
Birthmarks leave your baby with regrets throughout his life, doctor: prevent birthmarks during pregnancy

The child has a birthmark on the body, and the older generation says that it is a mark made by God before reincarnation, so that the child can be found after reincarnation.

But this is always a joke, science is still rigorous, we found that some children will have some different shapes or colors of birthmarks in different parts of the body after birth.

Some are small black spots, some are brown spots, and some children will even have a large green spot.

Birthmarks leave your baby with regrets throughout his life, doctor: prevent birthmarks during pregnancy

If the birthmark grows on the child's face, it will have a great impact on the child's appearance, and it is good to grow in a hidden place, so for the problem of birthmark, mothers also need to snack.

Why is a child born with such a birthmark? A birthmark that grows on the face will have an impact on a child's entire life. How can a mother take care during pregnancy to prevent her child from staying away from birthmarks?

What is a birthmark?

First of all, let's understand what a birthmark is. Birthmarks are generally traces of blood vessels or pigments caused by abnormal congenital development of babies, which are affected by innate genes, and the birthmark is determined by genes.

However, not all birthmarks are innate, and more are related to the mother's behavior during pregnancy, generally after birth, and some babies will gradually appear after a few months of life.

What are the main causes of birthmark formation?

In addition to the innate genetic genes, after all, the birthmark determined by the innate genetic genes is difficult for pregnant mothers to avoid.

But you need to know which behaviors during pregnancy have an impact on birthmarks, the main reason is the mother's behavior during pregnancy:

Birthmarks leave your baby with regrets throughout his life, doctor: prevent birthmarks during pregnancy

1. Pregnant mothers should not eat properly

Pregnant women should pay more attention to the diet during pregnancy, less oil and less salt, light and less spicy, and eat less spicy or cold food. These can all lead to abnormal fetal development.

However, some pregnant women have no taboos at all during pregnancy, or according to their own dietary wishes, especially like to eat some heavy food.

Heavy oil and heavy spicy hormones in the body caused a lot of stimulation, hormone disorders will lead to pigment precipitation, in the baby's development stage will become difficult to disappear the birthmark.

2. Pregnant mothers wear heavy makeup during pregnancy

The use of cosmetics by pregnant mothers during pregnancy can also cause some effects on the fetus. Blood vessels during pregnancy are open, and too many cosmetics contain chemicals such as fluorescent agents, heavy metals, and preservatives.

Chemical components with blood vessels and pores into the fetus, regular use will make these substances accumulate and difficult to disperse, increase the precipitation of pigment, birthmark is likely to find the baby.

Birthmarks leave your baby with regrets throughout his life, doctor: prevent birthmarks during pregnancy

3. Being hit during pregnancy

If the stomach is hit during pregnancy, it is also easy to cause vascular pigmentation, which is likely to produce birthmarks. Therefore, pregnant mothers should pay attention to the intensity of activities during pregnancy and avoid sharp table corners to avoid the danger of hitting the abdomen.

4. Irregular work and rest during pregnancy

Like we usually stay up late to sleep, will produce stains, not to mention the pregnant mothers, staying up late during pregnancy not only hurts their own bodies.

It also allows the fetus to suffer with the crime, which will affect the child's resistance and immunity, and it is difficult to resist the attack of pigmentation, and the birthmark will accompany the birth of the child.

In order not to leave the baby with regrets, pay attention to protection during pregnancy to reduce the chance of birthmarks of the baby

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables during pregnancy and eat a light diet. The moisture of fruits and vegetables will make your baby's skin whiter and brighter, and it can also deeply discharge the body's toxins.

2. Drink dairy products appropriately. Milk can not only whiten the skin but also increase the calcium content of the pregnant woman's body, which is conducive to enhancing the physique and improving the child's resistance and immunity.

3. Pay attention to rest and regular work and rest. Going to bed early and getting up early and maintaining a good mental state is the key to ensuring the healthy development of your baby.

4. Keep away from radiation and try to avoid heavy makeup. Reduce the stimulation and effect of chemicals on your baby so that too much sediment can cause your baby to develop abnormally.

The process of pregnancy is arduous, mothers must pay more attention, for the health of the baby in the belly, I hope that every mother can better protect them.

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