
The second day of the Cambodian First Lady's visit to South Korea is even more beautiful! The bubble show skirt is amazing, and it is more durable than Jin Jianxi

author:Ma Tuan tells stories
The second day of the Cambodian First Lady's visit to South Korea is even more beautiful! The bubble show skirt is amazing, and it is more durable than Jin Jianxi

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Text: Ma Tuan tells a story

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Recently, Cambodia's first lady Busuriki won wide attention with her unique fashion taste and elegant temperament during her visit to South Korea. Especially on the second day of her visit to South Korea, she appeared in a beautiful bubble show dress, which amazed the audience, and was praised as more attractive than South Korea's first lady Kim Jianxi.

The second day of the Cambodian First Lady's visit to South Korea is even more beautiful! The bubble show skirt is amazing, and it is more durable than Jin Jianxi

On that day, Busuliji was dressed in an elegant bubble show dress, with a light and flowing skirt, like a fairy descending to earth. The design of the dress is a clever blend of traditional and modern elements, reflecting both the charm of traditional Cambodian culture and the essence of modern fashion. Her outfit not only highlights her elegance, but also shows her unique understanding and taste for fashion.

The second day of the Cambodian First Lady's visit to South Korea is even more beautiful! The bubble show skirt is amazing, and it is more durable than Jin Jianxi

During the visit, Busuliji had a cordial exchange with the First Lady of the Republic of Korea, Kim Keon-hee. The two first ladies have different tastes in fashion, but they both have their own unique charms. Kim Keon-hee is known for his capable image and fashionable style of dressing, while Busuliji has won praise for his elegant temperament and refined taste.

The second day of the Cambodian First Lady's visit to South Korea is even more beautiful! The bubble show skirt is amazing, and it is more durable than Jin Jianxi

Busurigi's fashion taste is not only reflected in her outfits, but also in her attention to detail. Whether it's earrings, bracelets or shoes, she can carefully select them to complement the overall look. This attention to detail makes her impress in every appearance.

The second day of the Cambodian First Lady's visit to South Korea is even more beautiful! The bubble show skirt is amazing, and it is more durable than Jin Jianxi

Compared to Kim Keon-hee, Busuliji's fashion style focuses more on elegance and sophistication. Her outfits often give people a fresh and refined feeling, and people can't help but fall in love with it. Kim Jianxi, on the other hand, pays more attention to fashion and modernity, and her style is more avant-garde and bold. The different styles of the two first ladies in terms of fashion have added a touch of color to the cultural exchange between the two countries.

The second day of the Cambodian First Lady's visit to South Korea is even more beautiful! The bubble show skirt is amazing, and it is more durable than Jin Jianxi

Busuliji's fashion taste and elegant temperament have not only won the appreciation of the Korean people, but also established a good image for Cambodia on the international stage. Every appearance of her represents Cambodia's cultural heritage and fashion charm, so that more people have a strong interest and good impression of Cambodia.

The second day of the Cambodian First Lady's visit to South Korea is even more beautiful! The bubble show skirt is amazing, and it is more durable than Jin Jianxi

In addition to her fashion sense, Busulligi also showed her intelligence and talent during her visit. She actively participated in various activities and had in-depth exchanges and discussions with people from all walks of life in Korea. The confidence and calmness revealed in her speech and demeanor make people feel her style and charm as the first lady.

The second day of the Cambodian First Lady's visit to South Korea is even more beautiful! The bubble show skirt is amazing, and it is more durable than Jin Jianxi

This visit not only strengthened the friendly relations between Cambodia and the Republic of Korea, but also provided new opportunities for exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in the fields of fashion and culture. Busuligi's fashion taste and elegance have become a beautiful landscape of cultural exchanges between the two countries.

The second day of the Cambodian First Lady's visit to South Korea is even more beautiful! The bubble show skirt is amazing, and it is more durable than Jin Jianxi

Overall, Cambodia's first lady, Busurika, had a perfect fashion performance during her visit to South Korea. Her bubble show dress amazed the audience, showing her elegance and refined taste. At the same time, her wisdom and talent have also won her more praise and respect. I believe that in the days to come, Busurij will continue to add more luster to Cambodia on the international stage with her unique charm.

The second day of the Cambodian First Lady's visit to South Korea is even more beautiful! The bubble show skirt is amazing, and it is more durable than Jin Jianxi

This visit has undoubtedly further promoted friendly relations and cultural exchanges between Cambodia and the ROK. We look forward to deepening cooperation between the two countries in the future and jointly promoting the prosperity and development of the Asian region. At the same time, we also hope that Busuligi will continue to show her elegance and fashion taste, and inject more vitality and charm into the cultural exchanges between the two countries."

The second day of the Cambodian First Lady's visit to South Korea is even more beautiful! The bubble show skirt is amazing, and it is more durable than Jin Jianxi

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The second day of the Cambodian First Lady's visit to South Korea is even more beautiful! The bubble show skirt is amazing, and it is more durable than Jin Jianxi

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