
How to preserve kiwifruit at room temperature, refrigerated and frozen! How do you soften a kiwifruit when it's too hard?


Kiwifruit is rich in nutrients such as dietary fiber and vitamin C, and in addition to green kiwifruit and yellow kiwifruit, there is also a special red heart kiwi fruit on the market. How do you store the kiwi fruit you bought home? Share how to keep kiwifruit at room temperature, refrigeration and freezing, as well as tips on how to soften kiwifruit when it is too hard.

How to preserve kiwifruit at room temperature, refrigerated and frozen! How do you soften a kiwifruit when it's too hard?

How to store kiwifruit at room temperature

Hard, unripe kiwi fruits can be stored at room temperature, first wrap each kiwifruit individually with a kitchen paper towel, then put it in a plastic bag together, and prick a few holes in the bag, and put it in a cool and ventilated place to ripen and enjoy.

※However, in the summer when the temperature is high, it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator.

How to preserve kiwifruit at room temperature, refrigerated and frozen! How do you soften a kiwifruit when it's too hard?


How do you soften a harder kiwifruit? As long as the kiwifruit is wrapped in a crisper bag with the apple, the ethylene produced by the apple can accelerate the ripening of the kiwifruit and make the kiwifruit taste softer.

Refrigerated preservation method of kiwifruit

Ripe kiwifruit is not recommended to be stored at room temperature to avoid overripeness, please put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration, wrap each kiwifruit separately with a kitchen paper towel, and then put it into a fresh-keeping bag or fresh-keeping zipper bag, the bag does not need to be pierced, and it can be placed directly in the vegetable and fruit room of the refrigerator, which can be kept fresh for about 1 week.

How to preserve kiwifruit at room temperature, refrigerated and frozen! How do you soften a kiwifruit when it's too hard?

If it is a kiwifruit that has already been cut, please wrap it individually in plastic wrap or a small plastic bag (do not use kitchen paper towels), then put it in a zipper bag and refrigerate it, and eat it as soon as possible.

How to preserve kiwifruit at room temperature, refrigerated and frozen! How do you soften a kiwifruit when it's too hard?

Cryopreserved methods for kiwifruit

Wash and peel the kiwifruit, slice or dice it according to your needs, divide it into several portions and wrap it in a freezer film or small plastic bag, and then put it together in a zipper bag and put it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.

※The taste of kiwifruit will be poor after freezing, so it is recommended to eat it when it is semi-thawed, or use it directly to make juice, popsicles, jams, etc. without thawing.

How to preserve kiwifruit at room temperature, refrigerated and frozen! How do you soften a kiwifruit when it's too hard?

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