
Marx and Engels first met in 1844 at a small restaurant in France, at the age of 26 and 24, respectively

author:Snow on the historical plains


In 1844, Marx and Engels just met, like a pair of "lovers", holding hands and swimming in England. They did not go on a tour, they made a special trip to the fiery factories, visited the machines, visited the workers, and went straight to the heart of human history, the heart of the Industrial Revolution.

From this moment on, a new theory like a sunrise and a full moon rose in the hearts of the brothers' 26- and 24-year-old youths, and from then on a political party came into being, which was the Communist Party. The world began to change dramatically. All because of them. Therefore, China, which is currently ruled by the Chinese Communist Party, is in the same vein. History has turned a new page.

200 years ago, there was a bourgeois revolution in Britain, which began to walk in the forefront of the world, leaving the world behind and throwing it out of the distance of hundreds of years.

In 1640, Li Zicheng was attacking the city and plundering the land, and there was a long Qing Dynasty behind it.

In 1640, when they came to England two hundred years later, the situation in England shocked them. Just as in 1920, the 16-year-old Deng Xiaoping and the 22-year-old Zhou Enlai came to the French factory to work and study, looking at their advanced machines and unable to speak with excitement. They secretly swear that they will catch up by the end of this century!


Marx was born in Germany in 1818, and two years later another great man, Engels, was born. The pair grew up in two families. The difference is that Engels was born into a family of textile factory owners, and after graduating from high school, his father let his son inherit his father's business to study business. Marx, on the other hand, was a doctor of law and philosophy, and they were all the same. Engels had no academic qualifications, and was on a par with Marx, proudly flaccid in the fertile field of thought, and wrote a lot of works in his lifetime.

The five years from 1839 to 1844 were five years of rapid ideological progress. They gradually grew from a teenager to a radical revolutionary youth, a communist. Their state of mind is worse than that of the 26-year-old Mao Zedong in 1919. After all, they were the pioneers, theoretically. Mao simply ignited the flames of revolution from Li Dazhao.


In 1844 they simultaneously published an article in the German-French Annals, and after 5 years of hard work in the darkness, they finally found Zhiyin and saw the light, like a ray of dawn in the morning. They've all been validated by each other: they're both right. They had few of the same kind before, only approximations.

Along the way, they parted ways with "comrades-in-arms" at different times. They came together, excited by the strangeness. They met in a coffee house, talked on their knees, and had in-depth feedback and echoes from philosophy, political science, sociology, and natural sciences. It was the sound of nature, and it seemed to be the sound from another universe. They were ecstatic, admired each other, cared for each other, fought side by side, and had a spiritual dependence from then on.

On the opposite side stood a feudal class, landlords, aristocrats, while another class, the bourgeoisie, was on the rise, eager to try. They are to be the gravediggers of the bourgeoisie. How precious this pair of young people is.

When the landlords and poor people of the whole world are in a daze, dreaming of making rich and fertile and coddled concubines, they vow to overthrow this feudal class, but also to uproot the bourgeoisie and build a new society, a socialist society in which the proletariat is in power. How unimaginable china and the world were in 1844.


In 1843, the 29-year-old Hong Xiuquan took xiucai's exam for the last time, fell in the first place, discouraged, vowed to overthrow the Qing government, opened his own discipline to get a scholar, and took the exam for the world, which was a feat and a great ambition. However, the realm is different.

Five years later, Ma and Eun founded the Communist Party in Britain and issued the Communist Manifesto, and Hong Xiuquan's power had grown and developed, and the prototype of a Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was about to emerge.


Marx was expelled from Germany in 1846 and later by France. They came to England invariably, and only England in the whole world could take them in. Because France and Germany are still feudal countries, most countries in the world include China, and Britain is a capitalist country. From this we can see the advantages and advantages of the capitalist state over the feudal state.

Marxism was also born on the hotbed of capitalist industrial production, not in the social soil of feudal agricultural production.

Marx was in London, and Engels was doing business in Manchester, fully supporting the work of his comrades-in-arms. Money was sent to London in a steady stream, and letters were returned over and over again between the two places. Marx needed Engels's verification. Capital is the result of the efforts of both.

In 1867, the first volume was published, and Marx breathed a long sigh. Soon, Engels also came to London, and spent time with them, they were middle-aged, and Marx only had a dozen years left, exhausting his life's efforts.


It's a tragedy, and it's a comedy.

When Marx closes his eyes, what is the point of his 65 years of struggle? From the teenage years old who are interested in learning and who are determined to work hard to liberate all mankind, this realm, others can really understand? Maybe only Engels is left, not abandoned, fighting side by side.

Looking back today, what do the roads they walked, their footprints, explain? They never went out of date, but ahead of their time.

When the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom arose, he was agitated: the revolution in the East had begun, and it was discovered that it was not that at all (the proletarian revolution headed by the workers)!

When the Paris Commune arose in 1871, he could not help but be excited again, and it was finally short-lived. Society is too backward, and his thinking is too advanced, and he can't find a foothold or a gripper, which is finally a sigh. With only 12 years to go until his death, he was engaged in the preparation of the second volume of Capital. Constructing a theoretical edifice is a cultural heritage he has left to mankind, and he feels his responsibility and races against the clock to complete it before death comes. He was a materialist.

After all, he did not complete it, and the second and third volumes were compiled and published by Engels for more than ten years after his death, nearly fifty years before and after, exhausting the efforts of the two people throughout their lives.


From the beginning of the emergence of capitalism in Britain in the 15th century, to the revolution of 1640, to watt's invention and improvement of the steam engine in 1776 to set off an industrial revolution, in the past five or six hundred years, Britain has been at the forefront of the world, until a hundred years ago, before the First World War, the world's bull's ear, which is recognized by the world. Without British "inclusion", they have no place to live, and they have used the British Library for 50 years.

It can also be said that Capital was born in a library. For example, Lao Tzu was the librarian of Luoyang in the Zhou Dynasty, and there was "Lao Tzu". "There is a golden house in the book, and there is a beautiful jade in the book", and they pursue the ultimate dream of mankind, and Lao Tzu is no exception. Lao Tzu was a "utopian primitive socialist" and Marx was a scientific socialist.

In fact, in modern times, we have been on the road of catching up with the world for one hundred and eighty-one years, and we have paid a price.

Marx and Engels first met in 1844 at a small restaurant in France, at the age of 26 and 24, respectively
Marx and Engels first met in 1844 at a small restaurant in France, at the age of 26 and 24, respectively
Marx and Engels first met in 1844 at a small restaurant in France, at the age of 26 and 24, respectively

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