
#2023 Daily Sharing #Today I finally know the difference between pineapple and pineapple, I always thought they were just different names, until today I met again in the supermarket... Previous practice

author:Wooden fish swim

#2023年日常分享 #

Today I finally know the difference between pineapple and pineapple, I always thought they were just different names, until today I met again in the supermarket...

I used to think that pineapples are pineapples, just like tomatoes are tomatoes, potatoes are potatoes, kiwis are kiwifruits, cherries are cherries...

It seems that you will have to visit more supermarkets in the future, and many things can only refresh the inherent cognition by witnessing their delicious contrast.

#2023 Daily Sharing #Today I finally know the difference between pineapple and pineapple, I always thought they were just different names, until today I met again in the supermarket... Previous practice
#2023 Daily Sharing #Today I finally know the difference between pineapple and pineapple, I always thought they were just different names, until today I met again in the supermarket... Previous practice
#2023 Daily Sharing #Today I finally know the difference between pineapple and pineapple, I always thought they were just different names, until today I met again in the supermarket... Previous practice

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