
China's 10,000-ton drive was dispatched, 700 PLA troops rushed to Cambodia, and the United States and the Philippines smelled an unusual signal

author:Thinking Navigation Station

On May 16, the "Golden Dragon-2024" joint military exercise jointly organized by China and Cambodia was grandly opened at a training base of the Royal Cambodian Army.

The theme of the exercise focused on "joint counter-terrorism operations and humanitarian relief", and through carefully organized actual combat exercises in both land and sea directions, the strong strength and high tacit understanding of the two militaries in coordinated operations and crisis response were comprehensively demonstrated.

China's 10,000-ton drive was dispatched, 700 PLA troops rushed to Cambodia, and the United States and the Philippines smelled an unusual signal

The exercise was set up in a variety of topics, covering a number of actual combat scenarios, such as rescuing hostages in urban blocks, encircling and destroying camps in mountainous areas, and counter-hijacking at sea.

Through these highly targeted trainings, the two militaries aim to enhance their ability to respond quickly and coordinate operations in complex environments.

At the same time, the exercise also focused on strengthening exchanges and communication between the militaries of the two countries in order to enhance mutual understanding and trust and lay a solid foundation for possible cooperation in the future.

It is worth mentioning that the "Golden Dragon" series of joint military exercises has become a routine cooperation project between the two militaries of China and Cambodia.

This important mechanism will not only help consolidate and develop the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and Cambodia, but will also enhance political mutual trust between the two sides and further expand exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in the military field.

So far, the "Golden Dragon" series of exercises have been successfully held five times, and each time it has achieved fruitful results and far-reaching impact.

At a press conference on the "Golden Dragon-2024" joint military exercise, the spokesman of the Royal Cambodian Army Command Tang Su Limo made it clear that the unprecedented scale of the joint military exercise will last 15 days and will be carried out in two exercise areas in Kampong Chhnang and Sihanoukville provinces.

It is expected that more than 1,300 Cambodian officers and soldiers and more than 700 Chinese People's Liberation Army officers and soldiers will participate in the exercise and work together to complete various tasks.

Tang Sulimo also specifically emphasized the strong equipment and efficient deployment capability of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, especially the "Qilianshan" amphibious landing ship carrying a large number of armored vehicles and other heavy equipment to quickly cross the South China Sea and complete the feat of strategic deployment in just three days, fully demonstrating the combat readiness and rapid response capability of the Chinese army.

China's 10,000-ton drive was dispatched, 700 PLA troops rushed to Cambodia, and the United States and the Philippines smelled an unusual signal

He further elaborated that the China-Cambodia joint military exercise is not aimed at any third country, and it is not intended to pose any form of threat to other countries.

On the contrary, it is a friendly exercise aimed at enhancing the ability of the two militaries to cooperate and strengthen military exchanges and cooperation.

Through such activities, China and Cambodia can further enhance mutual understanding and trust and jointly contribute to the maintenance of regional peace and stability.

Not long ago, the Chinese Navy's Type 071 amphibious landing ship "Qilianshan" successfully arrived at the port of Sihanoukville in Cambodia, adding a strong touch to the upcoming joint military exercises.

The huge ship, with a displacement of up to 25,000 tons, was warmly welcomed and highly praised by the Cambodian military.

According to the Cambodian side, the visit of the "Qilianshan" not only added strong support to the exercise, but also symbolized the further deepening and expansion of military cooperation between China and Cambodia.

This follows an important visit by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi to Cambodia.

This visit not only further consolidated the traditional friendship between China and Cambodia, but also laid a solid political foundation for the upcoming joint military exercises.

During the visit, Wang Yi made it clear that no matter how the international situation changes, China will always be Cambodia's most reliable development partner and the most solid backing.

The two sides also reached important consensus on the South China Sea issue, agreeing to fully implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and actively promote negotiations on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, with a view to reaching a consensus at an early date and jointly safeguarding peace and stability in the South China Sea.

China's 10,000-ton drive was dispatched, 700 PLA troops rushed to Cambodia, and the United States and the Philippines smelled an unusual signal

However, the current situation in the South China Sea remains tense and complex. In particular, the Philippines, with the support of the United States, has frequently carried out provocative activities in sensitive waters such as Ren'ai Jiao in the South China Sea in an attempt to infringe on China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Despite China's repeated solemn warnings and necessary countermeasures, the Philippines has continued to go its own way and remain unrepentant. Such blatant and provocative acts have not only seriously undermined peace and stability in the South China Sea, but also had an extremely negative impact on China-Philippines relations.

What merits vigilance is that since Marcos took office, the Philippine government has turned to the United States in an all-round way and has continuously strengthened military cooperation and political collusion with the United States.

Not only have they allowed the United States to build additional military bases within its borders, strengthen its military presence and intervene in the South China Sea;

It also tries to use the power of the United States to suppress and contain China's development and growth.

However, this kind of practice that harms others and does not benefit oneself has not been supported and recognized by ASEAN countries.

On the contrary, more and more ASEAN countries have begun to see the true face and sinister intentions of the Philippines, and have chosen to side with China to jointly maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

China's 10,000-ton drive was dispatched, 700 PLA troops rushed to Cambodia, and the United States and the Philippines smelled an unusual signal

In this context, the holding of the "Golden Dragon-2024" China-Cambodia joint military exercise has more far-reaching significance.

It not only demonstrated to the outside world the strong strength and high tacit understanding between the Chinese and Cambodian armies;

It also makes those countries that seek to provoke and infringe on China's sovereignty in the South China Sea recognize the reality and give up their illusions.

Through this exercise, we have sent a clear and firm signal: any attempt to infringe on China's sovereignty and territorial integrity will be severely cracked down on and resolutely retaliated!

At the same time, the "Golden Dragon-2024" joint military exercise also provides a valuable platform for exchanges and cooperation between the Chinese and Cambodian militaries.

Through this exercise, the two sides will be able to further enhance understanding, strengthen mutual trust, and lay a solid foundation for possible future cooperation.

We believe that with the joint efforts of both sides, the "Golden Dragon" series of joint military exercises will continue to play an important role in maintaining regional peace and stability.

In addition, the Golden Dragon-2024 joint military exercise also demonstrated the determination and ability of the Chinese military to prepare for war.

In recent years, the Chinese armed forces have continuously promoted actual combat training, strengthened combat readiness, and enhanced their ability to win wars.

China's 10,000-ton drive was dispatched, 700 PLA troops rushed to Cambodia, and the United States and the Philippines smelled an unusual signal

During the exercise, the appearance and efficient deployment of advanced weapons and equipment such as the "Qilianshan" amphibious landing ship fully demonstrated the modernization level and rapid response capability of the Chinese armed forces.

This not only provides strong support for safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, but also injects strong impetus into the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

In short, the "Golden Dragon-2024" China-Cambodia joint military exercise is a friendly exchange activity of far-reaching significance.

It not only consolidates the traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and Cambodia; It also demonstrated to the outside world the strong strength and high tacit understanding of the two armies in coordinating operations and responding to crises.

Through this exercise, we have sent a clear and firm signal: any attempt to infringe on China's sovereignty and territorial integrity will be severely cracked down on and resolutely retaliated!

At the same time, we also look forward to the continued deepening and expansion of exchanges and cooperation between China and Cambodia in the military field in the future, and jointly contribute to the maintenance of regional peace and stability.

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