
Father's Meet and Greet gift to Mother: A moonlit Browning pistol Father's gift to Mother


<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > a meet and greet from a father to a mother</h1>

Text | Enron

According to the materials provided by his old friend Anran, he wrote several stories about his father, jiang Shimin, a veteran soldier, a few days ago. Enron is a writer in itself, so I said, you guys write a piece of your own dad. He said, write my dad? That's got to get my mom. So, there is the following text -

In May 1949, his father was transferred from the Political Department of the Hejiang Military Region to the Heilongjiang Provincial Health Department as the head of the Military Representative Office. There are many girls in the health department, and many cadres want to be transferred to this department.

Father's Meet and Greet gift to Mother: A moonlit Browning pistol Father's gift to Mother

Photo of my mother at the General Hospital of the Northeast Military Region (guess which).

At that time, our army had strict regulations on the target of cadres: they must meet the standard of "258 regiments" before they can get married. What is the "258 Regiment" standard?

In June 1946, after the defeat in the Siping Defense War, the Northeast Bureau and the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army retreated to Northern Manchuria, with serious losses to the troops, some of the cadres were confused, and the situation was critical. The CPC Central Committee made a major policy decision and reorganized the Northeast Bureau.

In July 1946, the newly formed leading collective of the Northeast Bureau held a meeting in Harbin to study countermeasures and draft the "July Seventh Resolution" of the Northeast Bureau, calling on the cadres of the Northeast Party and the army to reorganize their strength, straighten out the ranks, and strive to establish a consolidated northeast base area.

Zhuo Xiong, director of the Political Department of the North Manchurian Hejiang Military Region, discovered a relatively serious phenomenon of corruption in the course of rectification, and the problems that Zhuo Xiong reflected had long been noticed by the Northeast Bureau.

In April 1947, the 13th issue of the Northeast Bureau's organ publication", "The Masses", published a special number, and a total of 16 cadres were notified in this issue of anti-corruption. These cases and lessons have also made the leaders of the Northeast Bureau aware that corruption often begins with the relationship between men and women.

Therefore, the Northeast Bureau made strict regulations: in principle, company cadres and soldiers are not allowed to marry, and senior cadres must also strictly control marriage. There is a policy referred to as "258 regiment", that is, the man's age is 25 years old, more than 8 years of military age, and the regiment level or above can be approved for marriage. During the war years, this policy was implemented very strictly, thus ensuring that the cadres of the troops went all out into battle, and the cadres in the rear worked diligently and loyally to their duties until the final victory in the Northeast Liberation War was won.

Father's Meet and Greet gift to Mother: A moonlit Browning pistol Father's gift to Mother

After the father entered the Health Department, he was introduced and approved by the leaders: his father Jiang Shimin fell in love with his mother Zhao Xueluan.

At that time, the big cities in the northeast were still not calm at night, and Kuomintang agents and assassination groups frequently created panic. In Harbin, there was a Kuomintang iron-blooded assassination group, which openly named and killed important figures in the government, the army, and society. This move aroused the high vigilance of our army and instructed: After 7 p.m., no one is allowed to go out unless there is an urgent task; it is also stipulated that the curfew will begin at 18 o'clock in the winter night and the curfew begins at 19 o'clock in the summer.

One afternoon in June, my father asked my mother to watch a movie together, and after watching the movie, the two went to the Madir West Restaurant. At this moment, the father gave the mother a greeting gift: a Browning M1906 electroplated pistol.

Father's Meet and Greet gift to Mother: A moonlit Browning pistol Father's gift to Mother

Browning M1906 pistol.

Tell us about the history of this gun: In 1904, Based on the M1903, Browning developed the first pocket-sized automatic pistol, the Browning M1906, which fired 6.35 × 15.5mm half-base automatic pistol cartridges (0.25 inches ACP), and was officially put into production in 1906. Its successful design made it a "model" and "template" for most later pocket automatic pistols.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen used this pistol. Because at the beginning of the 20th century, China was a time of internal and external troubles, the domestic political situation was chaotic, and wars were frequent. Browning pistols were dumped in large quantities into the Chinese market through Japan's entrepot trade, even during the 10-year-long arms embargo against China from 1919 to 1929. In 1927 alone, at least 1500-2000 Browning pistols were transferred to China every month, second only to Mauser (barge guns), a considerable part of which were M1906s.

Old Chinese military dignitaries and dignitaries were proud to have this small and reliable self-defense pistol, so that the gun was in short supply. The gun sold for around $20 at the time, which was higher than the Mauser pistol. After liberation, a large number of M1906 pistols and imitations were still equipped with our public security departments, so that they were equipped for use by senior leaders of the national party, government, and army, and continued to be used until the early 1980s.

Father's Meet and Greet gift to Mother: A moonlit Browning pistol Father's gift to Mother

Browning M1906 pistol holster.

Note that this kind of holster is accompanied by a sleeve with a magazine, indicating that there are 5 bullets on the use of this gun, 5 rounds on the holster, 9 rounds for self-defense, and 1 round for yourself.

My mother, also a soldier, worked as the head nurse at the General Hospital of the Northeast Military Region and was armed with a Browning M1900 7.65mm pistol (gun brand pick).

This kind of gun belonged to the famous gun at that time, and knowing its history will cherish it even more. It was with this pistol that former Japanese Prime Minister Hirobumi Ito was assassinated at the Harbin Railway Station.

On August 30, 1918, a workers' rally was held at the Mikhailsson factory in Moscow, and the gunman, Fanny Kaplan, used the pistol to shoot at Lenin.

On June 28, 1914, in Bosnia in the Balkans, Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was shot and killed by the Serbian nationalist Princip with such pistols. This incident led to the Austro-Hungarian Empire declaring war on Serbia and became the trigger for the First World War.

Wearing this pistol was a status symbol, and my father also wore this pistol at that time. There was also a saying in that era: "The bigger the official, the smaller the gun." ”

Father's Meet and Greet gift to Mother: A moonlit Browning pistol Father's gift to Mother

The Browning M1900 7.65mm pistol used by his father (commonly known as the gun brand picker).

Father's Meet and Greet gift to Mother: A moonlit Browning pistol Father's gift to Mother
Father's Meet and Greet gift to Mother: A moonlit Browning pistol Father's gift to Mother

When they walked out of the hotel, my father subconsciously looked at his watch: 18:52. At that time, there were no taxis on the streets, only rickshaws, and they stopped a rickshaw and told the driver to go to the provincial government. The coachman looked at the military uniform his father was wearing and said, "Do you dare to come out at this time?" ”

Halfway through, we encountered patrols and asked them to get out of the car for inspection. Just after the coachman was inspected, he slipped quietly while his father and the patrol soldiers were not paying attention, and he did not pull the life and did not earn money. After the patrolman checked the documents, he asked his parents to hurry up and leave, and it was now a curfew.

When he saw that there were 300 meters to the provincial government, in a place where there were no street lights, my father found several figures, vaguely like holding guns. The father hurriedly leaned against a fence to shield his mother, and both men took up their pistols, especially the plated Browning pistol, which stood out in the moonlight. At this time, the people on the other side also found the father, and they shouted: "Stop, put your hands up." ”

As a veteran, my father knew how to deal with the situation in front of him, so he said loudly to the other party: "I am from the political department of the military region, you have to check it, and you can come over with a clap of your hands." "Only a very professional soldier would do that.

The other party clapped his hands and walked over, and the father asked his mother to point the pistol he had just given her at the person who came over, holding a gun in one hand, and taking the certificate from the pocket of his jacket with the other hand and handing it to the other, and also showing him his mother's certificate.

The man, dressed in military uniform, also showed his father his papers, proving that they were on patrol. After checking the documents and checking the identity, the patrolman saluted his father and said, "The female chief's gun is really bright!" It shines in the moonlight, or we wouldn't have seen you have guns yet. ”

After liberation, her mother left the army to work in the health center of the general office of the Ministry of Construction and Engineering, and handed over the Browning M1906 pistol that her father had given her according to the regulations.

The father's Browning M1900 gun plate was worn until 1969, before it was sent to the countryside, and the gun was handed over to the Jinxi Security Command with a gun certificate. He wore the gun from 1939 until 1969, a total of 30 years.

The father handed over the gun and sent it to the countryside, and his mood was very bad, and his temper became grumpy. Later, I slowly understood: a gun that had followed this soldier for 30 years was handed over, which was simply asking for his life- the gun was the second life of a soldier.


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