
"May You Ten Thousand Lights Lights" Zhang Lan is a ruthless character? Abandoning her husband and giving up her career, but the reason is very poignant!

#电视剧许你万家灯火 #

Text/Luo Xiaoke

After chasing a few episodes of the industrial drama "May You Ten Thousand Lights" feel that it is on top, although it focuses on the inspirational struggle history of three generations of nuclear industry people, they are the pillars of the country, but they also have to make trade-offs between work and family, and they have worked tirelessly all the way to finally make their dreams blossom.

The performances of several young actors give people a sense of vitality, and the middle-aged powerhouses also interpret the truth and triviality mixed with ordinary fireworks.

Most of the men in the play are devoted to work, basically have no time to take care of the family, and the mothers shoulder the burden of life with flexible shoulders, but they are still optimistic and positive.

The male and female protagonists are both promising young people with dreams, and Zhang Lan, a seemingly inconspicuous little supporting role, is also a landscape that must be seen. What makes her unique is that she used to be willing to be a husband and a godson, but then she was always unable to let go of her anxiety, and finally abandoned her husband and daughter to pursue her dream to achieve her life ideals!

"May You Ten Thousand Lights Lights" Zhang Lan is a ruthless character? Abandoning her husband and giving up her career, but the reason is very poignant!

Compared with her husband Meng Zhiyuan, Zhang Lan's family is quite superior, she has a house and a car in Beijing, she had no worries about food and clothing in her childhood, her parents still have a pension in their hands, she is a tsundere little princess in the eyes of her family, she has excellent medical results in college, and has always been loved and spoiled.

Later, Zhang Lan and the nuclear power industry man Meng Zhiyuan met and met, fell in love with each other at first sight, began a high-sweet love journey, and also had beautiful youth memories and past, what he saw and met in front of him was romantic and beautiful, and marriage was the beginning of the real practice of life.

After getting married, Zhang Lan married and taught her son, followed Meng Zhiyuan all the way from the northwest to the place where she now settles, and the two husband and wife are extremely loving and harmonious, and they also gave birth to a cute and cute daughter.

But the vicinity of the nuclear power plant is desolate and remote, and the traffic is very inconvenient, all muddy roads and even buses can't drive in, and the material conditions are completely incomparable with the bustling capital.

Even though the days were so hard and bitter, Zhang Lan did not complain and dissatisfaction at first, but understood the importance and special of her husband's work, and was a veritable benevolent helper.

Marriage is day-to-day firewood, rice, oil and salt, which is completely different from the wind and snow of love, and making money, spending money and saving money is a daily cycle. Originally, you thought that your partner would be able to shield you from the wind and rain, but you didn't expect that the other party had already become accustomed to it and took all this for granted.

"May You Ten Thousand Lights Lights" Zhang Lan is a ruthless character? Abandoning her husband and giving up her career, but the reason is very poignant!

This is the feeling and cognition brought about by the different perspectives of each other, and people are always used to standing in their own position and presupposing the thoughts of others.

Marriage is a combination of cooperation and interests, and both parties should provide corresponding values in order to go on for a long time, and there is never a senseless comfort and enjoyment.

Just like the peerless good man Lin Jiaming, although he is very busy at work, he still takes care of his wife's feelings as much as he can, unlike Meng Zhiyuan, who is selfish, completely cares about himself and ignores his partner, and does not go home all day long.

"May You Ten Thousand Lights Lights" Zhang Lan is a ruthless character? Abandoning her husband and giving up her career, but the reason is very poignant!

Knowing that his daughter Meng Xiaowei had a high fever, Meng Zhiyuan still couldn't pull his face to ask for leave, and his wife Zhang Lan was also staying at home waiting for him to take care of him, but he chose to eat and drink with his colleagues, and he was unwilling to spend time and energy for the family, and when he came back, he was covered in muddy clothes.

After experiencing all kinds of losses, Zhang Lan felt unbalanced in her heart, she always felt that she had no personal value and sense of existence in the marriage relationship, and the other party always put the family at the end, and also implemented machismo to the end.

So, after several painful struggles, Zhang Lan finally let go of everything, she wanted to pursue her career and dreams, and she no longer wanted to be a "stepping stone" on the other party's advancement path, but tried to live as she liked.

Later, Zhang Lan was ready to further her studies, and she planned to have a "farewell", but Meng Zhiyuan's attitude was refusal, he thought that as long as she went abroad, she wanted to divorce.

In this marriage model of strong men and weak women, Meng Zhiyuan never saw Zhang Lan's brilliance, only felt that he was powerful and excellent, and could not accept his wife's dazzling and outstanding appearance, and the two finally broke up.

"May You Ten Thousand Lights Lights" Zhang Lan is a ruthless character? Abandoning her husband and giving up her career, but the reason is very poignant!

A good marriage allows you to see the beauty of the world, not to make you feel as if you have lost the world, confined to the kitchen and love day and night.

After all, a highly educated intellectual wants a marriage relationship that is not only as simple as firewood, rice, oil and salt, but also a spiritual fit and appreciation.

Dear friends, what do you think of Zheng Yecheng, Li Randi, Liu Yuanlin and other major TV series "May You Ten Thousand Lights Shine"? Welcome to leave a message!

Author: Luo Xiaoke, a member of Shenzhen Writers Association, obsessed with all kinds of film reviews, drama reviews, essays, novels, etc. Don't forget your original intention.

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