
Why does your baby's height and intelligence continue to decline? "Hidden hunger" is the culprit, parents do not ignore

Why does your baby's height and intelligence continue to decline? "Hidden hunger" is the culprit, parents do not ignore

The current standard of living is gradually improving, and children can eat whatever they want. Unlike when we were young, we only ate food that we couldn't normally eat in the New Year. Even in the cold winter, you can eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Although the living conditions are getting better and better, some babies will still experience malnutrition.

The neighbor's baby is just 9 years old, white and fat, and looks particularly cute. Some time ago, when parents took their children for physical examination, they found that the children had symptoms of anemia. Parents are very surprised, how can such a fat baby be anemic?

Bao Mom usually makes food for her children, which is arranged according to his favorite taste. The baby can usually eat and sleep, and does not see any abnormalities.

Why does your baby's height and intelligence continue to decline? "Hidden hunger" is the culprit, parents do not ignore

It turns out that this child usually likes to eat fried food, although the fresh fruits and vegetables at home are continuous, but the child rarely eats. Under normal circumstances, neighbors will cook food for the baby according to the requirements of the child, and the child likes to eat kebabs and fried chicken. The mother will be satisfied and will make it for the child by hand. Although it looks like the baby's body is very fat, but the physique is very poor, often colds on weekdays, immunity is very low.

That is to say, the more the child eats, the fatter the body is, parents should arrange a reasonable diet for the baby, so as to achieve nutritional balance. Otherwise, hidden hunger may occur.

Hidden hunger is the lack of minerals or vitamins in the body's nutritional disorders, resulting in insufficient nutritional needs of the body, as if in a state of hunger.

Why does your baby's height and intelligence continue to decline? "Hidden hunger" is the culprit, parents do not ignore

If the child has both conditions, it means that he is in a state of introduction of hunger.

1. The baby is partial to food, picky eater, unreasonable diet, nutritional disorders

Why does your baby's height and intelligence continue to decline? "Hidden hunger" is the culprit, parents do not ignore

Now the child is not lacking in the most delicious, may be the snacks at home continuously, the baby eats too many snacks on weekdays, and when it is time to eat, he does not like to eat dinner. If parents find that their children are very picky eaters, such as not eating fresh vegetables and fruits, preferring fried snacks or sweets. Snacks are basically rich in high fat and sugar. Babies eat too many snacks and will lack the protein they need to grow up.

Why does your baby's height and intelligence continue to decline? "Hidden hunger" is the culprit, parents do not ignore

Although it seems to eat a lot, but the nutrient content is low, eating too much will naturally affect the growth and development of children. Babies are partial to food, picky eaters, parents should pay attention.

2. The baby has poor immunity and is often sick

In life, we will find that some babies have repeated colds, and they will also have inflammation in the corners of their eyes, mouth sores, etc. The baby's lack of vitamins is easy to find such symptoms, parents should take their children to check in time.

Hidden hunger does not mean hunger, some people are very fat, but nutrition is not enough, the human body lacks which kind of nutrition is not up to standard.

Why does your baby's height and intelligence continue to decline? "Hidden hunger" is the culprit, parents do not ignore

My cousin looks tall and fat, and we often joke that he is too able to eat on weekdays, and he is overnourished to eat fat. In fact, it is not so, some time ago he needed to do a minimally invasive small operation on the stomach, after the preoperative examination, it was an anemia, nutrition was not up to standard, and it took ten days in the hospital to meet the standard and successfully completed the operation.

The cousin sighed that he usually thought that all the indicators of his body could be, but he did not expect to be anemic, which was closely related to unbalanced diet.

One set of data shows that about 2 billion people worldwide are in a state of hidden hunger. There are nearly 300 million people on the mainland, a surprising number, a large proportion of adolescents and children in the stage of physical development.

Why does your baby's height and intelligence continue to decline? "Hidden hunger" is the culprit, parents do not ignore

Hidden hunger has a big impact on a child's health

Babies are chronically starved, which has a negative impact on their health. Like a neighbor's baby, there may be anemia, malnutrition, etc.

Why does your baby's height and intelligence continue to decline? "Hidden hunger" is the culprit, parents do not ignore

Your child is a critical stage of growth and development, and it may also affect your baby's height. Attention should be paid to a balanced diet and increase nutrition so that the baby can grow up healthily. Parents should do a good job of reasonable control, do not let the baby eat too many fried foods and other snacks.

If your baby is in a state of hidden hunger for a long time, the lack of balanced nutrition will naturally have a negative impact on brain development. From birth to the age of six or seven, the brain can gradually develop and perfect, and hidden hunger will directly affect the child's intellectual development.

Why does your baby's height and intelligence continue to decline? "Hidden hunger" is the culprit, parents do not ignore

How to get away from hidden hunger and grow up healthy

First, supplement balanced nutrition

Many mothers pay more attention to the fine feeding of their children, but they should not be too fine, and they should be diversified from an early age. For example, the meat and vegetarian combination is reasonable, you can give the baby to eat some grains, as well as seasonal fruits and vegetables, so that the baby can ingest more comprehensive ingredients, in order to be large enough to be nutritionally balanced.

Why does your baby's height and intelligence continue to decline? "Hidden hunger" is the culprit, parents do not ignore

Second, give your child less snacks

We went to the snack area of the supermarket, we can see a variety of snacks, the taste is also particularly rich, can not be eaten by the baby's willfulness, moderate.

Parents should give their children less fried foods, such as desserts, and ingredients that are too fat-rich, and eating too much will affect the baby's growth, development and health.

Why does your baby's height and intelligence continue to decline? "Hidden hunger" is the culprit, parents do not ignore

Third, establish good habits

Parents should help them develop good eating habits according to the baby's own situation, and usually arrange more sports to take the baby to exercise together. Going to bed early and getting up early every day, ensuring adequate sleep, and establishing good habits all contribute to the healthy growth of children.

In the early hours of the morning, mom came to nag:

Parents should correct their children's bad habits, stay away from hidden hunger, and then give positive guidance. In the right way, help children develop good eating habits and work and rest habits, and grow up healthy and happy.

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