
Today, the farce of the South China Sea is staged! Who exactly is joking with the International?

author:Thinking Navigation Station

Today, the South China Sea is once again in the international spotlight, but this time not because of geopolitical tensions, but because of an absurd farce.

The protagonist of this farce is none other than the Philippines, which has frequently caused incidents on the international stage in recent years.

Today, the farce of the South China Sea is staged! Who exactly is joking with the International?

We must make it clear that this so-called "storming of Scarborough Shoal" is not only a blatant provocation against China's sovereignty, but also an irresponsible political show.

The Philippines claims to organize large-scale fishing boats to storm Scarborough Shoal in an attempt to assert its so-called sovereignty.

However, this absurd behavior not only fails to change the fact that Scarborough Shoal belongs to China, but also exposes the naivety and ignorance of the Philippine government in handling international disputes.

On the morning of May 16, when the Filipino boats, carrying a wide range of journalists, observers and volunteers, arrived about 60 nautical miles east of Scarborough Shoal, people could not help but be surprised by how dilapidated the boats were.

The ships are simply unbelievably dilapidated, as if a slightly stronger sea breeze could blow them over.

It is hard to imagine that such a vessel would dare to venture out to sea, let alone carry out fishing operations in the open sea.

Seeing these dilapidated fishing boats, we can't help but worry about the safety of Filipino fishermen.

To operate at sea on such a vessel is undoubtedly a joke on one's own life.

At the same time, we are outraged by the recklessness of the Philippine government.

Not only do they disregard the lives of fishermen, but they also try to create international disputes in this way, which is simply ridiculous.

Even more alarming is the fact that these fishing boats are likely to capsize in the face of slightly larger waves, let alone withstand a possible standoff.

Today, the farce of the South China Sea is staged! Who exactly is joking with the International?

Such extreme risk-taking behavior is not only irresponsible for the safety of fishermen's lives, but also irresponsible for international relations.

There is reason to wonder whether the Philippine government really cares about the lives of its fishermen, or whether they are simply using them as political bargaining chips for their ulterior purposes.

This farce is also reflected in the contradictions and hypocrisy of the Philippine side.

On the one hand, they have made high-profile announcements about their invasion of Scarborough Shoal in an attempt to demonstrate their "sovereignty" over the disputed area.

On the other hand, in the face of the resolute countermeasures of the Chinese coast guard, they quickly retreated, showing extreme cowardice and timidity.

This inconsistency not only calls into question the government's decision-making capabilities, but also makes its hypocrisy clear.

The Chinese government has repeatedly stated its position on the provocative actions of the Philippines: Scarborough Shoal is China's inherent territory, and China has indisputable sovereignty over it.

The Chinese government has been managing and supervising the fishing activities of Filipino fishermen in the waters near Scarborough Shoal in accordance with the law, and has made goodwill arrangements on this basis.

However, if the Philippine side abuses China's goodwill and infringes upon China's territorial sovereignty and jurisdiction, the Chinese government will resolutely take countermeasures to protect its rights, and the Philippine side will bear all the responsibilities and consequences arising therefrom.

Today, the farce of the South China Sea is staged! Who exactly is joking with the International?

It is worth noting that in this farce, the timely intervention and resolute countermeasures of the China Coast Guard played a crucial role.

According to reports, the Chinese Coast Guard conducted relevant drills before the incident and took effective measures at critical moments to successfully stop the illegal intrusion of Philippine vessels.

This action not only demonstrates the CCG's efficient response capability and professionalism, but also sends a clear signal to the international community that China is determined to safeguard national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

In addition, we should also see the deep-seated issues behind this farce.

As a developing country, the Philippines has dilapidated fishing boats and low per capita income, highlighting the arduousness of its development tasks.

However, this does not mean that they can use this as a pretext to violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries.

Today, the farce of the South China Sea is staged! Who exactly is joking with the International?

On the contrary, they should pay more attention to their own development issues and resolve international disputes through peaceful dialogue and consultation, rather than taking such absurd and irresponsible actions.

At the same time, we should also be aware of the contradictions and complexities in the Philippine government's handling of international affairs.

On the one hand, they try to defend their own interests through heavy-handed means; On the other hand, they tend to show a retreat and compromise attitude when facing strong opponents.

Such contradictions and complexities not only reflect the immaturity and instability of the Philippine government in international affairs, but also pose a potential threat to regional peace and stability.

To sum up, this farce in the South China Sea is not only an absurd political show, but also exposes the ignorance and irresponsibility of the Philippine government in handling international disputes.

We should resolutely oppose any form of infringement on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries, and call on the international community to work together to safeguard regional peace and stability.

Today, the farce of the South China Sea is staged! Who exactly is joking with the International?

At the same time, we also hope that the Philippine Government will have a clear understanding of the situation, abandon illusions, resolve disputes with neighboring countries through peaceful dialogue and consultation, and contribute to the prosperity and development of the region.

At the end of this farce, we can't help but ponder a deeper question: Why does the Philippines frequently cause trouble on the international stage?

Is there some kind of complex entanglement of political and economic interests behind this?

Perhaps, only by understanding the root causes of these problems can we find solutions and avoid similar farces from happening again.

Finally, we would like to stress that China, as a responsible major country, has always been committed to maintaining regional peace and stability.

We are willing to resolve disputes through dialogue and consultation with neighboring countries and jointly promote regional prosperity and development.

However, we will also resolutely counter any infringement of China's sovereignty and territorial integrity to safeguard China's core interests.

It is hoped that the Philippine government will have a clear understanding of the situation, return to rationality, and contribute to regional peace and stability.

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