
Diet History: Break through your comfort zone, try new jobs and push your limits, count your day, eat breakfast and dinner at home, and eat lunch outside casually. Breakfast: red bean soy milk,

author:Xiaoxiao Eclipse Light 88

Dietary Records:

Push your comfort zone, try a new job and push your limits, day by day, eating breakfast and dinner at home and lunch outside.

Breakfast: red bean soy milk, green onion rolls, siu wheat, onion, kiwifruit.

Lunch: Chicken stewed with potatoes and white rice.

Dinner: cereal porridge, autumn steamed scrambled eggs, yellow skin.

The green onion rolls and roasted wheat for breakfast are semi-finished products, which do not need to be thawed, and are taken out of the refrigerator and steamed directly. Soy milk is processed with 10 grams of red beans, 10 grams of sour jujube kernels, 10 grams of walnut kernels and 300 ml of water, and the onion is stir-fried without salt, and it has a light sweetness to eat.

Lunch was eaten at a random restaurant, although there was only one casserole, but there was chicken, potatoes, lettuce, shiitake mushrooms, enough for one person, not spicy, and the soup was delicious.

For dinner, I cooked a bowl of cereal porridge, added some chopped greens, fragrant, and the scrambled eggs with okra were particularly delicious, and I ate some yellow peel fruits to help digestion.

Diet History: Break through your comfort zone, try new jobs and push your limits, count your day, eat breakfast and dinner at home, and eat lunch outside casually. Breakfast: red bean soy milk,
Diet History: Break through your comfort zone, try new jobs and push your limits, count your day, eat breakfast and dinner at home, and eat lunch outside casually. Breakfast: red bean soy milk,
Diet History: Break through your comfort zone, try new jobs and push your limits, count your day, eat breakfast and dinner at home, and eat lunch outside casually. Breakfast: red bean soy milk,

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