhui Province, the Taiping Army spared Nanjing, captured the state of Guangdezhou, and had the potential to march into Jiangsu and Zhejiang in a large scale. Wang Youling asked the inspector to rush to arrange the defense around Dongba, and while he was arranging, he overheard that the rebel bandits had sneaked from Si'an into Changxing and Huzhou capitals, and the Huzhou defenders were resisting to the death, and the Suzhou defenders were rushing to the aid of the stars.

On February 13, the rebel bandits attacked Huzhou County; on the sixteenth, a group of rebel bandits invaded the city of Hangzhou; on the nineteenth, the rebel bandits invaded Beixinguan, and Hangzhou was unprepared and rushed to meet the battle. On the twentieth day, Hangzhou fell.

Wang Youling had to turn white in an instant, and he immediately asked Grand Marshal Chi to send a large army to aid Hangzhou. During the discussion, it was suddenly reported that the officers and men of the Manchurian camp in Hangzhou City were still fighting fiercely with the enemy, and the situation was extremely critical. At this time, Zhang Yuliang's army arrived in Suzhou, and Wang Youling could discuss with him how to enter the city of Hangzhou. After Zhang Yuliang led his troops to set off, Wang Youling was still restless, so he rushed to the military camp with 100,000 silver and ordered that once Hangzhou was restored, the Qing court would give him a heavy reward.

On the second day of the first month of March, Zhang Yuliang's army rushed to the vicinity of the West Lake in the night of the stars, and set up more than 100 camps and villages, planting flags all over the place, and was intended to be a suspect soldier. At five o'clock in the third day, when the rebel bandits were rising up to make a fire to cook, the Qing army fell from the sky, the cannons were continuous, the killing sound was tremendous, and the thieves camp was in chaos. The Taiping Army also couldn't figure out how many Qing troops had come, and the enemy camp collapsed in an instant.

On March 19, the city of Hangzhou was restored. On the twentieth day, Wang Youling was appointed as the governor of Zhejiang.

Wang Youling was alone in the city to help, and Zeng Guofan helped Zuo Zongtang ascend to the throne

Six. In danger, he was ordered to be promoted to inspector of Zhejiang

On March 20, 1861, the eleventh year of Xianfeng (1861), Wang Youling took over the post of Inspector of Zhejiang. When Wang Youling stepped down from his post as Jiangsu's political envoy, he handed over the money and grain treasury account books, instruments, and other clans he had handled in his post to the inspector of Jiangsu, and then went to Hangzhou to take up his post.

At that time, the war was still very tense, and all kinds of interrogations along the way were very strict. Alarms sounded again in the areas of Jianping Dongba and Liyang, and the bandits approached Changzhou. Its branches also began to harass Yixing, Jintan and other counties. Jiangsu and Zhejiang belong to each other, and Changzhou is the throat of entering and leaving Zhejiang. Due to the erratic nature of the Taiping Army, a large number of reinforcements may not be able to arrive in time. Wang Youling ordered the viceroy Zhang Guoliang to lead a thousand soldiers, and recruited a small group of five hundred people to rush to Changzhou at night.

On the twenty-fifth day, they had just entered Changzhou and walked to Xiaxi, thirty or forty miles away from Changzhou, and the former convenient fire was soaring into the sky and the enemy was connected to the fire. After Wang Youling entered the city of Changzhou, he made emergency arrangements, and on the one hand ordered his troops to bravely set up a guard, and on the other hand, he built eighteen camp cards in the area of the Great King Temple outside the southwest city. As soon as the reinforcements arrived, they immediately counterattacked, and the Taiping Army rebel bandits retreated to fifty miles away in the face of a sudden counterattack. Wang Youling commanded the soldiers yong and the militia to repeatedly counterattack the Taiping army that had encircled and suppressed them, and also won many victories. After the rebel bandits in the Changzhou area were eliminated, the situation was slightly stabilized.

In early March, Wang Youling set off from Changzhou for Hangzhou. Wang Youling saw that the ruins around Hangzhou were all over the place, and the scorched earth was full of eyes. On both sides of the road, kneeling people are full of displaced people supporting the elderly and children, ragged clothes. About 200,000 yuan of money and grain in Hangzhou City were looted. Wang Youling immediately recruited displaced people, built city walls, manufactured equipment, and built fortifications to prevent the rebels from invading again.

After the Jinling camp collapsed, the viceroy Zhang Guoliang and others retreated to Zhenjiang, and then rushed to Danyang to curb the road in and out of Hangzhou. Unexpectedly, the rebel bandits in the direction of Gou Rong suddenly attacked, and the Danyang soldiers retreated one after another. On the sixth day of April, Changzhou fell. On the tenth day of the first month, Wuxi fell. A large number of rebel bandits directly attacked Suzhou, and Suzhou fell on the thirteenth day. The capital of Zhejiang Province was plundered and devastated.

On the fifth day of the first month of May, the city of Guangdezhou fell. In early June, rebel bandits from the Yixing area invaded Changxing and disturbed Ning County. Zhao Jingxian's militia was worried about the rebellion against the bandits to attack Huzhou, so they led their troops back to the lake to defend Yanzhou and retreated to Zhenze Town.

The Taiping army bandits in Jiangsu quickly spread to Zhejiang, and Wang Youling made overall arrangements to defend from Jiaxing, Yixing, and Guangde respectively, so as to avoid the emptiness of the rear. At the same time, the Jiangnan battalion was dispatched to send personnel to zhejiang from Anhui to attack the rebel bandits from Changxing and Yixing. Unexpectedly, on the fifth, ninth, and sixteenth days of the first month of June, the rebel bandits occupying Yixing were invading Lin'an from Changxing, Anji, Xiaofeng, and other places, with the intention of invading Yuhang and Fuyang. Wang Youling immediately dispatched troops to Fuyang to defend the front line. On the seventeenth day, the rebel thief went outside Yuhang City. On the nineteenth day, the rebel bandits divided their troops into two places to attack two large camps northwest of Hangzhou, Zhejiang, and the soldiers bravely attacked in separate ways and killed countless people. The rebel bandits also divided their troops to go around the south gate, and the rebel bandits in the northwest direction also returned to the Qing army, and the Qing army was attacked before and after, and Yuhang was lost.

Rebel bandits supported more than 100,000 people to spy on Zhejiang in an attempt to occupy it. At that time, the Zhejiang garrison was only 10,000 people, and they were alone, but there were no troops to help.

Twenty days later, Liu Zhenjun discovered that more than 10,000 rebel thieves had arrived from Yuhang. Liu Zhenjun rushed back overnight, and when he reached the Gongchen Bridge in Beixinguan, he suddenly encountered the rebel bandits, and fierce fighting immediately broke out between the two sides. The rebel bandits resisted to the death, Wang Youling ascended to the top, so he dispatched each battalion into four teams to rush to the aid, rushing left and right, Liu Zhenjun also bravely took the lead, and even released foreign guns to hit the heavy bandits, and the rebels retreated for more than twenty miles to camp. Wang Youling was afraid that the rebels would counterattack again at night, and sent Ying Ben to defend overnight.

At dawn on the twenty-second day, Wang Youling ordered Liu Zhenjun to join the various armies and chase after the rebel bandits stationed twenty or thirty miles away, in order to take advantage of the victory to suppress the rebel bandits. The Qing army killed countless rebel bandits along the way, and Wang Youlingfei ordered all battalions and battalions to take advantage of the situation to attack and suppress Yuhang, Lin'an and other places occupied by the rebel bandits. The Qing army took advantage of the victory and slaughtered, broke through more than 20 enemy camps outside Lin'an City, killed thousands of enemies, and on the 23rd and 30th, the two cities of Yuhang and Lin'an were successfully recovered.

On July 12 and 15, Jiashan and Pinghu in Zhejiang Fell one after another. Wang Youling ordered Ma Dezhao to lead his troops from Pinghu to fight and suppress, and he also ordered the marine division's gunboats to provide reinforcements, and then sent by Zhang Junmen to the staff general Chen Bugao to lead 3,000 soldiers and horses to defend Haiyan, and several parties joined forces to jointly attack, winning a great victory and regaining the county seat of Pinghu in one fell swoop.

Since February, the two roads in Zhejiang have been constantly smoking, and it is very difficult to raise money and grain. "Merchants are not clear, donations are scarce, the monthly military salary is more than 400,000, and a hundred counts have failed to reach half." Huiyan has been lost one after another, tea merchants have disappeared, and the salt of Huizhou in Jiangxi has no way to market, and the source of food has become more and more exhausted. ”

On September 29, Tonglu fell. Tonglu is the throat of the provincial capital, from Fuyang to the provincial capital Hangzhou, and the situation is precarious for a while.

As early as the spring and summer of this year, the Taiping Army attacked Huzhou Capital twice. In August and September, a large number of rebel bandits occupying Guangde in Suzhou also jumped to Nanxun, Meixi and other places to spy on huzhou capital, but they were all repelled.

In early October, the new city and Lin'an fell one after another. On the ninth day of the first month, Fuyang fell, and the deputy general Liu Jisan and the general Liu Fanggui were killed.

After the rebel bandits occupied Lin'an and Fuyang, they continued to divide their troops to attack the provincial capital of Hangzhou, and spied on Ningbo and Shaoxing from Fuyang. "The emperor sent out a partial division, and on the evening of the tenth day of the first month, he sent a strange plan to order all battalions outside the city to draw 500 horse teams and more than 1,000 infantry teams, limit the two more troops, the five more to the rich, take the thieves unprepared, and all use firearms to cover up." The sudden counterattack of the Qing army made the rebels panic, thinking that the reinforcements of the Qing army had arrived, so they fled from the northwest gate, and the Qing army covered up all the way, captured countless people, and at the eleventh day, Fuyang was recovered.

Soon, a large number of rebel bandits from Yanzhou, from Tonglu and Fuyang bypassed Lin'an and gathered Yuhang, and the guangde rebel bandits gathered more than 200,000 people to attack Hangzhou, and for a time, Hangzhou was in a situation of being attacked on all sides. Wang Youling hurriedly dispatched Wu Zaisheng, the commander-in-chief stationed at Shimen, and Liu Changpei's various armies to join forces to suppress the rebel camp in order to preemptively attack.

On the thirteenth day, the rebel bandits from the direction of Yuhangtang suddenly encountered the Qing army at the fish selling bridge, and the two sides immediately went to war. Wang Youling ordered Wu Zaisheng to return to the aid, and together with the deputy commander Jie Chun, the co-leader Ruiqing and other armies from one side to cooperate with the flank attack, and then led his pro-army to the various gates of Hangzhou to kill. The battalions of the Qing army bravely took the lead, and with the magnificent momentum of a hundred, they slaughtered thousands of rebel bandits, and the rebel thieves retreated to camp on the other side of the Guanyin Bridge. The Qing army was also stationed in the area of the Fish Selling Bridge and the Beixin Bridge, and the enemy and we held each other for one night. Through the close coordination of the various armies and fierce fighting, Yuhang was able to recover.

After that, the rebel bandits jumped into Shouchang twice, but they were repelled by the Qing military and civilian regiments, and the whole territory of Shouchang was eliminated. By November, the capital of Yanzhou had also been restored.

Since Wang Youling took office as the governor of Zhejiang, the Taiping Army invaded Hangzhou three times, but was defeated. "The emperor mu rain and eat the wind, in the face of the former enemy, tirelessly working hard, the thief atmosphere of the neighboring province and the zhejiang province, the thief is blazing, the source of the salary is dry, the anger is deep, the constant dizziness is shaking, and every food in the afternoon vomits, and he stays up all night. The doctor You Yun, the heart blood deficit, the liver and yang forced the spleen, endured the gram of lung qi discomfort, will become phrenic disease, non-meditation adjustment can not be, but still force the disease support, do not dare to say the disease. "Whenever the moon is dark and the wind is high, and the night is quiet, he does not dare to slacken off in the slightest, and there is no day of leisure." When the wind and fire were inflamed, they suddenly suffered from eye diseases, such as thorns swollen like hanging warts. With the blood of the hand pressed with tears, those who see it are shocked. All military affairs newspapers could not be read and viewed, and people were ordered to recite and listen to dictations and handle them as much as they could. Many inconveniences are scorching, and they have not been alleviated lightly in the past ten years. The clouds of healers are all caused by liver wind and heart fire, and if there is no stillness, it is difficult to do the drug bait. It can be seen from the above that After several days of overwork, Wang Youling was suffering from an eye disease, and it was difficult to read the military intelligence newspaper, and he needed to be recited by the people next to him, and then dictated the matter of dispatching troops and generals.

Wang Youling had no choice but to ask the Qing court for things, and the Qing court rewarded him with a twenty-day vacation. After the expiration of the leave, Wang Youling still did not see an improvement. Therefore, Wang Youling wanted to play and asked for a vacancy. However, after he put forward this idea, the generals, the commanders, and the members and members of the Division were very frightened, and they all advised Wang Youling that it was indispensable, otherwise all the combat officials would lose their commanders and scatter at once, and the whole province of Zhejiang would be in danger. Reluctantly, Wang Youling barely supported the sick body, and while adjusting for treatment, he handled official affairs.

On December 24, Huzhou was lifted. In the same month, rebel bandits from Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province, stormed jiangshan county. On the twenty-fifth day, General Lin Wencha led his army to fight bravely and resolutely attacked, destroying more than a dozen rebel camps outside Jiangshan City, using firearms to climb the city and restore Jiangshan County in one fell swoop.

Wang Youling was alone in the city to help, and Zeng Guofan helped Zuo Zongtang ascend to the throne

Seven. Isolated cities waiting for help, generous martyrdom

In the eleventh year of Xianfeng (1861), on the third day of the first lunar month of Xin You, the county seat of Changshan County was restored. Wang Youling was also awarded the title of top hat in October of the previous year when the siege of Hangzhou was lifted, and took care of the military affairs of Taihu Lake in Jiangsu.

In February, the battalion yong who entered Fujian to suppress rebellion returned to Zhejiang. At that time, Lin'an and Xincheng in Zhejiang were still occupied by rebel thieves, and they intended to capture Hangzhou. "Since last year, the place has been mostly eroded. Wei Ning and Shao Shang called it perfect. The inverse has been coveted for a long time. Wang Youling instructed the various armies on the waterway to attack and suppress while blocking on the one hand.

On February 27, a large number of rebel bandits descended from Shentang to trap Haiyan. After thirty days of attack and suppression by the officers and troops, Haiyan was restored.

In March, rebel bandits harassed the Area of Taihu Lake in the East Mountains, and the situation was extremely critical. The Taihu Lake land spanned the three provinces of Su, Chang, and Hu, and in the past year, the Taihu lake area was repeatedly ravaged by rebel thieves, harassing the area around the West Mountain Corner, and was repelled by the troops led by the general Wang Zhijing. Around March, because there was no support from gunboats, the chief soldier Wang Zhijing was also killed in the battle against the thieves.

At that time, "Haiyan was lost, Zhapu was also attacked by thieves, and Pinghu Lake was lost one after another." The emperor ordered the coastal prefectures to ban ferries, strictly guard the sea ports, and dispatched sailors and army officers and troops to join forces to attack. ”

At this time, the rebel bandits once again fell from Wuyuan, Jiangxi to Jiangshan and Changshan. Another group of rebel thieves fell from Kaihua and Sui'an all the way to Shouchang, Yanzhou, and Lanxi. Lanxi was lost, and Suichang and Songyang Prefecture Yongkang were also lost. "At the time of the maintenance, the provincial wall was under martial law, and the general had already been evacuated. The treasury has long been told to be poor, and the donations are poor. None of the ministries allocated to the provinces has been resolved. It was difficult for the soldier to use his life. ”

Not only that, "In the winter of last year, zhejiang province's military supplies accumulated three or four hundred months in arrears before they could be released to January. In the spring of this year, it can only be released for half a month. At this time, the Treasury was empty, and if he wanted to drink ten days' pay, he could not get it. All the salaries that should be released are owed to as much as 1.5 million and 600,000. ”

Although the Qing court repeatedly made it clear that it rushed to zhejiang, except for Fujian, which had little help, the rest of the provinces were divided. At that time, only Ningbo and Shaoxing provinces in Zhejiang were relatively perfect, but the people's strength of the two provinces was in urgent need, and it was naturally very difficult to supply the province. "The government lord advised the donation to the original place at his discretion, and the situation was a last resort. Nai Shiduo was embarrassed to clap his hands, and immediately Li Qi played, and consulted the regimental training minister Wang Shenluqian to temporarily persuade Pujiang, Yiwu, and Dongyang to donate money to the nearest area. "In the face of the huge deficit in grain and wages in Zhejiang Province, Wang Youling can solve how much!"

Wang Youling had to persuade the donation to set up a bureau and widely attract business. Although Zhejiang produces rice, because of the war, soldiers and civilians are extremely short of food.

Since the beginning of April, it has rained for more than 20 days, and large areas of wheat fields have been flooded. In late May, when the drought continued, Wang Youling urgently asked Xue Huan, the governor of Jiangsu, for help, and ordered NingshaotaiDao to encourage merchants to go to the Zhejiang provincial capital to provide convenience.

At this time, the Qing army attacked and suppressed the bandits occupying Lanxi, and repeatedly succeeded. The rebel bandits who occupied Yiwu also retreated to suichang, Songyang, Jinyun, and Xuanping counties, and the Qing army took advantage of the victory to pursue, and these four counties were soon able to eliminate the bandits for a while.

In fact, in December of the previous year, the Taiping Army sneaked into Huizhou, and another group of rebel bandits sneaked into Changhua, successively capturing Fuyang and Xincheng Counties, and Wang Youling mobilized the Qing army to finally overcome the two counties after repeated fierce battles. Subsequently, the Qing army recaptured the capital of Yanzhou.

In August of that year, Wang Youling received the news of Bintian on July 16, the Xianfeng Emperor, and was momentarily overwhelmed.

Since last autumn, only ten days of rations have been distributed to Ying Yong in one day, and the situation is critical and extremely difficult. In August and September, the Qing forces defending Anhui recaptured Anqing and Chizhou. The two lakes and Jiangxi also gradually eliminated the rebel bandits. A large number of Taiping troops led by the rebel bandit Li Xiucheng from Hubei led the rebel bandits who had retreated from Jiangxi and Fujian to Zhejiang from Changshan and Kaihua. The general troops stationed in Quzhou were closed to themselves. After the rebel thief Li Shixian met with the rebel bandits occupying Yan Prefecture, Zhang Yuliang's army abandoned the city and left, and the An Yue army recruited by Li Yuandu pursued the rebels all the way to Quzhou, and also stopped watching. The rebel bandits occupied the Qianqiu Pass and duxiu Pass for several days, and the rebel bandits followed one after another. For a time, around Hangjia Lake, there were 600,000 to 700,000 rebel bandits, and Yanzhou had been captured, and it was bound to directly attack the provincial capital. At that time, the battalions stationed in the provincial capital were all old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers scattered in Nanjing, and the young and strong had been transferred to assist Jiangxi and Fujian, and those who remained were extremely low in combat effectiveness.

Wang Youling asked "Zuo Jing Zongtang to supervise the military affairs of the whole of Zhejiang, and the whole town of Zhejiang Province should be controlled." Fujun was well aware of Zuo Jingzong's physical use and excellence, and his talent was insightful, and his discipline was strict. All of them are strong. In the past, after repeatedly asking for help from Zhejiang to this point, it was even more hoped that the suspension would be solved, and it would be difficult to save the dangerous situation, and although the military affairs of the southeast of Commander Nai Zuo were very successful, they had not all been eliminated, and there was no reason to pull out the troops. ”

But what Wang Youling did not know was that Zuo Zongtang did not come to Wang Youling's aid, but that Zuo Zongtang received Zeng Guofan's will, and in the game between Zeng Guofan and the governor of Liangjiang, He Guiqing, for control of Zhejiang, he demanded that Zuo Zongtang should not assist Wang Youling, the governor of Zhejiang who belonged to He Guiqing's faction.

In February of last year, the city of Hangzhou was breached, and the city of Hangzhou was plundered and the residents were completely displaced. Wang Youling had wanted to store some grain after the autumn harvest, but before he could deal with the grain storage, a large number of rebel bandits flocked to it.

In mid-September, the Taiping Army stormed Yuhang and forced the provincial capital. The Qing army Jie Du tong sent flag soldiers and water brave patrol posts to yuhangtang and Guanyin Pavilion for more than ten miles to inspect, suddenly encountered the vanguard of the rebel bandits, quickly engaged in battle, beheaded countless enemies, and forced the enemy to return to Yuhang. On the 21st, the gunpowder factory in Hangzhou, the provincial capital, accidentally caught fire. On the 24th, the rebel bandits fell from the Linpu area to Xiaoshan, and Liao Zongyuan of Shaoxing Province sent artillery ships to intercept them, but the rebel bandits were outnumbered and retreated. However, wang Luqian, who thought that the returning gunboat was a ship of bandits, and there was a fierce infighting, and Liao Zongyuan was killed.

The Taiping Army gathered 700,000 or 800,000 rebel bandits and joined forces to attack Hangzhou. Wang Youling and Du Tong sent Qing troops to meet the crackdown. On the twenty-seventh day, the rebel bandits will attack the Fish Bridge and harass the West Lake. A large number of rebel bandits have sneaked to the edge of the West Lake to the outside of the two gates of Qingbo Fengshan.

Wang Youling stood in the Wulin Gate City Tower. Wang Zhensheng's troops were originally stationed at the foot of the mountain, and the camp was also breached, and he retreated to the city gate. The deputy general Yang Jinbang led part of the team to rush to the aid of the mountain, engaged the bandits, and was defeated and killed. Rebel bandits have built ladders and flocked to them. "The emperor personally established the city, beckoned all the armies to return to the camp, and on the one hand supervised the slaughter of the thieves in the city, countless of them; the city was repeatedly bombarded with cannons, and the Wenzhen army was sent out of the city to meet the various armies outside the city, killing no less than a few thousand thieves, and began to retreat in defiance."

Wang Youling scanned the city, his eyes full of anti-thieves drifting and moving. At this time, the literature and reports were not passed, and the grain road was blocked. Wang Youling indignantly "made a handwritten letter with wax pills to seal the soldiers, sneaked over the thief's card, crossed the river, sneaked into Zhang Junmen's camp, and asked his whole team to attack." Zhang Junmen led his troops to take the lead bravely, but they were helplessly outnumbered and defeated and died.

"The government was angry and angry, the liver fire rose, every time he vomited blood, from time to time the head was dizzy, although he tried his best to support, his appearance changed greatly, and the civil and military officers and gentlemen went to the city one after another to ask the city to prevent the cold and bone rings, please return to the city for temporary recuperation." At this point, Wang Youling's thousand pro-army also suffered more than half of the casualties. All the members prayed to the Buddha, hoping that Wang Youling would recover soon.

Li Yuandu flinched, and the garrison in Quzhou could not come out. In two or three months, Wang Youling actually asked for help more than twenty times, telling him to take a detour around Hangzhou, and together with the various armies on the waterway to open a road to the provincial capital, but he ignored it, resulting in Hangzhou becoming an isolated city waiting to die. At that time, in the city of Hangzhou, "the folk grain and rice were exhausted, and all the edible things in each shop were searched." The herbs and trees of the various medicine shops were sold out, and the cats, dogs, rats, and finches in the city were hunted down. The military and civilians were all black and swollen, and they died instantly. The corpse pillow was sad and sad. ”

At the moment of crisis, there were also some people at both ends of the rat among the people in the city. In order to save themselves, they waited for the opportunity to collude with the rebel bandits in an attempt to break the city as soon as possible. Wang Youling led his army and killed a hundred people.

The streets of Hangzhou are full of people with incense sticks in their hands and creeping on the ground. Wang Youling sobbed and said, "As an inspector, I cannot save the people from the water and fire, so that our people will be trapped in the acropolis for a long time, and they will be starved. Wang Youling pounded his chest and stopped crying.

On the twenty-second day, it was raining and the sky was dark. Twenty-three days, clouds of sorrow and mist, not a day. On the twenty-fifth day, the Town Army met with all the armies and swore to go out of the city to fight, and at that time, the Face of the Town Army had been wounded by gunshots and fainted.

On the twenty-sixth day, Wang Youling led his soldiers to inspect the dying soldiers in the city, and asked people to salvage the fish released by the fishermen in the pond and send them to bingyong to drink to fill their hunger. Wang Youling returned to the city and said to General Rui, "Aid! The food is out! Don't do it! The death of Hang Province is over the corner! When he finished, he cried bitterly.

Dawn of the twenty-eighth day. Fengshan Qingbo a large number of rebel thieves surged like a tide, and the Qing army and the rebel bandits entered the street battle.

Wang Youling "held out with hunger and fatigue for more than seventy days, and the city was destroyed with all the grain." Then he calmly returned to the office, drank the poison calmly, and then committed suicide by hanging himself.

Wang Youling was alone in the city to help, and Zeng Guofan helped Zuo Zongtang ascend to the throne

Zeng Guofan (Web Photo)

Eight. Zeng Guofan's calculations

When the Taiping army attacked Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Zeng Guofan also led the Xiang army to suppress the rebellion against the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in Jiangnan. Around the problem of grain supply that suppressed rebellion, zeng guofan and he guiqing, the governor of liangjiang, also had many discontents and filth, resulting in frequent contradictions and accumulating a lot of grievances. The reason why Zeng Guofan did not help Wang Youling, the governor of Zhejiang, who was in great danger, was because he had his own shrewd calculations.

In October 1861, Empress Dowager Cixi and Empress Dowager Ci'an, together with the ostracized Prince Gong, launched a campaign to overthrow the eight ministers of Gu Ming, headed by SuShun, and execute Sushun, Zaiyuan, and Duanhua. From then on, Cixi began her "curtain-down to listen to the government" and control the power of the Qing court, which was the so-called "Xin You coup".

Sushun was deeply trusted by the Xianfeng Emperor and promoted and reused Han Chinese such as Zeng Guofan, Hu Linyi, Zuo Zongtang, Guo Songtao, and Pan Zuyin. In particular, Zeng Guofan was appointed governor of Liangjiang, and Chincha supervised the military affairs of Jiangnan and southern Anhui. The "Xin You coup" not only did not affect Prince Gong's policy of reusing the Han Chinese, but also granted him greater power, and commanded him to control the military affairs of Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, and Zhejiang, and all the governors of the four provinces and the officials below the town of Tizhen were under his control.

During the raid on Sushun's mansion, a whole box of private letters was found, but there was no pen and ink from Zeng Guofan. This made Cixi sigh incessantly, and thus praised him as the first righteous person. But where there is a decent gentleman in the official arena, once the time is ripe, he shows another side.

Before Zeng Guofan became the governor of Liangjiang, his mind was also all spent on the military and passive games with the Xianfeng Emperor, and he was not yet a heavy vassal of the court. After ascending to the throne of Liangjiang, the first feudal governor in the southeast, he became a righteous courtier. In this way, he also began to plan carefully and clean up his own chessboard.

The three provinces of Liangjiang and Zhejiang originally belonged to He Guiqing's territory, but He Guiqing was deposed and deposed from the post of governor of Liangjiang because he fled from Hangzhou to Suzhou with his family in the war, which was "abandoning the city and fleeing". Despite this, the positions of inspectors and other positions in the four provinces were still He Guiqing's men and horses, and the first to bear the brunt was Wang Youling, the inspector of Zhejiang.

Speaking of zeng guofan and He Guiqing's grudge, it is mainly due to He Guiqing. Both of them were Daoguang fifteen years old to participate in the examination, which should be regarded as brothers of the same subject. But later, Zeng Guofan fell to the first place, and He Guiqing was a jinshi. After that, He Guiqing official Yun Hengtong, at the age of 38, became the governor of Zhejiang, and at the age of 41, he became the governor of Liangjiang. Later, Zeng Guofan also took shortcuts, although it was hard, but also summed up a lot of strategies for people to deal with the world. He did not continue to seek scientific research, but returned to his hometown to organize regiments to train their hometown bravery against the Taiping Army, and fought to the death, and finally reversed the overall situation again and again, so that the Qing court saw a little hope, and Zeng Guofan was able to rely on his military achievements to rise step by step.

When Zeng Guofan entered Jiangxi for the second time, he was snubbed by officials of Jiangxi, and grain and salary became a big problem, and the soldiers fought against the bandits hungry. Therefore, Zeng Guofan wrote to his brother He Guiqing, asking him to look at the same door and give him some grain and pay for it. He Guiqing did not know which brain had a problem at that time, not only did not give a penny, but also wrote back to Zeng Guofan as a brother to reprimand zeng guofan. His words said, the sweeping of the thieves is all dependent on the Qing army, and the little guerrilla force of your Xiang army happens to have fought a few battles, and you don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick?

He Guiqing did not give money, did not give grain and pay, and even wrote letters insulting Zeng Guofan, leaving no way back for himself, and he did not look up to Zeng Guofan at all.

Zhejiang has always been an anointed area and a key place for raising wages. He Guiqing was promoted to the governor of Liangjiang by virtue of his meritorious service as the governor of Zhejiang, so Zhejiang is He Guiqing's "blessed land". The Viceroy of Liangjiang administered the provinces of Jiangxi, Anhui, and Jiangsu, not including Zhejiang Province. But these three provinces are all adjacent to Zhejiang Province, so He Guiqing is very eager to incorporate the places he once ruled into his sphere of influence. He Guiqing was also using this to boast to his friends in the capital, such as Peng Xuezhang: "The southeast half of the wall seems to be unworthy and cannot be supported. "If the soldiers of Jiangsu and Zhejiang are bravely returned to their brothers for dispatch, the officials of the two provinces can raise salaries and receive assistance, and they will certainly be able to quickly perform the restoration work."

He Guiqing's dime, Zeng Guofan is naturally not a good stubble. He Guiqing (1816--1862) zi Cong Shan, number Genyun, Yunnan Kunming people. He daoguang fifteen years (1835) into the army and the first, Xianfeng second year (1852) in August, granted Jiangsu xuezheng. After the Taiping Rebellion, He Guiqing neglected the military as a scholar in Jiangsu and attacked the feudal officials for being weak and incompetent. In September of the fourth year of Xianfeng (1854), he was promoted to governor of Zhejiang. The Taiping army captured Jiangning (present-day Nanjing) and made him the governor of Liangjiang, the crown prince Taibao. He Guiqing had earlier come from Wang Youling's father Wang Xie who served in Yunnan and presided over the township examination and the examiner, so he was deeply grateful to Wang Youling's father.

After Wang Youling distributed to Zhejiang, He Guiqing gave Wang Youling a lot of support, and soon promoted him to the post of Jiangsu envoy and Jiangsu envoy. When the Taiping Army attacked the Jiangnan camp, it adopted the strategy of "encircling Wei to save Zhao" and sent heavy troops to besiege Hangzhou. In danger, Luo Zundian asked for help from the nearest Jiangnan camp. In order to ensure that Hangzhou was not lost, the Jiangnan battalion sent Zhang Yuliang to lead the troops to help. However, just as Zhang Yuliang was rushing to his aid, He Guiqing stopped him and asked him to listen to the instructions and arrangements of Wang Youling, the envoy of Jiangsu Province, when passing through Suzhou. All of Zhang Yuliang's grain supply came from He Guiqing's Jiangnan camp, and he could not be offended, but had to obey orders. After Zhang Yuliang led the troops to Suzhou, Wang Youling secretly instructed him with He Guiqing as his backstage that the army could only save Huzhou, not Hangzhou. When the city of Hangzhou was destroyed, Luo Zundian, the governor of Zhejiang, fought a bloody battle, and after being cut off by the Taiping Army on his left forehead and falling off his horse, he took poison with his wife and daughter to be martyred. After Luo Zundian's death, He Guiqing recommended Wang Youling to the Qing court to take charge of the post of Inspector of Zhejiang.

This time, Hangzhou was besieged again, and Wang Youling repeatedly asked the Qing court for support, but the governor of Liangjiang at this time was already Zeng Guofan. At that time, the soldiers and horses around Zhejiang who could rescue Hangzhou were Li Xuyi, Bao Chao, and Zeng Guoquan. But they obeyed Zeng Guofan's instructions to stand still and stand by. Zeng Guofan said that Zuo Zongtang could lead his troops to rescue Hangzhou. After the Qing court allowed it, and after he also chiseled out the momentum that Zuo Zongtang was about to rush to Hangzhou, Zuo Zongtang was already eager to try to prepare to leave, and Zeng Guofan secretly ordered to stop Zuo Zongtang. Zeng Guofan stopped Zuo Zongtang and said, You kill the past now and save the city of Hangzhou, and the inspector of Zhejiang is still Wang Youling. You can't save Hangzhou City, and the Inspector of Zhejiang is still not yours. Only when Wang Youling city is destroyed, the inspector of Zhejiang is yours. Hearing this, Zuo Zongtang immediately strangled the horse's head, watching the good drama first, and then shooting.

Wang Youling was alone in the city to help, and Zeng Guofan helped Zuo Zongtang ascend to the throne

Zuo Zongtang (web image)

In this way, what suspense can there be about Wang Youling's death? He Guiqing's hand against the former Zhejiang governor Luo Zundian finally let Zeng Guofan "treat his human body with his human way" and return it with Wang Youling's death! As for He Guiqing's ending, he naturally ended up with a beheading and discarding corpse.

Nine. The name is magnificent, the legacy of future generations

In the early morning of December 29, 1861, the city of Hangzhou was destroyed, and Wang Youling calmly martyred the country. When li xiucheng, the loyal king of the Taiping army rebelled against the bandits, he heard of his reputation, sighed at his loyalty, buried him thickly, and sent Wang Youling's 500 relatives to escort the coffin back to his hometown.

Upon receiving the news, the Qing court also called him "ZhuangZhuang", gave him a sacrifice and burial, entered the Zhaozhong Ancestral Hall, and also ordered the Jianwang of Zhejiang and Fujian to have special shrines.

Today, No. 53 Tower Lane in Fuzhou City, No. 16 and No. 18 Huang Lane that run through today are the former residences and residences of Wang Youling, and the entire system of buildings from the Ming and Qing dynasties. No. 18 Huang Lane is the main seat of the former residence, and there are three entrances before and after. When Wang Youling's coffin was transported back to Fuzhou from Hangzhou, he entered the house through this door.

Wang Youling had four children: Ruiyun, Qingyun, Xiaoyun, and Qianyun.

Before his death, Wang Youling had a special love for calligraphy and painting. When he was the governor of Hangzhou in the fifth year of Xianfeng (1855) and the governor of Zhejiang in the tenth year of Xianfeng (1860), he twice hired Zhou Kezongguan, a famous flower painter in Jiaxing Province at that time. According to the "Guangxu Haiyan County Chronicle", Zhou Keziyin, Gong poetry, good calligraphy and painting, especially good at coloring flowers, straight to Yun Nantian, when out of reach. When Zhou Kezong was destroyed in the city of Hangzhou, he was killed by the inspector Yamen. Wang Youling's own calligraphy is also very good, but he is busy with official business, there is little spare time, only a very small number of ink treasures are left, and his works are clean and colorful, beautiful and elegant.

Wang Youling was alone in the city to help, and Zeng Guofan helped Zuo Zongtang ascend to the throne

Wang Youling stills (network image)

Wang Youling was alone in the city to help, and Zeng Guofan helped Zuo Zongtang ascend to the throne

Network photo: Fuzhou Yellow Lane

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