
Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

author:Archaeological expeditions

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Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

Text|Archaeological exploration

Editor|Archaeological Exploration


Kiwi, scientific name Actinidia deliciosa, also known as kiwifruit, is a common fruit, its appearance is oval, there are fine hairs on the skin, usually pale green or brown, kiwi has a bright emerald green flesh inside, in the middle of small black particles, these particles are edible, but most people will remove it.

Kiwi fruit originated in China, first cultivated commercially in New Zealand, and gradually spread to the world, it is known for its high content of vitamin C, vitamin K, dietary fiber and antioxidants, is considered to be good for health, kiwi taste sweet and sour, can be eaten raw, can also be made into juice, fruit salad, dessert, etc.

Kiwi derives its name from its similarity in appearance to the facial features of monkeys, it is considered a nutritious fruit that helps improve immunity, promote digestion, maintain heart health, etc., however, if you are allergic to a certain fruit or have a special health condition, consult your doctor before consuming it.

Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

In addition to the common green kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa), there are a number of other varieties and varieties, including:

Golden kiwi (Actinidia chinensis), also known as yellow-hearted kiwi, has golden flesh and a sweet taste, which is softer than green kiwi.

Red kiwi (Actinidia chinensis var. Deliciosa) is a red or purple kiwi variety that is usually sweeter than green kiwi.

Kiwi varieties and hybrids With the development of cultivation technology, people have created a variety of kiwi varieties and hybrids to meet different tastes and market needs.

Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

When choosing and saving kiwi fruit, you can pay attention to the following:

Kiwi fruit will soften slightly when ripe, you can gently press the skin to test the ripeness, avoid choosing kiwi with obvious scratches, bruises or signs of decay, if the kiwi is not ripe, you can place it at room temperature to let it continue to ripen, and when ripe, you can put it in the refrigerator to extend the shelf life.

After cutting the kiwi fruit, the pulp can be scooped out with a spoon or peeled and sliced, it can be eaten alone or added to foods such as fruit salad, yogurt, ice cream, etc., kiwi is a delicious and nutritious fruit with a variety of health benefits, whether eaten raw or processed, to add a touch of color and nutrition to your diet.

In addition to vitamin C and vitamin K, kiwi fruit contains other nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, and dietary fiber, all of which are beneficial to human health, here are some of the possible health benefits of kiwi:

Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

Kiwi is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin C helps boost immune system function and help fight infections and diseases, dietary fiber and potassium in kiwi can help lower blood pressure, maintain cardiovascular health, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, dietary fiber in kiwi helps promote digestion, slow down the digestion of food in the stomach, and help prevent constipation.

Kiwis contain antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E that can help fight free radicals and reduce the damage to the body caused by oxidative stress, vitamin K in kiwifruit is essential for bone health and aids in calcium absorption and bone formation, and some studies suggest that certain compounds in kiwifruit may have anti-inflammatory effects that can help reduce inflammatory symptoms.

As with any food, it is wise to consume kiwi in moderation, although it has many health benefits, excessive consumption can also lead to digestive discomfort or other problems, if you have any food allergies, special health conditions, or dietary restrictions, consult your doctor's advice before consuming kiwi.

Kiwi fruit is a delicious and nutritious fruit that can have a positive impact on your health as part of a balanced diet.

Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

Morphological signs and growth environment of kiwifruit

The morphological signs of kiwifruit refer to its external and internal characteristics, including appearance, fruit structure, etc., and the following are descriptions of the main morphological signs of kiwifruit.

Kiwi fruit is usually oval in shape and slightly flattened, and different varieties of kiwifruit may have different shapes, such as round, oval, slightly elongated, etc.

The color of the kiwi peel can be light green, brown or yellow, depending on the variety and ripeness, there are fine hairs on the peel, the texture is slightly rough, these hairs can give the kiwi a unique touch, some kiwi may have a fine texture or uneven parts on the skin, the size of the kiwi varies from variety to variety, generally around 5-8 cm in diameter.

Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

Kiwi flesh is bright green, but in some varieties it may also appear golden yellow or red, kiwi fruit flesh texture is soft, juicy on the palate, with a certain fibrous feeling, kiwi fruit flesh has many small black particles, these particles are edible, but some people may remove it.

Kiwi fruit usually does not contain large seeds in its flesh, but sometimes some tiny seeds may be present, and the taste of kiwi fruit is sweet and sour, and most varieties have a unique aroma.

The morphological signs of kiwi include its external appearance features as well as the internal flesh color, texture, grain and other characteristics that make kiwi a fruit attractive in taste and taste.

Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

Kiwi usually requires suitable climate, soil and light conditions, the following are the general growth environment requirements for kiwifruit:

Kiwifruit prefers a mild climate, usually suitable for growing in cooler areas, it needs a certain amount of cold in winter to promote dormancy, but has limited tolerance for severe cold, and the most suitable growth temperature range is roughly between 10 ° C and 25 ° C.

Kiwi needs sufficient sunlight exposure for photosynthesis, it can achieve better growth and fruit yield under sufficient sunlight, kiwi adapts to many types of soil, but grows best in well-drained soils with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5, deep, fertile soil that helps kiwifruit take root and develop.

Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

Drainage is an important factor in the growth of kiwi fruit, because it is not tolerant to waterlogging, excessive moist soil may cause root rot, since kiwi is a climbing plant, it needs some support to prevent wind damage to the plant, but at the same time, strong winds may destroy fruits or flowers, so moderate wind is ideal.

Kiwi fruit usually grows well in areas from 0 to 1500 meters above sea level, at high altitudes, temperatures are lower, which may affect the formation of flower buds and the ripening of fruits.

Kiwi prefers mild climate, plenty of sunshine, fertile soil and good drainage, if you wish to grow kiwifruit, it is best to provide it with a suitable growing environment in the area with suitable local climate and soil conditions, for planting in a specific area, it is best to consult a local agricultural expert or horticulturist for more detailed advice.

Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

Kiwi propagation methods

Seed propagation is a simpler but relatively uncommon method in which you can remove the seeds from ripe kiwi fruit, wash them, and sow them in a suitable culture medium, however, seed propagation may cause the plant to differ from the mother because kiwifruit may be a hybrid.

Grafting is a commonly used breeding method that preserves the excellent characteristics of the mother, selects a kiwi seedling and a branch of a kiwi, grafts them together, this method is suitable for situations where you want to preserve the characteristics of a particular variety.

Kiwi cuttings are inserted into a suitable culture medium to allow a section of plant stem to take root and grow into a new plant, cuttings are usually carried out in spring or summer, taking care to maintain moderate humidity and light.

Splitting is the method of dividing the plant into parts, each with the ability to grow, and then allowing it to grow into new plants, which is less used on kiwifruit because its natural reproduction method is relatively difficult to achieve.

Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

No matter which breeding method you choose, you need some basic gardening knowledge and skills, if you plan to carry out kiwi breeding, it is best to read the relevant horticultural guide or consult a professional horticulturist before the actual operation, different breeding methods are suitable for different situations and goals, choosing the most suitable method according to your needs can get the best results.

In addition to methods such as seed propagation, grafting, cuttings and splitting, there are some other slightly less common ways of kiwi propagation:

Air stratification is a method of promoting the growth of new roots on the mother plant, which involves wrapping a portion of the shoots of the mother plant in a moist culture medium, waiting for the new roots to grow, and then cutting them off and planting them into new plants.

Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

Tissue culture is a propagation method performed in a laboratory environment that often requires specialized equipment and techniques, which involves cultivating kiwi tissue (e.g., tissue blocks, stem tips) under sterile conditions to promote the growth of new plants.

Leaf propagation is a relatively uncommon method that involves burying the leaves of a kiwi in a culture medium and waiting for new plants to grow, a method that requires fine skill and environmental control.

Regardless of which propagation method you choose, you need to decide based on your level of experience, available resources, and goals, seed propagation may be a good starting point for beginners, while professional horticulturists may try more complex methods to ensure that the plant is kept healthy during the operation and select the appropriate culture medium according to the specific method, humidity, and light conditions.

Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

There are many benefits to eating kiwi, but there are also some contraindications and precautions to be aware of

Kiwi fruit is a good source of vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system, promote wound healing, fight free radicals and provide antioxidant protection, and the dietary fiber, vitamin K and vitamin E in kiwi fruit help maintain cardiovascular health, lower cholesterol levels, and control blood pressure.

Kiwi's dietary fiber can promote digestion, help prevent constipation, and maintain gut health, and vitamin K in kiwi fruit aids in calcium absorption and helps maintain bone health.

Kiwis contain antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress and protect cells from damage, and vitamin C is essential for skin health and collagen production to help keep skin elastic and radiant.

Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

Some people may be allergic to kiwi, manifested as oral itching, skin erythema, difficulty breathing and other symptoms, if you are allergic to certain fruits, it is best to consult a doctor before eating kiwi, the acidity of kiwi may cause gastrointestinal discomfort in some people, especially patients with excessive stomach acid or stomach ulcer, if you are prone to gastrointestinal discomfort, you can eat in moderation to avoid excessive irritation.

Some ingredients in kiwi may interact with medications, affecting the absorption or metabolism of the drugs, if you are taking medications, it is best to consult a doctor before consuming kiwi, the acidity of kiwis may have some effects on teeth, excessive consumption may damage tooth enamel, it can be consumed in moderation and pay attention to oral hygiene.

Some people may experience oral allergy symptoms, such as tingling in the mouth, itchy tongue, etc. after eating kiwi, this phenomenon is called "kiwi oral allergy", usually related to the acids in kiwifruit, if you have a similar reaction, you can consider modestly reducing the intake of kiwifruit.

Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

Kiwi fruit contains oxalic acid, although the content is not high, but high oxalic acid intake may lead to stone formation, if you have uric acid stones and other conditions, it is best to limit the intake, although kiwi fruit is rich in vitamins and nutrients, but should not be consumed excessively, too much kiwi may cause digestive discomfort, diarrhea or other uncomfortable symptoms.

Kiwi can be eaten alone, or with other fruits, yogurt, cereals, etc. to make a variety of delicious foods, according to your taste and needs, you can try different ways to match, choose ripe kiwi, the skin is slightly elastic, but not too soft and rotten, fresh kiwi will usually have a better taste and taste.

If you buy a lot of kiwi fruit, you can leave it at room temperature to allow it to continue ripening, and then refrigerate it once it is ripe to extend its shelf life.

Kiwi is a delicious, nutritious fruit that is a safe and healthy choice for many people, however, everyone's physique and health are different, and it is wise to eat it in moderation and adjust your intake according to your own situation.

Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?
Kiwi fruit, also known as kiwifruit, what characteristics and nutrition does it have?

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