
Disgusting food in the world - delicious Cambodian snack fried tarantula

author:Disgusting cuisine
Disgusting food in the world - delicious Cambodian snack fried tarantula

Fried tarantula, the accurate statement should be fried tarantula, this thing does not say that foreigners feel disgusted, I am afraid that many Chinese are difficult to accept. However, fried tarantulas are a delicacy that Cambodians can never get enough of.

Disgusting food in the world - delicious Cambodian snack fried tarantula

It is said that decades ago, local residents stumbled upon this "very tasty thing" during the war escape and invented a special cooking method to eat as much as they want. This tarantula is accompanied by spices such as garlic and salt, and then fried thoroughly in boiling oil, it will immediately become crispy and delicious, becoming a "supreme delicacy", and only by "wood fire and pan frying" can it maintain its fresh flavor. The processed fried tarantula is black and red in color, breaded with a crispy hard shell, and inside is tender and juicy fresh meat, which has become the most famous folk snack in Cambodia, so that many outsiders have brought many of these "treasures" home to taste slowly after rushing to Skun or passing by Skun. Many Phnom Penh residents who like this delicacy also regularly visit Skun to buy fresh tarantulas. Many drivers who travel between Phnom Penh and Skun like to refresh themselves with this "greasy snack" during long journeys. They believe that tarantulas here are more fragrant than insects such as grasshoppers and crickets.

Disgusting food in the world - delicious Cambodian snack fried tarantula

This tarantula can not only satisfy the human stomach and mouth, but also can be used to treat back pain and children's respiratory diseases, so the local people soak the tarantula in wine as a medicine. It is said that each bottle of tarantula wine sells for more than $2.

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